Tools for Energy Medicine Practitioners

Tools for Energy Medicine Practitioners

Welcome to our special page for energy medicine practitioners and students! You will find a whole range of useful things for your practice here, from essential tools for your sessions and self-care to recommended books and apps. If you are a practitioner in another...

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The Healing Potential of Selenite

The Healing Potential of Selenite

Exploring the Healing Potential of Selenite in Energy Healing In the realm of energy healing, using crystals and gemstones has been a common practice for thousands of years. Selenite, a radiant and ethereal crystal, is one of the most widely used healing stones...

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Meridian Affirmations

Meridian Affirmations

The Benefits of Working with Meridians Having worked with the body's electromagnetic energies for several years now, I am still in awe about the fact that we can reach to each meridian for help with many different aspects of our life. Meridians are channels of energy...

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Biofield Tuning

Biofield Tuning

What Is Biofield Tuning Biofield Tuning is an energy medicine modality that uses the sound of tuning forks to find vibrational resistance in our personal electromagnetic field, and then, using the principles of resonance and entrainment, restore the coherence to those...

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Improving Eczema Symptoms with Acupressure

Improving Eczema Symptoms with Acupressure

Those of us who have suffered from eczema (such as Atopic Dermatitis) know how unpleasant this condition can be. Fortunately, there are techniques that can ease the symptoms of this condition. After considerable research, I have found out that a number of different...

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Energy Medicine in Action

Energy Medicine in Action

The following lines are selected entries from my Energy Medicine Journal, where I describe my experience with energy work. It's nice to remember all those rewarding moments when I was able to help someone by applying various healing techniques. I hope you will find it...

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7 Techniques for Seasonal Allergy Relief

7 Techniques for Seasonal Allergy Relief

These exercises, if practiced frequently, will boost the immune system, stimulate a healthier flow of energy in your body, and address hay fever symptoms such as puffy and itchy eyes, sneezing, congested or runny nose, sore throat, or headaches. Add these to the Daily Energy Routine to diminish seasonal allergy symptoms.

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Acupressure Strengthening and Sedating Points

Acupressure Strengthening and Sedating Points

Contents: Techniques for Balancing a Meridian Tracing a Meridian Flushing a Meridian Sedating a Meridian Strengthening a Meridian Three-pointing a Meridian The Five Elements Wheel An Example of Working with Acupoints ACUPRESSURE SEDATING AND STRENGTHENING POINTS   The...

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The Kidney Meridian

The Kidney Meridian

Traditional Chinese medicine regards the Kidney meridian as a reservoir of energy, as well as the centre of courage and willpower. Conversely, a dysfunction in Kidney meridian can result in feeling extremely tired, being overcome by emotions of fear or paranoia, or symptoms and ailments such as asthma, chronic inflammation, or tinnitus.

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6 Non-Invasive Pain Relief Techniques

6 Non-Invasive Pain Relief Techniques

Edward Munch - 'Vampire' This article explores six non-invasive pain relief techniques that I have learned from the legendary energy medicine practitioner and teacher Donna Eden. If you are experiencing pain, I encourage you to experiment with these techniques and see...

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Tips on Strengthening Your Immune System

Tips on Strengthening Your Immune System

We all know what it is to feel when things are out of our control, especially when it comes to infectious diseases. It is thus crucial we take responsibility for our health and keep our immune system strong (or start working on it). This can easily be done at home or...

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How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

If you'd like to learn how to relieve stress and anxiety through a few simple but effective techniques, then you are in the right place. The renowned practitioner of energetic healing, Donna Eden,  shows several  techniques that can calm your emotions in less than a...

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How to Stop a Cold in its Tracks

How to Stop a Cold in its Tracks

Cold free! Have you ever wondered how to stop a cold from developing? I'm still pinching myself about this, but I managed to go through last two winters without getting a cold. In my case, this is a bit of a miracle. I used to catch colds even in the middle of summer,...

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How To Improve Digestion

How To Improve Digestion

Needles to say, indigestion it's not one of the top desirable physical sensations. You might have eaten too much, or simply had something that doesn't really agree with your digestive system and it is thus difficult to digest. Indigestion can appear through numerous...

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Two Simple Techniques for Deep Relaxation

Two Simple Techniques for Deep Relaxation

We all know what stress can do to your body and mind, and how important it is to prevent it. Apart from yoga and meditation, one of the best ways to support your health is to have a massage. The benefits of massaging your body are numerous - improved circulation,...

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