Every one of us has experienced some form of short-term back pain, but for some of us, it is an ongoing, persistent problem. This article offers a number of tips on how to relieve chronic back pain and hopefully eliminate it.
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1) Using Magnets for Pain Relief
Magnets can be very effective tools for back pain relief, if used correctly. They have been successfully used by medical practitioners all over the world. They are frequently used in Chinese medicine, various forms of holistic therapy, and they becoming increasingly popular in Western medicine as well.
There’s no magic behind their successful use, just pure physics: Magnets have electromagnetic fields around them, which you can easily see when you place them near particles of metal. A shape depicting the magnetic field will immediately appear.

Given the fact that we are also electromagnetic beings – we are made of energy like everything else in this universe – magnets can influence the flow of our energy.
If we suffer from pain, which often means there is over-accumulated, stuck energy in our body, the North polarity of the magnet can draw the excess energy towards itself, thus alleviate our pain.
Vice versa, if we need to improve our circulation or speed up the repair of a broken bone, we can use the South polarity of a magnet, which disperses and amplifies energy.
It is very important to use the correct side (polarity) of a magnet according to our condition. For pain, we generally use the North polarity.

You can test a magnet’s polarity with a compass. The North polarity of a magnet is always south-seeking, so if you place one side of a magnet near a compass and see the south end of the magnetic needle (usually painted white) being attracted by it, it means that you are pointing the magnet’s North polarity to the compass.
Keep moving your magnet around the compass to make the needle follow it, so you can be double-sure about the correct polarity. If you’re pointing the Soth polarity of a magnet towards your compass, the north end of the magnetic needle (usually painted red) will turn towards it.
You can mark the North side of your magnet, e.g. by engraving ‘N’ into it, or using a nail varnish to mark it. Once you know which side of the magnet is the North polarity, you can use it for pain relief.
According to rules of Eden Energy Medicine (which I study), the North side of a magnet should not be attached to your body for longer than twelve hours.Whenere you feel hat the pain has gone, you should remove the magnet.
With the South polarity (which is amplifying energy and stimulating growth) the magnet should be on the body for much shorter time – 30 minutes only. This is because if someone has a cancerous growth and keeps a South polarity of a magnet near it for long, it could encourage the cancer cells to grow.
As this post is about pain relief, I’ll be concentrating on the North Polarity (South-seeking side of the magnet).
What Kind of Magnet is Safe to Use?
The magnet should be quite weak. Magnets that are stronger than 1000 Gauss could be harmful to your system.
You can get safe and still very effective magnets in Chinese medicine stores or on the internet. Amazon sells a set of therapeutic magnets that I have personally tried and can recommend. You can find them in the Health & Wellbeing Products section of this website.
To use, apply the plaster with the magnet on the area of strained or pulled muscles – for example, stiff shoulder, upper or lower back, around the knee etc.
I recommend reading customers’ reviews so you can see that these tiny magnets can be very effective for pain relief.
Another option is to tape a round ceramic magnet over the painful area. Although sold as a science toy for children, these magnets can also be used for pain relief therapy, as they are not too strong. They are frequently used by energy medicine practitioners.
Just tape one of the magnets over the painful muscle – but make sure the magnet is placed North side down. You can test this by putting the magnet near a compass. The North side of the magnet should attract the south end of the compass’ needle.

2) Block Therapy – Fascia Decompression
Block Therapy is one of the most intriguing self-care methods I’ve ever come across. In Block Therapy, you lie on a therapeutic tool called the Block Buddy for at least three minutes in various positions in order to decompress your fascia adhesions throughout your body. Fascia is a tissue netting all over our body, and it often becomes frozen and rigid, causing a whole number of health problems.
The Block Buddy is made from Bamboo, because, unlike artificial materials like foam or plastic, it shares a similar density to our bones. Using gravity and body weight, the Block Buddy is able to sink deeply into the tissue and address the root of your issues – such as chronic pain, inability, to lose weight, premature aging etc.
Increased Oxygen Absorption
The pressure of this Bamboo brick brings increased blood and oxygen into the area, warming the connective tissue and “melting” fascia adhesions and knots. You need to breathe diaphramatically while using this tool.
When you practice diaphragmatic breathing, you increase oxygen absorption up to 6 times the amount compared to breathing through the muscles of the upper chest. The combination of increased oxygen, the freeing of fascia adhesions, correct posture and alignment form the basis of Block Therapy. Check this amazing method out at www.blocktherapy.com.
Also, I recommend watching this amazing testimonial video by the founder of Block Therapy (also referred to as Fluid Isometrics), Deanna Hansen.
3) Supporting Your Back
Maintaining a correct posture is vital for preventing back pain, but it is impossible to always remember to stand or sit with our back straight. The good news is that nowadays there are plenty of devices that can provide proper support for the back, and simultaneously diminish pain caused by stress or bad posture.
Back-Up: A Simple Device for Back Pain Relief
There was a time when I suffered from intense pain in my back because of the frequent carrying of heavy musical equipment. The pain would often last for a number of days which seemed like an eternity.
A great discovery was thus a simple-looking, yet surprisingly effective accessory called Back-Up. It was made by a company called ‘Nada Chair’, who holds the World Chiropractic Alliance’s endorsement, and I now understand why!
‘Back-up Nada Chair’ supports the lower back, helps with maintaining correct posture, and diminishes back strain.

It can be highly effective for people suffering from chronic back pain, aching back muscles, pregnant women, or anyone who spends considerable time sitting. But what sparked my interest in particular was the fact that it has even been used by NASA astronauts.
You can read my review of Back-Up Nada Chair here.
4) Using Back Massagers
A good-quality back massager can provide considerable relief of your back pain without the side effects of medication. They must not be used on slipped discs or any type of injury that may worsen by external pressure, but they are ideal for chronic back pain or aches caused by strained muscles or stress.
A back massager will reduce your back pain by:
– stimulating the skin, muscles and ligaments and encouraging healthy blood flow into the area
– relaxing stiff and tightened back muscles
– dispersing stuck energy (which is often a major cause of pain)
What Type of Massager Is the Best?
There are plenty of variations of back massagers on the market, so it is a good idea to take some time to decide which one would be suitable for your specific needs. The most popular and effective are hand-held massagers and massager chairs.
I have both a hand-held massager and a massage chair, because both types have their own advantages.
The Backnobber
One of my best discoveries in terms of hand-held massage devices has been an S-shaped tool called The Original Backnobber II. Despite its funny name, it is one of the best tools for self-massage. It is designed for deep muscle therapy and it surely does its job. I always take it with me in the car when I have a long drive ahead of me and use it during my breaks. Stimulating my back muscles makes me less tired and prevents my back from becoming stiff after the drive.
The Backnobber is very easy to use: You simply hook this S-shaped tool over your shoulder, or sideways (to reach your lower back), and use its leverage to apply deep pressure the points of your choice, mainly in the muscles of the neck, shoulders or back. You can find out more from my review, where I describe my favourite ways of using this tool.

You can split the tool into two parts, which makes it easy to carry and store.
Watch the manufacturer’s video with an explanation how the Backnobber works and what benefits you’ll experience by using it.
If you like the features of The Original Backnobber II, and think you may find it useful, try it out and then let me know in the comments under this post how it’s working for you and what your favourite techniques are.
Finally, don’t forget to check my review of the Backnobber. It is full of tips on how to use it effectively, and I’ve also included quite a lot of customer reviews, both positive and negative – which is always worth checking out before you make a purchase.
Percussive Therapy Massager
If you’re looking for a mains-powered held-held device than I’d highly recommend getting a percussive-therapy massager. Percussion is more powerful and effective than just ordinary vibration. The difference between percussive and vibration massage therapy is that percussive therapy can reach about 60% deeper into the muscle than the standard vibration massagers.
The device I have and can fully recommend is called Hangsun Percussion Massager. You can read a review of it here.
Spinal Flush
A handheld percussion massager is perfect for a back-massaging technique used in Energy Medicine. It’s called Spinal Flush, and it’s incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating.
However, you can do Spinal Flush even if you don’t have a massager – just use your hands and apply firm pressure. Find out more in my article Two Simple Techniques for Deep Relaxation where I describe the procedure, and where you can also watch Donna Eden showing the technique in a video called ‘How to Connect with Your Partner Using Energy medicine‘. It’s really worth learning!

Massage Chair
If you like a complex, luxurious style of massage with a number of massaging variations, optional vibration, and heat, a massage chair is an answer. I have a massage chair from Homedics and it’s a hit with every visitor of ours.
Most Homedics massage chairs offer several functions such as kneading shiatsu massage, or tapping percussion. You can usually select your own massage style, or have a pre-programmed massaging variation.

You can get a deep neck, shoulder and back massage, and select from several different massage zones and spots, with optional heat function.

You can choose from a wide range of Homedics massagers in their Amazon store.
Wherever you prefer a hand-held massager or a massage chair, both types are highly beneficial for your health and, needless to say, they make brilliant gifts. (I can still remember my parents’ expression when they tried their first massage chair!)
5) Yoga and Stretching
I believe that regular yoga or general stretching practice may help with getting rid of chronic back pain altogether. I would recommend the following asanas and exercises:
The Cobra pose

The Bridge Pose

The Candle Pose (Shoulder Stand)

Downward Dog

Connecting Heaven and Earth

Connecting Heaven and Earth is an age-old practice that has been depicted in ancient texts. It is brilliant for easing back pain because it allows old energy to leave, whole filling the body with new energy, and offering a great stretch at the same time. You can see how it is done in this video of Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine. (You will find it from 6:44 onwards.)
6) Tapping
Tapping, or EFT, (an abbreviation for Emotional Freedom Techniques) has been proven to help with a large number of issues like stress, anxiety, fear, depression, anger, trauma, and phobias, but also with physical pain. It has been successfully used for treating both chronic, and acute back pain.
Although there are still many people who have never heard of it before, the effectiveness of EFT is helping to make it an increasingly popular and scientifically verified therapeutic method. Over 100 clinical trials of EFT have been published in peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals.
The Science Behind Tapping
Tapping is applied by tapping your fingertips on specific acupressure points on the body, through which a signal is sent to the areas of the brain that are in charge of the ‘fight or flight’ stress response. This process often allows the body to relax and heal from both emotional and physical issues.
The clinical psychologist David Feinstein, Ph.D. is one of the practitioners who has been using EFT for years, and with great results. He is the author of The Healing Power of EFT & Energy Psychology, co-written with Donna Eden and Gary Craig, the original founder of EFT.
Another highly-respected researcher in this field of EFT is Dawson Church, Ph.D. He’s the author of a number of books about tapping, such as The EFT Manual, a book is based on Clinical EFT, a method validated in a large number of scientific studies.
Can EFT Help with Back Pain?
A large number of back pain sufferers who have been using EFT have reported quick shifts after using this technique. Through EFT, people suffering from pain can often identify the emotional root causes of their pain. It then helps them to make small adjustments, which often produces surprising results.
Apart from The EFT Manual, Dawson Church has also published EFT for Back Pain, a guide filled with the stories of many people who have experienced the benefits of tapping for their back pain and associated emotional problems. The book teaches the basics of EFT, and how to apply them.
Nick Ortner, an EFT expert and founder of ‘The Tapping Solution’ is the author of the book The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, which addresses many forms of pain, back pain included, and contains plenty of success stories. The book got endorsed by Tony Robbins with the following words:
“If you are in chronic pain, I suggest you choose this book and follow the programme inside. Nick’s results with helping people relieve chronic pain speak for themselves. It’s that simple.”
In this video, Nick Ortner talks about EFT for pain relief and demonstrates the tapping process. Check some of the comments below his video (on Youtube), where quite a few people have shared how it’s worked for them. It’s rather exciting to read these testimonials.
7) Use CBD – a Natural Compound of Hemp
CBD (cannabidiol) is a chemical compound found in the cannabis (hemp) plant. Products made from CBD have been used to help people relieve pain, relieve stress and anxiety, and help with their sleep.
One of such products is the ‘Freeze Roll-On Pain Relief’ by ‘Just CBD’. The pain-relief cream is made with full-spectrum hemp-derived CBD, which has been known for relieving pain and inflammation.
The ‘Freeze Roll-On’ cooling cream has a lot of positive reviews; below is a screenshot of the first few pages. (You can check all of them on the product’s page. )
You can find this roll-on as well as other pain relief creams and gels on the JUST CBD website, under ‘CBD Topicals’.

8) Sedate the Kidney Meridian
An interesting approach to relieving back pain is to use the Traditional Chinese Medicine method for sedating your Kidney meridian.
You may be asking “What on earth have kidneys to do with back pain?” The answer is, if the meridian (energetic pathway) that goes through your kidneys becomes overcharged and stressed, it will lead to pain in the surrounding area.
Sedating the Kidney meridian will relax the kidneys by removing all the excess, stuck energy and provide relief to the back.
You can sedate the Kidney meridian by holding specific acupressure points. I am describing the procedure in my post called The Kidney Meridian. (Just look up “Sedating Kidney meridian” in the list of contents on the page.)

Let Me Know About Your Favourite Technique
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about the list of ideas for combating back pain. As I’m writing this, I’m wearing my ‘Back-Up’ back-support and enjoying the sensating of being able to relax and keep my back the straight and strong at the same time. I’m glad I could share my favourite devices with you here, and hope that you too might find them helpful.
If you’d like to share your experience, please leave a comment below. I’d be so happy to hear if any of these techniques have worked for you. I would also appreciate it if you let me know about any other effective techniques or gadgets that you have found effective.

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Hi, thanks for this very informative article on how to relieve back pain. It is very rich in content and will be of great help to so many people due to the fact that so many people experience one form of back pain or the other occasionally.
All the remedies you highlighted are natural cures and this is very helpful for those who may have other health challenges that could be aggravated by taking chemical drugs.
I never knew before now that magnet has healthy effects on pain. This article is an eye-opener for me personally.
In the past, I do have a massage chair in my office and it was very helpful. I will share your article with other people because I know it will be of great help to them.
Thank you, Joseph, for such a lovely response. Yes, there are so many great ways nature can help us with keeping our health in balance. I was also surprised when I learned about using magnets for pain relief. I learned in my Eden Energy Medicine course, which synthesizes ancient healing techniques with modern science. I become so fascinated by how magnets work that I got myself a compass and with that I’ve been testing every magnet I have at home, to make sure I’m using the correct side (south-seeking Northside) for pain relief. It literally draws the pain out of the body. I’ve learned quite a few other pain relief techniques, for example, the ‘Zone tapping’, based in reflexology. That one has also worked for me. I talk about that in the article about 6 non-invasive pain relief techniques. Also, a very interesting natural healing technique is the so-called ‘Brazilian toe technique’ which has been developed by a Brazilian doctor to help patients who have gone through chemotherapy and who couldn’t afford painkillers. It’s based on lightly holding the person’s toes in a particular order, and it ALWAYS sends one to a state of deep relaxation and often sleep. Rather amazing how effective it is. You can find it in my post Two Simple Techniques for Deep Relaxation. Once again, thank you for your nice reply!
You have written a comprehensive review of the major alternatives to get rid of back pain. I personally believe that the ones that involve stretching your body and massaging your body to be more effective, than say, magnets. Also, these techniques sound good for muscle pain in the back, but if you have a condition like fibromyalgia, they are not going to help much. I personally like the chair, it’s the most relaxing version of treating back pain.
Thank you for your nice comment, Anthony! I fully agree that in terms of prevention, exercise and stretching (yoga and similar practices) are the most effective. Magnets can be good when you already have the pain and try to relieve it. I can talk from my own experience and well as my husband’s about this – we’re quite mad about magnets because we’ve found them so effective. They have helped my husband chronic wrist pain. But obviously, you have to find your favourite alternative, keep testing what works for you. Regarding fibromyalgia, there have been very interesting accounts of decreasing the pain caused by fibromyalgia through the use of EFT tapping or even healing from the condition altogether through Energy Medicine. There is an interesting case study about this – I’m including a link here – Energy Medicine for Fibromyalgia – a Case Study – and the Energy Medicine practitioner can be contacted via the email in the article. Thanks again for visiting my site!
Hi Lucie,
You have shared very useful treasure to the back pain world. This review is full of great information and logic.
I use to be lower back pain sufferer. It happened because of my inappropriate posture repeatedly used during my high school. I loved studying and writing in a sleeping pose and over time my back bone became S- shaped. The pain I felt still resonate in my sixties after five decades.
I was hospitalized near my home which luckily was the 2nd largest hospital in that field. I was diagnosed with lumber spondilltes and the back pain was resulting from there because of disc collapse. The doctors put me on traction for 3 weeks followed by physiotherapy for couple weeks. I was restricted to bend, not lifting heavy weight. The good news is I am good and have no pain for several decades. I am not sure if the therapies you describe would have worked with my problem.
Here is another one. I was leading a high profile project with a tight non negotiable timeline. It made me work with stress for multiple weeks and my back stiff and it was painful. I got a physiotherapist after consulting my primary care physician and I got relief after massaging.
I Gould this review very useful.
Dear Anusuya, Thank you for sharing your experience, which must have been so painful and restricting! A collapsed disc surely requires several-weeks lasting traction and physiotherapy. Luckily you didn’t have to undergo any operations, and it’s great to hear you are pain-free now. Using hand-held massagers or massage chairs is best for situations like you’re describing towards the end of your comment – for example when you get highly stressed and your body reacts to it in a form of back pain. Long-term psychological strain can often transform into physical pain, or lowered immunity, so it’s good to be aware of this and be good to our bodies – keep moving, get the lymph in motion, which helps with getting rid of toxins. That’s what a massage is perfect for. Thanks again for your nice and interesting comment!
Thanks for your relevant article on back pain. We have all had experience with back pain in one form or another, especially these days when we all work (and play) in front of a computer or handheld device. Ergonomics suddenly play a greater role in our daily lives. You highlighted several excellent and innovative products in your article that intrigued me very much. I felt like I was strolling through one of the old “Sharper Image” stores for a minute there!
My KETO Lifestyle™
Thanks for your nice and amusing comment, Jim. ‘Sharper Image” stores, hehe! You’re so right about the importance of ergonomics. We no longer realise how quickly the hours fly by when we’re sitting in front of our devices, usually slouched down, depriving ourselves of oxygen due to the pressure on our lunges caused by the wrong posture. One gets tired much more quickly this way. It’s funny, because just as I was writing this (having been at the computer for some time now) my back started to hurt. It would have been psychosomatic, by just thinking about back pain too much 😉 But I just slipped in my ‘Back-Up’ device and the pain’s gone at once.( Love my little devices!) Take care and thanks again for your insight.
Awesome buddy, you have written a very great review of the major alternatives to get rid of back pain. I personally believe that the ones that involve stretching your body and massaging your body to be more effective, than any other things out there. Like the techniques for muscle back pain, except for the condition like fibromyalgia, this technique will not help much. I personally love the chair, it’s the most relaxing version of back pain treatment so far. Great information again and keep it up.
Thank you, Juma! The massage chairs are great, I got several of them from Homedics and they always made brilliant presents. The feeling is truly luxurious, I’m sure you know how it feels. It can completely restore you! Regarding the other techniques, I believe it is a matter of direct personal experience. For instance, EFT tapping, which is based on moving subtle energies through our body and brain, has helped thousands of people with pain relief. Wayne Dyer, (known as the father of motivation) talks about his experience when he was unable to continue his speech due to severe back pain, but when Nick Ortner (the author of TappingSolution for Pain Relief) got him to follow the tapping procedure, and the audience was tapping along with them, his pain disappeared and he was able to carry on his talk. And this is just one of many stories like them, they’re all over Youtube. I recommend trying it out one day, you can follow the video with Nick Ortner. (But let’s hope you won’t need it! 🙂 Cheers.
What a great article!
I have something like percussive therapy massager and I can only say it’s the best self-help massager you can find!
It’s very interesting that while I was reading through the article I thought of yoga and EFT. And you definitely wrote about these two as well.
As a physiotherapist and a certified yoga teacher, from the Himalayan school of traditional yoga, I can say that some of the yoga positions are so good for the back especially while in the pain. Definitely the ones that stretch the spine. Until the point, the pleasure in the pose stops. Not more than that.
I also practice the EFT with my EFT therapist and I bet that the back pain would vanish with removing some of the emotional blockages related to the stability, security, relationships.
As Reiki practitioner and certified practitioner of the Reiki 888 I would add Reiki healing to your list as well 🙂
Thanks for a great read,
Hi Sunny, Thank you for your lovely comment! Great to hear that you too are a fan of percussive massagers, aren’t they amazing? I almost couldn’t believe my luck when I first tried it. It felt as if I had hired a professional superstrong massage therapist, hehe! And I was using it on my own, with just one hand over my shoulder, and it still did an amazing job. Next time I had my husband treating me with it, so I could fully relax lying on my back, while both sides of my spine were deeply massaged…a complete dream. :). Also, I’m happy that you resonate with EFT! Not too many people are aware of this method. I have used it for a number of issues successfully – mainly emotional, but also physical pain. I am also fascinated by your knowledge and qualifications. It warms my heart to know that there are people like you, with very bright inner light! Thanks again for your wonderful words.
Hi, great article thank you! There are a lot of excellent tips on how to relieve back pain. I can vouch for Yoga helping to relieve pain, definitely. I’ve also tried massage therapy (with a licensed massage therapist) and it only seems to help during and immediately after, but quickly returns, so I haven’t tried any self-massagers. I have also found that heat helps a lot with tension in the back, which causes back pain. Thanks again for the article.
Thanks for your reply, Selenity. Your point about heat is absolutely right! Thank you for reminding me about this, I should include that tip in my list. I’ve suddenly remembered that in the past I got considerable relief of my muscle pains by applying heat patches or hot water bottles. The heat just relaxed the muscles and eased the pain. I used to use this method a lot when I woke up with a pain in my neck muscles. Thanks again for the reminder!
Hello there, Thanks for sharing this awesome article, Exercise is the foundation of chronic back pain treatment. It’s one of the first treatments you should try under the guidance of a physician and spine physical therapist. However, the same set of exercises doesn’t work for everyone, Please keep up the good work.
I fully agree, Isleglamour. I used to suffer from back pains and had a lot of physiotherapy with different sets of exercises, and I felt that some worked and some didn’t. (Or perhaps they did in the long term, but back then I was more after immediate relief 😉 But regular exercise has strengthened my back muscles and I believe that it has prevented further pain. Now I do a short yoga routine every day (as in the pictures) as a preventative measure.
Wow! This is really massive to see here. I actually appreciate you for sharing such knowledge as this in the first place and I must say that this is really great. However, I never would have thougt that an object like magnet would be used to draw or relative back pain. Please can this be used by someone who suffers from arthritis too
Dear Sherry, absolutely! Arthritic pain can be treated with magnets. As I am writing this, I have checked this in my Energy Medicine book by Donna Eden, and on pg 325 she addresses this issue. She advises to lay the north side of a small weak magnet (like the ones in my post) against your pain and you should feel relief. I would also advise trying the CBD gel, as it has rather amazing reviews and people who have suffered from arthritis have reported considerable relief. One of my friends has recently started to use it for her arthritic pains and she swears by it. Good luck with finding your favourite pain-relief way!
Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here. I believe this honest post will help other readers who come across it as it has helped me at the moment. Though this is actually my first time hearing about using magnet as as a tool for pain relief. Thanks for sharing the exact magnet to use.
Hi Joy, I’m really glad to hear that you’ve found the post useful. I also wasn’t aware of the magnets as pain-relievers a year ago. I learned about it in Eden Energy Medicine course which combines ancient healing techniques with modern healing methods. As soon as I realised how magnets work it all made sense to me. We are made of energy and magnets influence energy, so it’s a perfect tool for moving pain out of our body. I hope you or your friends will find them helpful. All the best!
Lately I have come to realize that back pain is not an issue that is ascribed to the and that just anyone can feel it for various reasons that count to 100 but it differs by age, however. I really have not been feeling this pain for a while now but when it does come I am almost in tears and it hurts a lot. Seeing these tips makes me really happy and hope to get down to it soon
Dear Bella, thank you for your nice words. I’m so glad that this article could be useful for you in the future, although I hope that you won’t need it. May your pain never return! However, it’s good to be aware of a few ideas, because you’ll be able to help others by sharing it with them. Good luck with everything!
Back pain is considered chronic if it lasts three months or longer. It can come and go, often bringing temporary relief, followed by frustration. Dealing with chronic back pain can be especially trying if you don’t know the cause.Thanks so much for this article.Treatment for Chronic Back Pain
Physical Therapy. Exercise is the foundation of chronic back pain treatment. …
Mindfulness and Meditation. Chronic back pain is straining both physically and emotionally. …
Diet. …
Lifestyle Modifications. …
Injection-based Treatments. …
Alternative Treatments. …
Pharmacologic Treatments
Thanks, Abel, for your relevant points! There are so many options for chronic back pain treatment, and everyone can respond to it differently. As you rightly point out, lifestyle and diet can play a major role in this. Alternative treatments such as homeopathy can also be very successful. And you’ve hit the nail on the head by mentioning the frustration from not knowing the cause of the pain. Treatment such as EFT tapping or hypnotherapy can sometimes reveal the underlying problem and thus speed the healing process.
Wow, just wow. I think everyone should read this post whether they have back pain issues or they don’t because this post is packed with relevant information on how to be able to tackle the issue. I have a friend who occasionally feels uncomfortable due to the pain that he feeos from his back. Maybe that backnobber will help him. I will have to share this with him.
Hi Payton, that’s made me so happy. I do hope your friend will be able to benefit from some of the ideas. And there are still more ideas I could put in, such as heat, as one of the commenters has suggested. For example heat patches or hot water bottles. And conversely, cold showers can also relieve a considerable amount of pain. Athletes, for instance, use cold therapy to treat their sore muscles after training. I wish your friend all the best with getting rid of the pain. Oh, one more thing that could also help could be a reflexology technique called Zone Tapping. (This is slightly different from EFT tapping.) I’m writing about this technique in my article 6 Non-Invasive Pain Relief Techniques (point 6). Thanks for your kind words!
I have done a bunch of tough jobs during my life time and back then it seemed I was fine. But now I have been reaping the negative effects. A perpetual back pain has been bothering during all this quarantine and I have been moved to jump online and research a bit. Thanks for your article. I’m glad I found your website.
Hello, Abel, thanks so much for sharing this here. I truly sympathize, back pain can throw one off completely, especially if it’s long-term. I do hope that you’ll manage not only to alleviate your pain but also to get rid of it for good. I am currently sitting in my chair with the ‘Back-Up’ device around me and it gets my back a wonderful relief. If you still have the pain, I would recommend trying it. It’s not the cheapest thing, but with Amazon, you can always return it if you’re not happy with it. I would also ask someone to give you the ‘Spinal Flush’, either with their hands or with a percussive massager, as this might release the stuck energy that has accumulated over the years of hard work. Or try some of the CBD-based topical relief, I know a few friends who swear by it. A friend with Lymes disease, and another one with arthritis hands. They have used the gel and the roll-ons. In any case, good luck with finding the best method that you like and that will work for you! All the very best, wishing you a pain-free summer! Lu
Hello There, thank you for taking your time to compile and share this informative and resourceful article. This article is centered on how to relieve chronic back pain. This methods looks easy and tryable. O would love to share this post across various platforms for as many as those that are suffering from back pains. It really would be helpful
Hi Lesley, I’m glad you’ve found the post helpful and I’m delighted to hear that you’d like to share it with others. It would completely make my day if I knew that someone there is feeling relief from their back pain thanks to reading my article and applying some of the ideas. Please do let me know if you or any of your friends experience some results after trying some of the tips. Thanks for your nice comment!
This is a very important topic that you have addressed, I love that you have a solution for any age range that may be experiencing back problems, the Backnobber is very interesting never heard of it before, but something I would be willing to try. the therapeutic magnets are another awesome product, thanks for the enlightenment on the various solutions available.