The Benefits of Working with Meridians
Having worked with the body’s electromagnetic energies for several years now, I am still in awe about the fact that we can reach to each meridian for help with many different aspects of our life.
Meridians are channels of energy that feed specific organs in our body and influence our health and the way we feel. They are also visible to people who can see energies.
According to ancient Chinese wisdom, each meridian is associated with different aspects of our emotions, from fear or anger to joy and deep peace.
Emotion is ultimately energy in motion. Energies in our body can often get blocked or become stagnant which will manifest through feeling bad or becoming ill.
The good news is that we can balance the whole spectrum of emotions by working with each meridian. This, in return, will positively impact our physical health.
What I have observed is that regular work with meridians will soon start manifesting in one’s life by improved well-being on multiple levels.
Meridian Wheel
In August 2022 I released a track called ‘Meridian Wheel – Affirmations’ that contains affirmations linked to each meridian in our body.
I named this track Meridian Wheel because throughout the 24-hour cycle, each of the meridians will be at its peak for 2 hours at a specific time. For example, Spleen is at its peak from 9 am to 11 am, or Heart from 11 am to 1 pm.
Tracking or Visualising
This track can be approached in several ways. It can be listened to while tracing the meridians with your hands, with eyes closed or opened, or lying down while visualising the meridian flow. If you are not familiar with the meridian pathways, it’s not a problem at all – simply tune in to the essence of each meridian and internalise the affirmations.
I hope you enjoy the track which is available on Bandcamp. It can be streamed for free, or downloaded for a symbolical price.
I have downloaded the track in my phone’s files, so I can listen to it offline every morning while doing my energy medicine routine.
Thank you for listening and please let me know your impressions in the comments below.

Below is the text for the whole meditation. You can listen along via my Bandcamp.
Meridian Wheel – Affirmations
I centre myself in spirit, and ground myself in gratitude.
I am strong, centered, and secure.
I am standing tall and have the power to move forward.
I am supported by the source of all creation.
SPLEEN (9 am – 11 am, YIN) :
I nourish myself with love and compassion.
I keep my body healthy and resilient.
Everywhere I go I bring harmony.
I radiate joy, and I truly enjoy my life.
HEART (11 am – 1 pm, YIN) :
I love myself deeply and completely.
I inspire others with my joy.
I bless the world through my blissful heart.
SMALL INTESTINE (1 pm – 3 pm, YANG) :
I know what I want, and I am decisive.
I discern the truth from falsehood,
and recognise what is genuine and beneficial.
BLADDER (3 pm – 5 pm, YANG) :
I share my depth and wisdom with the world.
I’m filled with courage, trust, and hope.
I look out towards the bright horizons.
KIDNEY (5 pm – 7 pm, YIN) :
I invite the Yin energies of the Earth to enter through the Wellspring of Life.
I tell myself gently: “Have no fear.”
I step out with courage and confidence.
I have strong willpower.
PERICARDIUM (7 pm – 9 pm, YIN) :
I am true to myself.
I support my heart and prioritize my heart’s needs.
TRIPLE WARMER (9 pm – 11 pm, YANG) :
I honour my inner Warrior. I am safe,
calm, peaceful, and joyful.
GALLBLADDER (11 pm – 1 am, YANG) :
I consciously release any anger or judgement.
I assert myself peacefully.
I am determined and follow my vision with courage.
LIVER (1 am – 3 am, YIN) :
I am kind to myself
and forgive myself easily.
My eyes see inward and outward with clarity.
LUNG (3 am – 5 am, YIN) :
I breathe out stagnant energies and grief.
I breathe in fresh life energy, new inspiration, and faith in the future.
LARGE INTESTINE (5 am – 7 am, YANG) :
I surrender, and I let go of whatever doesn’t serve me.
I release the need of always being in control.
I distill the essence from life and live fully in the NOW.
STOMACH (7 am – 9 am, YANG) :
I invite the Yang energies from the Above to enter.
I trust the mystery of life.
I receive abundance from the Universe and know that All shall be well.
SPLEEN (9 am – 11 am, YIN) :
I nourish myself with love and compassion.
I keep my body healthy and resilient.
Everywhere I go I bring harmony.
I radiate joy, and I truly enjoy my life.
I centre myself in spirit, and ground myself in gratitude.
I am strong, centered, and secure.
I am standing tall and have the power to move forward.
I am supported by the source of all creation.
It is Donna Eden’s life-changing work that inspired me to create this track.
The lyrics are based on the text of Susan Shanley, which I have adapted and expanded on.
Last but not least, I would like to thank Aidan A D for his beautiful soundscape.

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Good article!