Several years ago, while suffering from lower back pain, I was recommended by a physiotherapist to get a lower back support belt. Maintaining a correct posture is crucial for preventing back pain, but it is not easy to always remember to stand or sit straight. Fortunately, there are devices such as back support belts that can provide considerable relief for the back, and alleviate pain caused by stress or incorrect posture. In this post, I’ll be reviewing the Nada Chair back support.
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Product: Nada Chair Back-Up
Available from: Amazon
Main Benefits: Pain Relief/Relaxation/Correct Posture
Price:Â Â
Dimensions:Â 11.7 x 6.9 x 2.5 inches
My Rating:Â 8.8 out of 10
Nada Chair Back-Up: A Simple Device for Back Pain Relief
There was a period when I suffered from quite intensive back pain – mainly in the gigging season when I used to carry my keyboard and amplifier around frequently. The pain would often last for days.
A discovery of that year was an inconspicuous, but surprisingly effective device called ‘Back-Up’, made by a company ‘Nada Chair’, who, as I later found out, holds the World Chiropractic Alliance’s endorsement, and, as I have found out, quite rightly!
This deceptively simple accessory provides great support for the lower back and eases the general strain on the back. It allows you to sit comfortably for a long time while helping you maintain the correct posture.
The Nada-Chair is essentially a lower-back support resembling a flat padded pillow. The back support is connected with two straps that you place around (or just under) your knees. The length of the straps is adjustable; the shorter you make the straps, the more tension you’ll get. The area that gets hooked around your knees is also padded for greater comfort.

A Wide Range of Users
It is a highly effective device for anyone with chronic back pain or strained back muscles, pregnant women, people who spend long hours sitting or driving. It has even been used by NASA astronauts because of its ability to decrease back pain caused by microgravity.Â

Practical and Portable
I remember carrying it everywhere because it’s so practical. It folds into a pouch, so it’s easily portable and fits into a small shoulder bag. I would even take it with me when visiting friends and use it while chilling on the sofa. Needless to say, it quickly became a hit amongst all the back-pain sufferers. And in my case, after about a week of daily use, my back pain subsided.
How Does Nada Chair Work – And Why is it called a ‘Chair’?
The Nada-Chair is known as the ‘chair that you wear’; Whenever you move forward or backward while sitting, the Nada-Chair will follow your body. This means that even if you move, the Nada-Chair will keep supporting your lower back in a firm but adjustable way.
In a way, the Nada-Chair acts like an extra muscle that never gets tired. While you are wearing the device, your knees (with the strap around them) will be stabilizing the pelvis. The stabilized pelvis will become a stable foundation on which your spine can rest effortlessly, with its natural curves restored.

What Others Have Said About Nada Chair
Here are a few reviews from a selection of Amazon customers who are happy with the product. One of them showed it to his/her chiropractor who is now recommending it to his patients. A user called Garland rightly recommends taking some time with adjusting the Nada Chair correctly so it doesn’t become uncomfortable. (There’s a video further down with detailed instructions on how to wear it.)Â

How to Use Nada Chair Back-Up:
The Nada-Chair is very simple to use. You just strap it around your knees and lower back. This creates stable back support and often provides immediate relief from the pain. And although it is strapped around your lower back, it can reduce pain in both the lower and upper back.
Here is an instructional video from the Nada Chair website:
It’s also quite fun wearing it – you can shorten or lengthen the straps as you want, and the more you shorten it, the more you can ‘swing’ in it!
The Nada-Chair is effective and can provide fast back pain relief
One of the biggest plusses of The Nada-Chair is its portability and light weight. It can be folded into a relatively small pouch that fits into a standard handbag, which makes it very convenient and you may find yourself carrying it with you just about everywhere!
The price of the Nada-Chair is, to my mind, very reasonable, provided its proven effectiveness and quality.
It May Put Stress on the Knees
Although the Nada Chair webiste doesn’t say so, I’ve heard from several sources (including a yoga teacher) that the pressure from wearing the straps for too long may put stress on the knees. As long-term sitting is not healthy anyway, I would keep the strap on for 15-20 minutes maximum, and then take a break or at least stretch the legs.
It Can Take to Learn to Use Properly
It can take some time to find your ideal position in the device and feel comfortable with it.
The Straps Sometimes Twist
The straps sometimes get twisted around the knee support part, which can be annoying.
As a frequent user of Nada-Chair, who has experienced back-pain relief after using it, I do recommend giving Nada-Chair a go.
However, this device may not suit everyone, as it requires a bit of patience when it comes to adjusting the straps and finding a correct, comfortable position. Not wearing it properly may be counterproductive; if your pelvis is not properly supported, you may end up slouching.
It’s also a pity that it doesn’t come with a complimentary part that would support the upper back at the same time, like, for example, this adjustable upper back brace.

A two-in-one deal would be ideal, I think! Correct posture of shoulders is very important, not the least because of the amount of oxygen we breathe in. A posture can also have a direct effect our mood and self-esteem.
Overall, I’m still a great fan of the Nada-chair as it has helped me many times to ease my back pain. I would mainly recommend it to two groups of people:
1) The ones who spend many hours sitting, either behind a computer, on the plane, or behind a counter, etc.
2) People who experience long-term back strain, like pregnant women or people who often have to carry heavy objects.

If you belong to one of these groups, give Nada-chair a go and see how you feel after you’ve figured out your ideal position. You should feel relaxed but your back should be stabilised. Above all, I hope that you’ll enjoy wearing it as much as I have done!

Nada Chair Back-Up
Available at Amazon
Your Opinion
I would love to hear about your thoughts about Nada Chair or similar kind of back support. Feel free to share your thoughts or ask any questions in the comments below and I look forward to replying to you soon.

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Hi Lucie! I’ve suffered from lower back pain for 20 years, so this article really caught my attention. Around 2001 I was in a minor car accident and then in 2008 I was carrying a large bookshelf up a flight of stairs and it slipped out of one hand which caused the other arm holding it to “yank” my back down and in that moment I felt the worst pain in my life and almost puked it was so intense. Turns out it didn’t break my spine but it damaged it where the spine meets the tailbone. Anyways, I’m very interested in the Nada back chair but one thing I’m concerned about is blood clots forming from having my knees bent down and with the force of the straps working against my knees. Do you know if this is actually something I need to worry about or is the Nada chair safe from such medical complications? Thank you!
Hi Riverdogg, Thank you for your lovely comment, ahhh, what you’ve gone through has given me shivers! So sorry to hear you’ve been through all that pain, geez…
And thank you so much for pointing out a super-important point about the possible stress on the knees! I should have included that in the review, (and will) because you are absolutely right about questioning this. I’ve checked all the Nada Chair sales pages and they do not mention this issue. Instead, I keep hearing ‘You can sit comfortably for hours”… I, however, would NOT recommend that! We should never sit ‘for hours’, full stop!
So I went to check with my husband who first got the Nada Chair, and he told me that his yoga instructor who had recommended it to him said that in order to avoid stress on the knees, one should not wear it longer than 15-20 minutes at a time, and then take a break. I’ve tried to search for this information on the Nada Chair website, but haven’t come across it yet. However, it’s always better to follow your intuition, so if I were you, I’d definitely wear it for shorter spans of time – with breaks (which is healthier anyway) than ‘for hours’ (which is nonsense) J
Also, I’ve found a very useful video on the Nada Chair website on how to set it up and wear it properly! You may like to check that in this video – How to Use the Back-Up.
Also, if you’re still concerned, you may want to contact the Nada Chair support, which is as follows: Email: / Phone: (800) 722-2587 / International: (651) 644-4466
Other things I may recommend for your lower back issue would be the use of magnets. I’ve written about that in my article How to Relieve Chronic Back Pain. The magnets are definitely well worth trying. My husband has been using them frequently and his own pains caused by a motorbike accident and tendonitis have decreased a lot with the magnets.
Just make sure you get medically-approved ones (they should not be stronger than 1000 Gauss) and that you are wearing them with the North polarity facing your body, because that draws the pain out. You don’t wanna do it the other way, (South side) because that would disperse and amplify the pain!
Good luck with it all, fingers crossed you find the best solution for your back pain! All the very best, Lucie
Hello Lucie, thanks for such a thorough review of this back support. I have so many reasons why I would benefit from using a comfortable chair and as it stands I’m someone who spends more time sitting during the day at work, and without a good ergonomic chair I end up having backache. Obviously, this is never something I like and it could be harmful to my spine, so I’m well considering getting the Nada Chair. Thanks again for the review.
Hi Justin, lovely to read your comment. As you say, sitting can damage our posture and cause chronic back pain. First of all, it is always good to remember that we should take frequent breaks. I know it’s very tempting to keep sitting for hours when we get into the ‘flow’, but the price to pay is too much. If you are suffering from recurring back pain, then I would recommend giving the Back-Up Nada Chair a try. Don’t forget to watch the instruction video, it’s very important to get the set up right. Then you’ll be able to benefit from it fully. There are a lot of other ways to prevent or treat backache, some of which I’ve described in my article How to Relieve Chronic Back Pain. Hope you’ll find some of the tips useful! All the best, Lucie
I have recently started having some back pain due to more sitting than usual (I haven’t been to my regular work for 8 months now due to the pandemic). But I have to say I am more for fixing these issues with gentle stretches and exercises, and, most importantly, breaking the sitting time regularly.
I do yoga every other day (I do try every day but it’s difficult to keep it interesting) and I have to say it does wonders. I think people should invest their time and effort into fixing the problem by activity rather than a tool but I suppose it can have people with some other mobility issues who are not able to stretch as much, for example individuals with joint problems.
I’m glad you reviewed this product, I had no idea anything like that is on the market.
Last thing, I have to agree on the fact that it can be a little complicated 😀 There is awful lot of information in the video that I certainly did not expect 🙂
Hi Silvie, Thank you for your nice comment. I definitely agree with you – if we are able to move, we should not become lazy and rely on accessories, Nada chair included. Yoga and gentle stretches are also my favourite ways to alleviate back pain. So is working with meridians – for example, sedating the Kidney meridian (by holding its acupressure points. This can really alleviate pain in the lower back, e.g. caused by overworked kidneys, period-related pain, etc. I’ve written a separate post about The Kidney meridian, and the ways to work with it, here.) Also, I’ve mentioned my favourite yoga postures and other stretching exercises in my post ‘How to Relieve Chronic Back Pain’. I find Nada chair most effective when I have back pain and am forced to spend some time sitting. I always try to break my sitting time by stretches, but if the pain perseveres once I’ve sat down again, then the Nada chair gets really useful. As soon as I adjust the straps to fit my body, I can feel considerable relief from my back pain. Thanks again for your feedback!
Thank you so much for this fantastic review, Lucie! I suffered a back injury in 7th grade (basketball), and since then, I’ve had sporadic problems with my back-pain, stiffness, tightness and discomfort. Though I regularly stretch out my back muscles, I admittedly don’t always maintain the correct posture while I’m sitting (I’m slouching over as I’m typing this. I should be ashamed of myself. Haha). The Nada Chair seems like a fabulous investment! It’s lightweight, portable, it’s easy to apply (in my opinion), and it works (the positive reviews definitely increase its’ credibility with me. Haha). I am always looking for ways to improve my back posture, and the Nada Chair might just be what i’m looking for! I have saved your website and will definitely share it with my friends and family! God bless you!
Dear C.N., lovely to read your feedback, thank you! Sorry to hear about your back injury in the 7th grade, it’s twice as sad when we injure ourselves while doing something healthy, such as basketball..! For me personally, the Nada chair works best when I have pain and have to sit down in front of the computer because of work. It provides me with considerable relief. But there are plenty of other ways to improve your back discomfort. If you want you can check another article of mine, How to Relieve Chronic Back Pain, where I talk about some tried and tested methods, such as using magnets, various massage tools, specific yoga postures and stretches, EFT tapping (very interesting field related to neuroscience), CBD creams, or accupressure points. I hope you’ll find the best and the most effective method soon and start this year pain-free! May God bless you. Lucie
Hi Lucie,
Thanks for suggesting and giving a thorough review of this Back-up. This product comfortably supports individuals suffering from lower back pain, keeping computer users sit comfortably upright with comfy support its a tremendous product for sure.
It is portable, effective, affordable to relieve chronic back pain, slouch busting sling lets you sit for hours with effortless good posture.
Great article it feels like this Nada-Chair acts like an extra muscle that never tires, follows your body with every move adjustable and dynamic support hugging your low back.
Great content
Have a Nice Day!
Hi Samantha, Thank you for your lovely feedback! It seems to me that you are one of the keen users of Nada Chair – or at least you can perfectly imagine what it can do. I use it very often for short periods of time, (up to 15-20 minutes at a time) and I always get up from my chair refreshed, because it really does help one’s correct posture. You can keep adjusting the straps and the tension as you need at the moment. The only thing I don’t agree with some of its advertisers is when they claim that you can use it for hours at a time. It’s definitely not a good idea – first of all, no one should be sitting for hours without frequent breaks, stretching, etc, and secondly, it may exert pressure on one’s knees if worn for too long. So if one is aware of this fact, and uses it wisely, it can be really helpful and effective. I really like your description of the Nada chair as an extra muscle that never tires! Brilliant. Take care and thanks again for your nice comment.