This page contains a selection of inspirational books and audio downloads that I have read or listened to and which I would recommend. It also includes links to my favorite online stores that sell books and other media with the topic of health, personal development, spiritual wellbeing, and living a balanced life.
I hope that you will find this list useful and that you may discover something that resonates with you. These books and downloads also make nice presents.
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Eckhart Tolle
An essential guide to spiritual realization and a state of constant, deep inner peace, independent of your circumstances. This book can transform your thinking, teaching you to live in the present moment and liberate you from the negative patterns of your involuntary thoughts controlling your state of mind.
“I keep Eckhart’s book at my bedside. I think it’s essential spiritual teaching. It’s one of the most valuable books I’ve ever read.” Oprah Winfrey.
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For more titles by Eckhart Tolle, including audiobooks and DVDs with his talks and meditations, visit his page on Sounds True, his publisher’s site.
SOUNDS TRUE Publishing
Sounds True is a multimedia publishing company with the mission of disseminating spiritual wisdom. It offers transformational programs to help you live a balanced, joyful, and meaningful life. Amongst their authors are Donna Eden, Eckhart Tolle, Caroline Myss, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Wayne Dyer, or Marianne Williamson.
Wim has become known as “The Iceman” for his astounding physical feats, such as spending hours in freezing water and running barefoot marathons over deserts and ice fields. Yet his most remarkable achievement is not any record-breaking performance—it is the creation of a method that thousands of people have used to transform their lives.
In his gripping and passionate style, Wim shares his method and his story, including:
Breath—Wim’s unique practices to change your body chemistry, infuse yourself with energy, and focus your mind
Cold—Safe, controlled, shock-free practices for using cold exposure to enhance your cardiovascular system and awaken your body’s untapped strength
Mindset—Build your willpower, inner clarity, sensory awareness, and innate joyfulness in the miracle of living
Science—How users of this method have redefined what is medically possible in study after study
Health—True stories and testimonials from people using the method to overcome disease and chronic illness
Performance—Increase your endurance, improve recovery time, up your mental game, and more
Wim’s Story—Follow Wim’s inspiring personal journey of discovery, tragedy, and triumph
Spiritual Awakening—How breath, cold, and mindset can reveal the beauty of your soul
Available in a book, eBook, and CD or an audio download format
Related posts: Breathing with Wim Hof
BetterListen! offer a large number of inspirational audio downloads divided into categories with the topics of health, wellness, relationships, psychology, philosophy, personal growth, spirituality, or science.
Featured authors include Thich Nhat Hanh, Ram Dass, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Marianne Williamson, Bernie Siegel, Jack Canfield, Mark Hyman, Bob Proctor, etc.
STRESS LESS ACCOMPLISH MORE: Meditation for extraordinary performance
Emily Fletcher
Did you know that a brief meditation can offer rest that’s five times deeper than sleep? When you make time to practice the technique this book teaches, you’ll actually be more productive than if you took an hour-and-a-half nap or had a cup of coffee.
A leading expert in meditation for high performance, Emily Fletcher, author of Ziva Online meditation course, specifically developed the Z Technique for working people with busy lives.
This is not just another meditation book – In Stress Less, Accomplish More, Emily teaches a powerful combination of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Manifesting to improve your personal and professional performance, clarity, health, and sleep. You’ll learn how to cultivate Mindfulness through brief but powerful exercises that will help you stop wasting time stressing. Plus, you’ll get Manifesting tools to help you get crystal clear on your personal and professional goals for the future.
“We meditate to get good at life, not to get good at meditation.”—Emily Fletcher
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Stress Less Accomplish More (US)
Stress Less Accomplish More (UK)
Read some fascinating facts about the life-changing meditation technique here.
Ziva blows all other meditation trainings away.
BLISS BRAIN: The Neuroscience of Remodelling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity, and Joy
Dawson Church, Ph.D.
Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change itself, is the main theme of this book, where the renown EFT therapist Dawson Church presents intriguing evidence of this phenomenon. A regular meditation practice can lead to measurable changes in our brains, leading to more resilience, deep inner peace, and more joy in our lives.
Dawnson Church’s research shows that during deep meditation, a number of highly pleasurable neurochemicals are released in our brains. One of them is anandamide, a neurotransmitter dubbed “the bliss molecule” because it produces very similar effects of THC (the active ingredient in cannabis). As we keep cultivating these pleasurable states, they eventually become traits. We won’t just feel happier temporarily; the changes will hard-wire into our brains, becoming stable and long-lasting.
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MIND TO MATTER: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality
Dawson Church
In this fascinating book, Dawson Church, one of the leading figures in clinical EFT, discusses how the thoughts and energy fields we cultivate in our minds can affect our reality. The science in the book is illustrated by many authentic case histories of people who harnessed the power of the mind to create. The author presents intriguing studies of neuroscientists who have measured a specific brain wave formula that is linked to manifestation. This ‘flow state’ can be learned and applied by anyone, and this book is a perfect guide to achieve what one would previously consider unimaginable.
“I love this book…It is wonderful to see science catching up wih what the shamans and sages have always known!” Donna Eden
“This groundbreaking book presents the exciting new scientific evidence demonstrating that our thoughts have a direct impact on the world around us, and it shows us how to harness this knowledge for joyful and effective lives.” David Feinstein
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PROOF OF HEAVEN: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife
Dr Eben Alexander
A fascinating book describing a life-changing near-death experience of a respected neurosurgeon.
“Dr Eben Alexander’s near-death experience is the most astounding I have heard in more than four decades of studying this phenomenon. In my opinion, Dr Alexander is living proof of an afterlife.”
Dr Raymond Moody, bestselling author of Life and Life
“Dr Alexander’s neuroscience career taught him that near-death experiences are brain-based illusions, and yet his personal experience left him dumbstruck. His honest struggle to make sense of this unforgettable journey is a gripping story, unique in the literature of spiritual experiences that may well change how we understand our role in the universe.”
Dr Bruce Greyson, Carlson Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, University of Virginia School of Medicine
Vishen Lakhiani, Founder of Mindvalley
In his bestselling book, the visionary founder of the powerful learning platform Mindvalley, Vishen Lakhiani, shows us how to create new, non-conformist rules for our lives so we can achieve success on your own terms.
The book has inspired many, including US Open Tennis Champion Bianca Andreescu, who used the creative visualization method described in the book and won the US Open and the Canadian Open Championship against Serena Williams. (You can listen to the podcast with Vishen and Bianca here! 🙂
The legendary CEO Vishen is convinced that everything we know about the world is shaped by mind-conditioning and habit. A large number of people still live their lives based on limiting, outdated beliefs, and this mindset affects multiple aspects of their lives, including their financial situation, career, or relationships.
The Code of Extraordinary Mind teaches us how to remove these outdated ideas and start anew, helping us redefine our success, finding our life’s purpose, and experiencing personal fulfillment and happiness.
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Jim Kwik
Jim Kwik is the world’s top brain coach and memory expert, who has taught memory techniques and learning strategies to thousands of people. His students include Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey, or Richard Branson.
As a child, Jim suffered a head injury which left him with learning difficulties, especially in the area of memory and reading. He was called by one of his teachers ‘The boy with the broken brain’. However, he decided to perceive his misfortune as a challenge, and developed a learning method – a method not for what to learn, but how to learn.
Jim is presenting his learning methods and strategies in this bestselling book. Limitless has been called ‘the owner’s manual for mental expansion and brain fitness’. The book presents the reader with the ability to accomplish more in multiple areas of their lives: Productivity, personal success, improved financial situation, and much more.
To achieve this, Jim teaches us the importance of the “3 Ms” – Harnessing your Mindset, igniting your Motivation, and mastering the Methods. The book is full of practical tips and techniques related to these principles, and if you apply them into your daily life you’ll soon experience remarkable results.
Jim Kwik has been teaching his highly effective memory-improving techniques for nearly 40 years. If you have ever seen Jim live, you know that he can memorise over one hundred names or numbers and repeat them backward. Jim always says that he doesn’t do this to show off but to demonstrate that if a ‘boy with a broken brain’ could, then everyone else can dramatically improve their cognitive abilities. These techniques are now finally compiled in Jim’s book Limitless.
You can read the first few chapters for free in Amazon’s ‘Look Inside’ section. It includes the moving story of his childhood.
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Donna Eden with David Feinstein, Ph.D.
A classic in the field of Energy Medicine, inspired by the wisdom of ancient healing systems, as well as the most contemporary techniques for optimising your health.
This book contains everything you want to know about your body’s energy systems, and offers powerful ways of restoring, maintaining and improving your physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.
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Donna Eden with David Feinstein, Ph.D.
Another Energy Medicine classic – not an overstatement to refer to it as women’s Health Bible!
This book truly uncovers the mystery of women’s energies, offering invaluable health guidance for every woman. It is full of empowering tools for self-healing, addressing common and often problematic issues such as pre-menstrual tension and hormonal imbalance. It provides deep guidance on how to fully align with one’s sexuality, pregnancy and birth, and opens the gates to unleashing the goddess inside.
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Donna Eden with David Feinstein, Ph.D.
A powerful guide to using energy medicine to heal and strengthen romantic relationships. Donna and David, who have been married for more than 40 years, explain how an understanding of your and you partner’s energy system can create an extremely harmonious and loving bond.
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Donna Eden
The Energy Medicine Kit contains:
- A 28-page booklet describing the fundamentals of energy medicine
- 43 photo-illustrated Energy Medicine Cards
- A DVD with demonstrations of methods of energy medicine, including 15 restorative exercises
- An audio CD that guides you through 21 more techniques for specific conditions
- A one-inch cut glass crystal for chakra balancing
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THE HEALING POWER OF ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY: Tap into your body’s energy to change your life for the better
David Feinstein, Donna Eden & Gary Craig
This groundbreaking book introduces us to the power of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) through the use of tapping on specific meridian points. This causes shifts in body’s subtle energies and changes in the brain’s neural pathways, which often have a profound, positive impact on our physical health, emotional patterns and previously uncontrollable states of mind, leading to more joy and sense of wellbeing in many areas, and reducing – or sometimes even completely healing – anxiety, various forms of traumas and phobias.
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The Healing Power of Energy Psychology (UK)
The Healing Power of Energy Psychology (US)
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10 Things to Do When Feeling Down
Dr. Masaru Emoto
This fascinating book reveals how molecules of water can react to energy, including our thoughts, feelings, intentions, and words. Using high-speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto has observed crystals formed in frozen water and showing changes when specific thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear natural sources and water that has been exposed to loving thoughts or words forms beautiful and complex snowflake patterns.
On the other hand, polluted water, as well as water exposed to negative thoughts, tends to form incomplete, disrupted patterns of dull colors. Dr. Emoto’s research’s primary aim is to call for a more respectful and loving approach to the earth and our own body, which consists of about 60% water.
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Hello there, in our world and time today, there is much need for inspiration as so many people are going through a lot and they need external support to get through the tough times. For me reading books is so important when I need inspiration – especially reading books by experts. I am a fan of Emily Fletcher, and would love to explore her work more.
Hello Justin and thank you for your nice message! I’m glad to have come across another fan of Emily. Her story is so interesting – from a Broadway acting career to a meditation teacher. I like her upbeat approach to this ancient practice! 🙂 I’d recommend trying her Ziva Online course – I loved it and it has given me solid foundations for my meditation practice and subsequent results such as more productivity, better mood, deeper sleep and more. (I’ve written all about it in my article about the benefits of meditation). Take care and cheers for your words!
I have read Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and it is indeed a transformational book, which helps people to live in the present moment and diminish the effect of negative thoughts that usually control our emotional states. I’ve never come across his other teachings that you’re presenting here, so I look forward to checking some of the titles out.
Thanks for your nice words, Helen. It’s great to know that people are aware of Eckhart Tolle’s teachings. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Russel Brandth has made a long interview with him, and that he actively follows his teachings. I think that what Eckhart teaches is timeless, in the tradition of Buddhism and Tao, and that a lot of people who have lived a wild, and often self-destructive life, experience some kind of spiritual awakening and become much more alive than before.
I’ve read, or should I say, listened to Emily Fletcher’s “STRESS LESS ACCOMPLISH MORE”. That book has a profound effect on how I approach my daily schedule nowadays. I take intermittent meditation breaks at work now – without all that fancy backdrops – and they actually work. It’s amazing when you change the way you approach things, your feeling and anxiety level changes too, and in my case, for the better.
Hello Cathy, I’m truly over the moon to hear this! 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing your experience with meditation I’m so happy that there’s more and more awareness of its effects, and that people are learning that meditation can be an effective tool for modern-day people with busy schedules and plenty of daily demands. I also love Dawson Church’s take on it – I’d recommend checking out his Bliss Brain, where he talks about all the bliss neurochemicals and his own journey. Take care and thanks again for your wonderful comment!
I read your post named Inspirational Books and Audio. You have recommended very good quality and helpful inspirational books and audio here. I have read a lot of article on inspirational books and audio but your post is different from others. The list you have selected is very inspirational. I have read some of the books earlier which you are recommended.these books gives me inner strength. your selection is very wonderful and anybody can make his mind with positive energy after reading above mentioned book. thank you to giving us such great selection of inspirational books and audio.
Dear Billsha, thank you for your heartwarming comment! I’m so, so glad that there are people like you who draw inspiration from books mentioned on this page. Reaching out for books like this usually happens after a certain journey in life has been walked and some pain experienced. Otherwise, why would one need to search for inspiration, if everything was hunky-dory? 🙂 Apart from The Power of Now, (the all-time classic) all these books have been my discoveries of the last 2 years after I experienced a strange even when my body just collapsed and I could feel electricity disappearing from all my limbs and I was unconscious for quite a long time. I thought I was dying. The hospital could not explain what happened. But this scary experience made me interested in all things about energy medicine, neurons, brain, meditation, tuning into higher vibrations…it was a groundbreaking change for me in my personal life. And this website also started as a result of that.
There are so many incredible things in life that we only have to notice and open ourselves to them. Then synchronicities will start happening, and life will suddenly start appearing as one big magical journey. Vishen Lakhiani (The Code of Extraordinary Mind) says that every evening before going to sleep he asks a question: “What is a magic I witnessed today?” I hope you’ll have plenty of wonderful answers. 🙂 Thank you once again for your lovely feedback!
Thanks a lot for sharing your page full of motivational books and audio downloads. Good to know about the Sounds True and Better Listen websites. There are a few books on this page I haven’t come across yet, but I have read The Power of Now a few times and it has helped me in many ways. I am also quite intrigued about the book on stressing less and accomplishing more, as it seems to deal with mediation for modern-day people. I know that many influential people are meditating, so I feel I’d like to explore this field further.
Your comment is much appreciated. I’m glad to know that Eckhart’s Tolle’s books such as The Power of Now are fairly widely known. Emily Fletcher’s book on meditation (Stress Less Accomplish More) is really inspiring – it had motivated me to take her online course, Ziva Online, which I consider one of my best investments ever. I need less sleep now and have much more done, the benefits are truly noticeable! You can check my review of Ziva Online here.
Also, I’d fully recommend the Bliss Brain book by Dawson Church, because it also deals with the amazing benefits of meditation.
Our mind works in accordance with a lot of things, most especially our environment, it can be influenced by what we listen to, what we read, what we eat, what we say, and lots more. Reading inspiration books and listening to inspirational audios helps build a better and sound mind. Thanks for sharing this article, I’ve found it very helpful and inspiring. Looking forward to checking some of the titles here!
Hi Bruce, Many thanks for your lovely words. I agree with you, our environment can shape our mind and character to a great extent, and this of course includes the books we read. All the titles I’ve listed here have contributed to my personal growth and improving multiple areas of my life. From meditation to energy medicine to ‘mind-hacking’ (Jim Kwik or Vishen Lakhiani). I hope you’ll find some of these titles as inspirational and helpful as I have. Thanks again for your comment!
I loved reading The Healing Power Of EFT and ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY, this books explain how to tap into your body energy not only to change your health but to change your behaviour and thought pattern as well, this book is so helpful, they give a really clear explanation of how the process can work for you.
I’m so glad you’ve read that great book! EFT is transformational stuff, what it can do is mind-blowing. It has helped thousands of people overcome phobias, traumas, ingrained bad habits, addictions…I went to a scientific symposium in London in 2019, with lead experts in tapping (EFT) therapy, including Peta Stepleton, and David Feinstein, the author of that book. I was mesmerized to hear all the testimonials and learn about all the scientific studies. It is a discipline that is not as yet mainstream, but definitely real and effective. I hope you will make the knowledge useful for yourself and others, it is too good not to share! Many thanks again for your nice words.
As someone who is in need of an inspiring and self-healing book, your list is the thing that I was really thankful to find. I’ve heard about The Power of Now from someone who is also a big fan of Tony Robbins. I’d like to check Eckhart Tolle’s other books, particularly The Joy of Being. Thank you for your recommendation 🙂
Hello Alblue, it was lovely to read your words. I’m happy that you have come across this page and that some of the titles seem to resonate with you. The Power of Now is one of my favourite spiritual development books ever. It has helped me incredibly with managing my emotions, especially my impulsive behaviour, reactivity, and anger, or self-pity. His concepts are often quite humorous, For example, if you feel sorry for yourself, you can imagine that there is this entity called ‘Pain Body’ inside you and that it’s inflating like a balloon. But when you become present, it deflates. These concepts make me smile but they can be really, really helpful especially in relationships. There’s a great chapter there called ‘Enlightened Relationships’. I’d recommend it to every couple! Thanks again for your nice words and I hope you will benefit from this book as much as I have.