Online Courses & Webinars

This page contains a list of selected online courses, events, and programs devoted to personal and spiritual growth. The selection also includes a large number of free webinars. I hope you will check some of them out and let me know which ones you liked most in the comments at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links – i.e. if you make a purchase through some of the links, you will help me to earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!
If you’d like to learn more about affiliate marketing, e.g. how to earn extra income from blogging and promoting products you like and would recommend to others, see my article Earn Online by Blogging.
Natural Healing & Maintaining Health
The Shift Network is a transformative educational company with the mission to help everyone achieve their full potential.
Featuring the world’s top spiritual teachers and holistic health experts, The Shift Network offers hundreds of courses on diverse subjects, including energy healing, yoga, Qigong, plant medicine, shamanism, and more.
Visit The Shift Network for even more courses and webinars.
Sounds True is a multimedia publishing company with the mission to help everyone live a balanced, joyful, and meaningful life through their transformational programs. Amongst their authors are Eckhart Tolle, Donna Eden, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, or Marianne Williamson.
40 energy healers teach you how to harness and master the flow of energy to achieve health, wealth, and harmony in every aspect of your life. Discover your innate ability to heal pain, reverse illness, create abundance and prosperity, and find lasting happiness through energy healing.
During the Energy Healing Summit, you will be able to explore energy healing in its many forms by learning from 30 of today’s leading experts in this field, including the world’s leading energy healers.
You will learn about their teachings, transmissions, and the newest science. The speakers include Donna Eden, Caroline Myss, Dr. Judith Orloff, Cyndi Dale, Dr. Daniel Benor, Dr. Gary Schwartz and many more. Hosted by Sounds True.
- Find out more about The Energy Healing Summit
- Visit the whole Online Learning section for more courses and summits
- See Events and Trainings by Sounds True
Mindfulness & Meditation
Online Course with Free Trial
Have you ever heard that meditation can offer rest that’s five times deeper than sleep? When you make time to meditate every day, you’ll become more productive than if you took a nap or had a cup of coffee.
A leading expert in meditation for high performance, Emily Fletcher, created Ziva Online meditation course for people with busy lives.
In her 15-day training, Emily teaches a powerful combination of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Manifesting to improve your personal and professional performance, clarity, health, and sleep. You’ll learn how to cultivate Mindfulness through brief but powerful exercises that will help you stop wasting time stressing. Plus, you’ll get Manifesting tools to help you get crystal clear on your personal and professional goals for the future.
“We meditate to get good at life, not to get good at meditation.”—Emily Fletcher
Ziva blows all other meditation trainings away.
Personal Development & Success
Personal and Professional Development Programs and Live Events
The entrepreneur and philanthropist Tony Robbins is often referred to as ‘personal and professional development guru’. He has empowered millions of people through his training programs and live events. He created many personal and professional development programs, and more than 4 million people have attended his live seminars.
You can visit his website and check his personal and professional development programs here: https://naturegrooves.com/tony-robbins-programs.
Free Masterclass
The renowned British psychotherapist Marisa Peer has developed a unique method which is partially based on hypnotherapy, and which can ‘rewire’ your mind so you can be free you from old patterns of negative thinking and self-sabotage. I really like Marisa Peer, and not just because she’s worked with rockstars..!
Marisa’s work revolves around the following three points:
1) The main cause of all our emotional issues is that we don’t feel good enough – e.g. smart enough, wealthy enough, pretty, or talented enough…in short: We don’t feel we are enough.
2) The main driving force of depression are the harsh and hurtful words we tend to say to ourselves.
3) Your own praise is more important and effective than praise from any other person.
The primary aim of Marisa Peer’s work is to help us fully implement the belief that we are enough. Under her guidance, a large number of people have experienced deep and lasting healing from the grip of their subconscious mind, negative psychological patterns, and limiting beliefs.
If you’d like to learn more about her method, you can watch her free masterclass.
Online Business Tools
by WEALTHY AFFILIATE – Platform for Online Marketers
10 Free Lessons on How to Start an Online Business
Wealthy Affiliate is a cool learning platform I am a proud member of, and which I would recommend to anyone who would like to learn about earning extra income online. I have included their free course ‘Online Entrepreneur Certification’ here because it has helped me build my website, start and maintain my online business, and become a part of a trustworthy community of fellow internet marketers, who are always happy to offer advice and guidance.
That’s why I’d love to introduce this friendly and honest marketing platform to everyone who is thinking about working from home, including stay-at-home parents and people who have retired and who would like to earn some money by writing about their interests.
Give the ‘Getting Started’ Module a Try
I highly recommend trying the first 10 lessons for free. The training will give you the necessary knowledge needed to start your own online business, and learn about affiliate marketing. You don’t even have to use your credit card details to get access to this module – signing up is completely non-obligatory.
You can also check my article Working from Home Opportunities, where I explain what affiliate marketing is in more detail, and compare it to the rather infamous MLM schemes. (In the article I’m also describing my rather unpleasant experience with MLM scheme.)
Good luck with everything and please let me know your thoughts in the comments below! I’ll be more than happy to answer any of your questions.

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“I have tried other meditations. They served me well. I’ve also done Headspace and have taken a meditation course from a monk. But I felt the need to write and tell you: Ziva blows them ALL away.”
Chip Franks, CEO, JoeVolunteer
I slept through the night for the first time in 20 years after taking the Ziva course.
Hee Sun-woo, CEO, Hire Records
It’s like a shot of espresso without the anxious jitters and the crash.
“Before Ziva, my blood pressure was 120/80, now it is consistently 90/60. I notice a huge energy boost about 45 minutes after I finish meditating. It’s like a shot of espresso without the anxious jitters and the crash. I now have the ability to complete complex problems and projects calmly and with more imagination, creativity and a greater ability to focus on and prioritize projects and problems. I now have “more time” even though the work hours are the same because I have less anxiety.”
Eric Stanton, Financial Tech
If I could prescribe ONE thing to every single patient who walks in my door it would be: Learn meditation.
“It will change your life. It literally re-wires the brain, calms the nervous system, and creates new neural pathways. Meditation has been shown on MRIs (see Harvard study) to shrink the amygdala, the part of the brain that “lights up” during the stress response. Meditation lowers stress hormones like adrenaline & cortisol, lowers blood pressure, decreases inflammation, increases focus. You can do it anywhere and it’s a very small chunk of time invested with MASSIVE results. There are zero side effects. You don’t need a prescription. Ziva gives you a great technique that is also dubbed as “lazy man’s meditation” for those who swear they can’t sit still or can’t get their mind still (like myself) These people need it MOST by the way. It’s the best money I’ve spent EVER.”
Elizabeth Burkholder, Nurse Practitioner
People ask me about the price of Ziva and I can honestly say it is the single best investment I have made. It is one of the most cost-effective things I’ve ever done.
Russell Brown, Acupuncturist