Having a home-based business has always been an appealing idea for a lot of us, but especially since the beginning of the lockdown, the search for working from home opportunities has skyrocketed. But plenty of people face a great challenge: What direction to take when considering an online job? How can one find decent work without falling prey to scams and get-rich-quick schemes, which in so many cases turn into ‘get-broke-fast’ schemes?
Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase through my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. The full disclosure can be accessed here. Thank you for your support!
Sea of Opportunities to Earn Money Online
There are plenty of opportunities to earn extra income online, such as freelance writing or proofreading, creating a tutorial or a course, offering services as a web designer, logo designer, online session musician, singer, poet, counselor, coach – the list is constantly growing.
General Freelance/Online Jobs
You can search for online/freelance jobs through websites such as:
Writing Jobs
Freelance jobs specifically for writers can be found here:
Voiceover Jobs
If you are a singer or can do voiceovers, you could offer your skills at the following websites:
If you are stuck for work, do check these sites out and you’ll see the horizon of your online work opportunities widen instantly.
Affiliate Marketing
You can also try affiliate marketing, which I would recommend because of my own positive experience.
How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?
If you have a hobby or a strong interest in your life, you can build a website around that topic. Then you’ll keep writing articles about the things you like, and with enough dedication and time, you can start reaping rewards by online income.
You can gradually start monetizing your site by, for example, becoming an Amazon affiliate. Then you write about products that you have tried or would recommend, insert your unique affiliate link, and if a visitor of your site clicks on it and buys something, you will get a percentage from the sale.
You may have noticed the disclosures on this page – this informs the visitors of my site that I am an affiliate marketer, so they can make an informed choice whether to purchase something from my links and thus help me earn a small commission at absolutely no cost to them. I love this principle, it’s like a fair exchange of energy; if people find what you’ve written useful, they may chose to reward you for your work. Whenever I earn a commission, I thank the person in my mind and with all my heart, even if I don’t know who he or she is.
You can join many other companies, not just Amazon. For example, if you like motorbikes, type the following in Google search bar: ‘motorbikes + affiliate program’, and you will find companies that might accept you as their affiliate partner, and you can then use your affiliate links in your blog about motorbikes and get paid if people like what you’ve written and make a purchase through your link.
Success is Gradual and Cumulative
Affiliate marketing is definitely not a get-rich scheme – it requires a lot of dedicated work. But if you have a passion for something, it will give you the driving force to keep working at it; you’ll develop a certain discipline, and because success is cumulative, in time you will get rewarded. (I can’t describe my joy when I saw my first affiliate commission in my Paypal account!) Earning money by doing what you really like is extremely motivating. Work of this kind, however hard it may seem in the beginning, becomes very meaningful and fulfilling.
Get Rewarded for Genuinely Helping Others
One thing is very important to know: The people who are most successful in affiliate marketing are the ones who genuinely want to help people through their blog content. It has to be useful or interesting for others. You should offer something that others may benefit from – something that will either entertain them or solve their problem (such as ‘how can I ease arthritic pain’ or ‘which camera is the best for high-quality videos’ etc.)
The latter one, solving a problem, tends to be more successful, at least according to marketing experts. So think of anything you are good at, or what really interests you, and then imagine you are writing an informative article about it. Someone will come across it and if your intention is genuine (and you’re not just ‘fishing’ for sales), you will start earning income by helping others.
The Difference Between Affiliate Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing or Pyramid Schemes
It is a matter of personal choice, but to me, affiliate marketing is a definitive winner over Multi-Level marketing. Let’s look at the main differences:
Multi-Level Marketing:
- You have to first buy the products that you’ll be selling
- There’s usually a joining fee, e.g. buying a starter kit
- You have to actually sell the products in order to make money (i.e. bother your friends and family)
- You’re limited to selling specific products by the company
- You may have to recruit other members to sell your products to
I once joined such a company without realising that they operated on a multi-level marketing principle. I naively thought that it was a training course for nutritionists (because they had been presenting themselves as such). They convinced me to purchase a mountain of protein powder (I could barely find my room under the heap of all those huge jars). Needless to say, it required a huge financial investment. I soon realised that I had to sell all of it in order to get my money back. That meant bothering all my friends and family to buy it off me. I wasn’t really cut out for this, so in the end, I ended up giving most of it away and eating the rest.
Affiliate marketing:
- You don’t have to sell any products, only promote them through your website
- There are no fees to join an affiliate program (like Amazon, for example)
- It’s entirely up to you what products, programs, etc. you want to promote, and the amount is limitless
- You don’t have to bother anyone personally in order to make a sale. A helpful and interesting article written by you will get noticed and people will purchase the products you promote of their own free will
Where Can You Learn About Affiliate Marketing Step by Step?
Learn from Successful Bloggers/Internet Marketers
There are plenty of experts around who offer quality guidance about setting your online business and teach you how to start your journey as an affiliate. One of such experts and wonderful people is an award-winning blogger Harsh Agrawal. I have subscribed to his newsletters because he’s one of the top bloggers who knows just about everything about online business and covers all the aspects of digital marketing – from blogging, WordPress, Search Engine Optimisation to web hosting and making money online. He has a cool blog ‘Shout Me Loud’ which I check regularly, and he has published a very clearly written beginners’ guide to affiliate marketing which I have, and which has helped me avoid many beginners’ mistakes.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Join a Platform That Teaches Online Marketing
Another great way to get started with your online business is by joining an educational platform that specializes in teaching internet marketing. There is a wide choice of such platforms, but it is a good idea to ‘test-drive’ each of them before you decide for the one that suits you the best. A good marketing platform should always offer you a free starter membership so you can explore the territory first. Never join a platform that pushes you into a paid membership without giving you the chance to explore it first! Many people have fallen for scam platforms or platforms that charge unreasonable membership fees.
If I could sincerely recommend a platform that is full of great courses on how to set up a home-based business, it would be Wealthy Affiliate. To my mind, it’s the best platform for anyone who is considering working from home.
What is Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate is a platform for internet marketers. I am a happy member of the platform and would recommend it to anyone who would like to learn about earning extra income online. Their course ‘Online Entrepreneur Certification’ has helped me build my website, start and maintain my online business, and become a part of a trustworthy community of fellow internet marketers, who are always happy to offer advice about anything.
A Learning Platform and a Supportive Community
As a learning platform, Wealthy Affiliate is ideal for beginners and pros alike. It will teach you anything you need to know about a successful online business – even if you are a complete beginner and see yourself as ‘anti technical’. And for people with more experience in online business, it offers continuous training in all aspects of internet marketing, including weekly live trainings and non-stop support.
I love the community at W.A. Whenever I have a question, I post it within the platform and get a reply from multiple people within a short time. Everyone there is really friendly and supportive. I felt genuinely welcome from the very beginning. And I never received any impersonal, pressurizing phonecalls forcing me to upgrade, which is what had happened to me with a few other platforms.
Free Website and Hosting
With a free starter membership, you can build (and host!) your own website using Wealthy Affiliate’s own platform called ‘Siterubix‘, where you can keep your website for as long as you wish, and for free.
Easy to Grasp Fundamentals of Setting Your Online Business
The 10-lesson free training will give you the necessary knowledge needed to start your own an online business, and learn about affiliate marketing. The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that you can start your online business without any prior knowledge about internet marketing – just like me. As a musician, the ‘online business’ topic used to be very alien, almost repulsive to me.
No False Promises
When I came across this platform, what caught my interest was the fact that it seemed more ‘down to earth’ than any of the shiny laptop-lifestyle platforms I had come across before. Like some that claim that you’ll only need ‘a laptop and internet connection’ to make thousands a month. That is complete, misguiding nonsense. Affiliate marketing requires a lot of work and dedication like any other job.
However, you will come across quite a lot of success stories within the affiliate world, such as one by a fellow member of Wealthy Affiliate, a sweet girl called Grace, also known as ‘Littlemama’. You can read her blog post here.
I love the fact that despite her financial success she still remains with her feet on the ground and tells everyone the truth – that it’s you who will need to do the work.
Try the ‘Getting Started’ Module for Free
I highly recommend trying the first 10 lessons for free – you don’t even have to give Wealthy Affiliate your credit card details in order to gain the free membership. And if you’d like the training and would like to continue after the 10 lessons, you can upgrade to a Premium membership, which gives you unlimited access to complete training and constant professional support.
But even if you don’t upgrade to a paid membership, you will still have unlimited access to your website which you can keep developing, and write articles. I think that having a free website and hosting with full guidance about starting your business is utterly unique among all the other marketing platforms I’ve come across.
by WEALTHY AFFILIATE – Platform for Online Marketers
10 Free Lessons on How to Start an Online Business
I suggest having a think about the whole concept and doing your own research online. If blogging and affiliate marketing is something that appeals to you, go and try the 10 free lessons. There’s nothing to lose – you may be standing in front of a new opportunity that may shift your life in a new and exciting direction – like in my case.
I would recommend checking out the first two lessons, because it may give you a better idea of whether you’d like to continue the whole free course.
Lesson 2 – Understanding How to Make Money Online
If you find out that internet marketing just doesn’t resonate with you, you will still have gained new knowledge that you can share with others.
Good luck and do let me know how it’s going in the comments below! I’ll be more than happy to answer any of your questions.

This site has been (very happily) built with DIVI, by Elegant Themes.
Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. This means that if you decide to make a purchase through my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. The complete Affiliate Disclosure can be accessed here. If you’d like to learn more about affiliate marketing, check out my favourite platform for online marketers. Thank you for visiting!
This is a great post and I think I share your feelings about affiliate marketing. You’re right, it is possible for many people nowadays to earn online with proofreading, editing or design with a little education. I think if you want to build something that will last you do need to invest in some education in the area. I like what you have written about affiliate marketing too, it sounds like it’s working for you and seems interesting.
Dear Emma, thank you for your lovely feedback, and yes indeed, as you say, build something longterm requires a lot of work and dedication. But the great thing is, if it ‘makes your heart burn’, then it will hardly feel like work. More like a mindfulness practice! 🙂 You know that feeling when you ‘get in the zone’. I often remember moments from my early childhood, and I recall the feeling of intense presence.
For example, messing about with my dad’s old typewriter, and trying to type a ‘fairytale’ I had invented. During that process, I was definitely not thinking ‘Will it earn me any money, and when?!” Hehe. So I think it’s about being able to reach that present state of a child at play. Because the child doesn’t call the activity ‘playing’. It’s us adults that label it like that. The child is in a timeless space of presence, from which wonderful creativity is born. And if we approach our endeavours in online business (for example) with this attitude, amazing things will start happening. I’m a great fan of synchronicities, and they are definitely a part of the process if we adopt the right mindset and focus on the present. I’ve written more about synchronicities in a post called My Musical Journey. Thanks again, Emma, for your nice words!
Hi Lucie!
Thanks for such an interesting post! I have just started affiliate marketing and I have to say I’m really happy with everything! Your post was really well written and very informative! I starte using WA and I am really glad I did! You are right, success is cumulative and in a near future, those who persist will thrive!
Dear Juan, I’m so glad we’re on the same boat! 🙂 In fact, working towards my goals in the affiliate marketing field has motivated me to develop a specific routine, because I’ve heard from so many successful CEOs with an open mind that physical, mental and spiritual practice such as meditation is a non-negotiable part of their daily routine. take Jim Kwik (the ‘brain coach’ and memory expert), Tony Robbins, or Vishen Lakhiani from the online learning platform Mindvalley. People like this have been my great inspiration to create my own habits (as Jim Kwik says ‘First you create your habits and then your habits create you’) and everything started to unfold in a very positive direction since then. The joy of receiving your first commissions, created with our own honest effort, is beyond words. Enjoy the exciting journey in your online business and thanks again for your kind words.
In these hard times it is reassuring to know that there are legitimate opportunities available to work from home. Not the least being able to create one’s own business.
I am glad that you provided a comparison between MLM and Affiliate Marketing. Even though people have made fortunes in both, Affiliate Marketing is definitely the way to go. Instead of spending a ton of time creating sales teams and training your team members to duplicate what you are doing, that valuable time can be devoted to building your own money making website. Just like your own one.
Also, I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate as your training platform of choice for the excellent reasons you provide. Harsh Agrawal’s book is a great example of how to help others easily and earn some honest money in the process.
I wish you continued success.
Dear Edwin, thank you for your nice comment, much appreciated! I’m glad you liked to see the comparison between MLM and affiliate marketing. We all are cut out differently, so it’s good to know what’s on offer in the online world and what would resonate with us. I remember, years ago, when I first came in contact with MLM marketing. An acquaintance of mine started selling Avon products and although we had been not too close prior to that, she suddenly became overfriendly and wanted to organize ‘Avon parties’ in my flat…I realised that I would not want to do something like that myself. Affiliate marketing appeals to me so much more and I’ve really enjoyed the learning process and well as implementing the steps, creating my content, and recommending products I personally like. It just feels right to be doing this kind of work and I genuinely look forward to another day of work, which is not always the case with other jobs. Thanks again for visiting my site!
Thank you Lucy for sharing on the various platforms that one can use to make money online. I have a question about Fiverr, what is the best way to get noticed for a gig. I am into voice over and already there are so many others that are ahead in the same line. Is there a time frame, like affiliate marketing when you can measure your progress and decide if it’s working or not?
Dear Nozipho, it’s great you’ve put yourself forward on Fiverr! Just keep visualizing your goal, trust that success is gonna happen. If you want something really badly and put all your efforts into it, you are very likely to succeed. I personally wouldn’ focus on the timeframe, I would try to let people know about your talent across multiple platforms, to increase the probability of being noticed. For example, you can try the following, apart from Fiverr: Upwork, Voices.com, Voice123, Voice Bunny, Voice Crafters. And of course, set up your Facebook page and explore as many possible platforms that you can, including forums where you can get more tips and ideas. Good luck and keep your great work going!
This is a really well written post outlining some of the opportunties available for working at home. Before finding Wealthy Affiliate I did try my hand at some of the make money ideas you mentioned. MLM was one of them, and it really wasn’t for me! I still buy some of the products from the company, as they are very good, but not interested in promoting them. I’ve also tried freelance writing, but since joining Wealthy Affiliate my focus is 100% on my online business. The training is excellent, and I don’t think you could find a more friendly and helpful community. I totally agree that affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online. Not only is it newbie friendly, but gives you an amazing feeling when readers like your content and buy through one of your links.
Hi Kathy, Thank you for your lovely feedback. Exactly as you say, the feeling when readers appreciate your content (either by leaving a nice comment or purchasing a product through your links) is amazing. All the hard work (and sometimes even accompanied by the feeling that you’re working in vain) is rewarded multiple times by this. Freelance writing can also be very rewarding, but like you, I’ve decided to focus on affiliate marketing much more; after all the freelance writing is a major part of it, with the difference that we’re creating content for ourselves and can monetise our content much more than when we write a one-off article for someone else. Regarding MLM, I’ve got a similar experience. Often the products are excellent, but in the end, it’s quite limiting to have to promote only one type of product. I felt this aspect would decrease my long-term motivation, so I also didn’t pursue the MLM path. I’m glad to hear that you like the training by Wealthy Affiliate as I do. I really enjoyed the Online Entrepreneur Certification while I was building my website, and I frequently watch Jay Neill’s live trainings. He’s so lovely and funny. I love his webinars! 🙂 This year I may also start the Affiliate Bootcamp course. Have you done this one as well and how would you compare it to the Online Entrepreneur Certification course? Thanks again for your comment, and good luck on your journey – may that be enjoyable and fulfilling!
Great article. Having experience with both direct sales/multilevel marketing and affiliate marketing, I can see firsthand you’ve done a great job of pointing out what would be considered the pros and cons of both. Obviously in today’s day and age, there are a myriad of ways for one to fulfill their passion and make some additional income via the World Wide Web.
Thanks, Jason, for your nice feedback. You’re absolutely right about the myriad of online opportunities. That in itself can become an obstacle for some people who get overwhelmed by the choice and don’t really know what to go for, perhaps feeling skeptical and/or afraid of scam or failure. That’s why I’m so glad to have come across some honest people like my coach Alex Sol who introduced me to Wealthy Affiliate. Cheers again for your comment and best of luck in all your online endeavours!
You are very correct about the search for online jobs. In the past number of months, the search has gone really high because many businesses were put to a halt but it still is a great time to learn a lot more about online businesses and how to make money too. I joined wealthy affiliate during this period and it must be one of the best decisions that I have made so far.
Yipee, I’m so glad to hear this, Jay! 🙂 We’re obviously on the same boat. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the platform for anyone who’d like to learn about affiliate marketing and set up their online business (in any niche) at the same time, which is rather unique. That’s why I’d recommend it to everyone. And for people who prefer commission-based work, they can try platforms like PeoplePerHour, Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, Contenmart, Hirewriter, Textbroker…the list is endless! 🙂 Enjoy your W.A. journey and good luck with all your great work.
Hi Lucie, I am looking to start an online business and I stumbled upon your site. I have no idea where to start. I see that Wealthy Affiliate is free to start…Is it like a 7 days trial then they charge? Also, I do not have knowledge in coding to build a website, will that be a problem?
Hi Carole, it’s lovely to hear you’d like to start an online business – welcome to the huge family of online entrepreneurs of absolutely all levels! You can keep a free account with Wealthy Affiliate for as long as you wish – they will not charge you after seven days. The seven days is the period when you can get full customer support and private messaging to answer all your questions you may have at the beginning.
But even after the seven days expire and the full support stops, you can still continue the 10 lesson course and keep building your website which you can also keep for free. You only pay if you decide to upgrade to a Premium membership, which then gives you access to full customer support as well to all the courses.
So once again, for a Starter Membership, you don’t need any credit card details, it’s absolutely free, so you can take your time and go through the first ten free lessons at your own pace.
And as for the coding, good news you won’t need any! 🙂 You will be able to build your website on a platform called ‘Siterubix’ which is a part of Wealthy Affiliate, and you will be able to choose from many templates that don’t require any coding, and try to build a website immediately. You can explore it right here: – Try Siterubix for free. Feel free to ask me any questions, I’d be delighted to help you further. Good luck! 🙂
Hello there, I enjoyed going through your post and would recommend it to anyone who wishes to start an online business – especially newbies in affiliate marketing like me. Thanks for sharing this with me!
Nice one, Joy! I’m glad you find the text useful. Starting an online business requires patience and determination, but as success is cumulative, the reward will come in time. Good luck with everything!
Hello there, global freelance platforms like PeoplePerHour, Upwork, Freelancer and Fiverr pay a lot to users daily An experience of over two years can fetch rs 1,030-1,300 per hour or a fixed price of up to Rs 15,000 for a one-month project. These sites charge a small percentage of maximum 20% of your earnings in a month. Thanks for sharing this awesome article – I know it would be of help to others who want to start working from home!
Hi Ismeglamour, thank you for sharing your experience from the field of freelancing! It is very useful to know what goes on ‘behind the scenes’, and it may help those ones who would like to venture into this kind of work. Affililate marketing can also be done alongside these commission-based jobs.
Thank you for the post , you displayed the endless opportunities that come with Affiliate Marketing ,I think its an ideal for most if not everyone looking for online opportunities. I also like the fact that Wealthy Affiliate as you have recommended it gives the beginners a free trial without asking for credit card details. Its a safe place to explore the opportunity.
Not only that but the opportunity to create a free website that you can keep, its a cherry on top.
Hi Bogadi, thank you for you nice comment. I think it’s always important to be able to explore any platform for free and for as long as you like without being pressurized into upgrading your membership or any other commitments. I’ve experienced this with a few platforms or online courses where I was receiving pushy phone calls to join fro a fee or upgrade, and this kind of attitude put me off. I was lucky that Wealthy Affiliate did not do this – that’s why I’ve been with this platform for over a year and I can’t tell you how grateful I’m for having discovered it. Thanks a lot again for your feedback!
Thanks for your well thought out and structured review of Wealthy Affiliate and the concept of affiliate marketing in general. I definitely agree that WA attracted me with their down-to-earth feel as well. I didn’t feel like I was being promoted to by a robot but by real people with real experiences. Affiliate marketing really is a limitless opportunity and you’re really only obstacles are self discipline and your own imagination. If you’re someone who loves writing and helping others it’s definitely a great career choice.
I’m so glad to be on a similar wavelength, Rachel :). The ‘down-to-earth’ aspect resonated with me immediately, because I could see these guys are real people, and definitely don’t overpromise anything and don’t wave piles of cash in front of your face. Yet at the same time, there are plenty of success stories withing the Wealthy Affiliate and they come from real people who have been working diligently for months to achieve financial success in this field. And the beautiful thing is that the money does come with time and effort That’s why I love this platform and would recommend it to everyone who’s interested in internet marketing. Thanks again for your nice feedback!
I feel that everyone would take something from this post, if you’re anywhere on the beginner level or considering to start online marketing. Would you think that starting solo, without any kind of paid course or service to help you, would be a good idea for a complete beginner? Of course this way would be cheaper since you’d only need hosting and a domain to get started, but having a platform along with you takes all the guesswork out. Which option you personally favor?
Hi Julius, and thank you for your insight! When I started with affiliate marketing, I first tried the solo route, only following a few Youtube tutorials. But soon I felt really overwhelmed and was really missing some support because I had so many questions. So I started reading a lot of reviews of different affiliate marketing platforms communities. I read good things about two in particular: The Legendary Marketer and Wealthy Affiliate. Then I read a post by one of the experienced internet marketers called Alex Sol. His attitude was so friendly and honest that I decided to follow the steps that he was describing, And since he was a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I naturally opted for that platform because he won my trust. And I’m really glad I did that! I’m positive that if I carried on solo, that it would take me either three times as long to get where I’m now, or I would have given up after the first few months or even weeks. So once again, to answer your question what I favour personally: definitely a good learning platform with a lot of friendly support! All the best and cheers again for your nice comment.
This is a good subject for me, because I know there are tons of opportunities for finding some business that we can do online, and also the number of resources available. The only thing that I warn people about is to do thorough research before jumping into an opportunity. Stay away from Multi Level Marketing, where some scammers set up a pyramid where only one person makes the profit. There’s quite a bit of misleading information so we need to be careful where we go to find the right opportunity for us. But on the other hand, there’s quite a variety of niches to select in the field of the affiliate marketing, so if you’re picking one, always go with your passion.
Hello Eugene, what a lovely comment, thank you! I couldn’t agree more with everything you say, – especially about finding the right niche. It’s so vital that your niche should be your passion because then it will fill you with the right drive and motivation for all the work required. I feel very lucky for having found it, and I hope that you have as well! Good luck with all your pursuits, Eugene, and thanks again for your nice feedback. Blessings, Lucie
This is really a very good post because you have actually addressed the whole issue of actually getting to the source of making money online and the very basic condiments that we should all know about before actually considering this at all so that we wouldn’t be stunned in the long run. Thank you for sharing here
Thank you for your comment, Kimberly! There are so many options to make money online, and the actual fact can become overwhelming for people who are looking for an opportunity. I’m glad I can share my own experience with both affiliate marketing and multi-level marketing, and if my post can help someone chose an opportunity that suits them and that they’ll enjoy, it’d make me very happy.
It’s cool that you wrote a website helping people. Working from home is a lot of people’s dream. It’s very convenient and essential during corona virus. I like that you included that wealthy affiliate isn’t a get rich quick scheme because it requires a lot of work. I agree the community is supportive and helps you out when you need it.
Thanks so much, Lex! I’m glad to hear that you’re a part of Wealthy Affiliate as well. I’m sure you’ve realised that this kind of work requires daily dedication, but when you get your first commission, it’s hard to describe the joy. I remember feeling almost ecstatic when I saw the first payment in my PayPal. It was $70 for promoting an online course. It’s super-motivating to realise that your hard work will pay off! Good luck with everything and thanks a lot for your feedback.
This is very important information, especially now when more people than ever are interested in making money online. I agree completely that affiliate marketing is better than MLM. With MLM you do not have much control over the business, and it is easy to lose more money than you earn. With affiliate marketing, you are really building your own business, so it takes a lot of work, but the potential is limitless. I have only made a little money with affiliate marketing so far, but I know I can increase my income with consistent work. I would recommend this business model to anyone who wants to earn money online and is willing to put in the work to make it happen.
Dear Bailey, thanks a lot for your much-apprecaited comment! I couldn’t agree more about the ‘control’ aspect. When I tried MLM myself, I felt under control of the company and it just didn’t seem right for me. With affiliate marketing, exactly as you say, one needs to put in a lot of effort and develop an inner certainty that the money will eventually come. That kind of certainty that Tony Robbins often talks about will lead to work discipline and consistency, and in a few months’ time (on average), you will start seeing some very exciting results. Thanks a lot for your feedback!
Thank you for sharing a lovely, informative article with us, on the topic of Working from Home Opportunities. You have covered this subject really well. I’ve learned a lot from reading your post and gained a lot of knowledge about different online platforms. I myself joined the Wealthy Affiliate Platform to learn about online marketing six months ago. I have gained a lot from the training and would recommend the world of affiliate marketing to everyone who is willing to give it some time and work consistently. I enjoyed your article and will share your article with my friends in my Facebook group so that everyone can learn about all these possibilities in the online world.
Hello Md. Asraful, Thank you for your kind words. I am so glad you’ve found the article helpful and that you will share it with your friends. There may be people who have been looking for online jobs for some time but need some guidance, so I hope they will find this post useful. There may be someone with a nice voice who may find a good voiceover job on one of the freelancing websites. Or there may be someone who is great at writing, and they may use the iWriter or the other writing platforms. And there may be someone who would like to write about their interest or hobbies and monetize their website through affiliate marketing, by promoting tried-and-tested products. Wealthy Affiliate is one of the great platforms that teaches these skills and offers free web hosting, and I’m so glad to hear that you’re also a member of this platform and can tell others about it. Basically, there’s no limit in online opportunities to earn money, is there? J Thanks again for your lovely response!
Thanks for sharing this information with us.
I think the work from home lifestyle will become more commonly sought after, especially with the Covid situation that the world is in right now. Affiliate Marketing, in particular, is something that I have been interested in for a while, but was always skeptical of the validity of it, largely due to the nature of the make money online field.
Lots of self proclaimed “Gurus” and misinformation are out there and it’s hard to sort through the noise when you don’t know what to look for to begin with. I know that this post will help a lot of people looking to get into this type of work as you are providing real information and no guarantees of overnight success. Thanks for that.
Hi JT, and thanks for your nice feedback. As you say, many people are looking for ways to start working from home especially because of the pandemic. It’s amazing how many opportunities there are, but at the same time, it can easily become quite overwhelming. It took me a long time to find the right field for me – i.e. blogging and affiliate marketing, and other freelancing jobs such as voiceovers. I also spent quite a few years trying other things, such as multi-level marketing, but I felt it wasn’t the right thing for me. I know other people who love it and are doing well, but I felt I had to be true to myself and not persuade jobs that clearly don’t resonate with me. Thanks again for your comment!