The Best of Eckhart Tolle

The Best of Eckhart Tolle

This page is dedicated to the spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle. I have selected my favourite sections from his talks and writings. I hope you will find them as helpful, and often deeply transformational, as I have.

Eckhart Tolle and the Dalai Lama

Eckhart Tolle (left) with the Dalai Lama and Ken Robinson

Quotes by Eckhart Tolle

Here is a selection of my favourite quotes by Eckhart. This also included several longer passages from The Power of Now. 

~ Offer no resistance to the present moment.


~ When you accept what is, every moment is the best. That is enlightenment.


~ Allow what is and see what happens.


~ To complain is always a non-acceptance of what is.


~ Wherever you are, be there totally.


~ Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.


~ All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry – all forms of fear – are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.


~ Don’t demand that situations, conditions, places, or people should make you happy, and then you won’t suffer when they don’t live up to your expectations. 


On a deeper level you are already complete, and when you realize that, there will be  playful, joyous energy behind what you do. You will no longer pursue your goals with grim determination, driven by fear, anger, discontent, or the need to become someone. Nor will you remain inactive through fear of failure.


~ Do not be concerned with the fruit of your action – just give attention to the action itself. The fruit will come on its own accord (Eckhart’s paraphrase of Karma Yoga from Bhagavad Gita).


“One day I’ll make it”. Is your goal taking up so much of your attention that you reduce the present moment to a means to an end? Is it taking the joy out of your doing? Are you waiting to start living? If you develop such a mind pattern, no matter what you achieve or get, the present will never be good enough; the future will always seem better. A perfect recipe for permanent dissatisfaction and nonfulfillment, don’t you agree?



The Best of Eckhart’s Talks

My favourite passages from Eckhart’s talks in audio/video format. I love his wisdom and sense of humour!

The Power of Being Present

Eckhart Tolle – with his adorable sense of humour – describes how our attention is consumed by compulsive thinking and what this does to our state of consciousness. (Love the part about social media..!) He then explains how to get back from being identified with the voice in our head and our personal story to the present moment – the state of alert awareness, which is profoundly liberating.

Dealing with Difficult People

Eckhart’s perspective on challenging individuals in our lives.

Share Your Thoughts

I’d love to hear your opinion about Eckhart’s Teachings. Just scroll down to the comment section further down, I look forward to reading your views. Also, do check out some of the best works of Eckhart Tolle in the section below.

Enlightened Relationships - Eckhart Tolle
Great Western classics - Eckhart Tolle
The joy of being - Eckhart Tolle
Becoming a teacher of presence - Eckhart Tolle
Transmuting suffering into peace - Eckhart Tolle
Bringing stillness into everyday life - Eckhart Tolle

For even more titles by Eckhart Tolle, including audiobooks and DVDs with his talks and meditations, visit his page on Sounds True, his publisher’s site.


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Energy Medicine in Action

Energy Medicine in Action

The following lines are selected entries from my Energy Medicine Journal, where I describe my experience with energy work. It’s nice to remember all those rewarding moments when I was able to help someone by applying various healing techniques. I hope you will find it useful as well.


Relieving a Cramp – Quickly!

I was woken up by a strong pain in my left foot – on the inside part. I could feel the muscles tightening and it was getting more and more painful. Then I suddenly remembered to use the Spindle Cells mechanism in the muscle.

I started lightly pinching the belly of the muscle, (in the direction of the muscle fibres) bringing the Spindle Cells closer together. This is supposed to send a signal to the brain, saying to the brain ‘This muscle is too tight! Please release it!’ And lo and behold; after just a few pinches, the pain has started to subside. The muscle was fully relaxed and pain-free in less than 10 seconds.

Easing Pain at the Side of the Neck

My husband complained about pain at the side of his neck. I checked the Eden Method diagram which shows the relationship of muscles and meridians, and found out that the muscle in the painful area is connected with the Kidney meridian. I sedated the Kidney meridian. I also used an additional technique called pain dispersing, for which I used a wooden brush and tapped the painful area.

To find how to sedate the Kidney meridian, visit my posts The Kidney Meridian, and  Acupressure Strengthening and Sedating Points. For pain dispersing and other useful pain-relief techniques, check my post 6 Non-Invasive Pain Rellief Techniques. 

A Surprisingly Fast Relief from Hay Fever

I was suffering from hayfever symptoms and decided to use some acupressure points to help me relieve the sneezing and all the other allergy symptoms. I was pressing and massaging an acupuncture point on my instep, (called Liver 3 – see the picture below) and after about a minute of doing so, the tingling in my nose, as well as the sneezing, suddenly stopped. My eyes stopped itching as well.

Liver 3 Acupoint

Liver 3

This image is the property of Miridia Acupuncture Technology.

Relief from Stomach Pain

I love good food, and sometimes I don’t know when to stop! That was the case one evening, when I had my third (!) helping of my husband’s delicious vegan risotto. And after that, a big handful of brazil nuts and several cacao truffles (which I can’t stop making as they are so addictive! You can check the recipe here..;) 

Anyway, enough about gluttony, and back to energy medicine. So that evening I went to bed feeling really heavy and with a belly ache, which was not surprising.  I decided to use acupressure to help me relieve the pain, and held Stomach sedating points. After 3 or 4 minutes, the heaviness and discomfort have eased from 9/10 to about 3/10. It was a fast and noticeable shift in the way I felt. I do recommend having this technique at hand when you get yourself in a similar situation! 

You can find the Stomach sedating technique here: Acupressure Strengthening and Sedating Points.

Relief from Menstrual Pain

One of my friends was suffering from menstrual pain, which involved lower back pain and pain in the groin area. She said she would normally use a painkiller, but didn’t have any with her. I decided to use specific acupressure points to calm (sedate) two meridians: Kidney and Liver. For the lower back pain, I sedated the Kidney meridian, and for the groin pain, I sedated the Liver meridian.

You can find the techniques here: Acupressure Strengthening and Sedating Points.

After sedating both meridians, which altogether took about 12 minutes, my friend’s face lit. She looked at me with slight disbelief, smiling, and said that the pain had subsided from intense to barely noticeable.

The Daily Energy Routine

Some of the energy medicine techniques that I use daily have been compiled into a set of simple exercises called the Daily Energy Routine. You can easily incorporate it into your day, and it will reward you with more energy, improved focus, better mood, and an increasingly stronger immune system.

I am happy to say that thanks to opractising this routine daily, I have been free from colds for more than four years now!

To learn the complete Daily Energy Routine, you can follow this lovely video by Eva Gold, an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and Faculty Member of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program in the U.S.


I would like to thank Donna Eden, the founder of Eden Method (an alternative healing modality thate merges ancient and modern healing techniques)  for giving us the Daily Energy Routiine. The Daily Energy Routine is a crucial component of her method and it has helped thousands who practice it daily to keep their health in balance.

Also, my big thanks go to Miridia Acupuncture Technology for developing the highly useful Points app.

Shares and Comments

I hope that you have enjoyed this post. Please feel free to share it with anyone you know that may find it helpful. And, if you’d like to share your experience or ask a question, just leave a comment further down this article. Be well!


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7 Techniques for Seasonal Allergy Relief

7 Techniques for Seasonal Allergy Relief

This post is aimed at anyone who suffers from seasonal allergies. If you that’s your case, I hope you find the information on this page helpful.


If you are short of time and can’t read the whole article, just watch this short video by Carey Philips, Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner. It is thanks to her tips that I managed to ease the irritating symptoms of hayfever.

How This Video Helped Me

I woke up last week into a beautiful May’s morning, and as soon as I breathed in the flower-scented air, I started sneezing, couldn’t stop blowing my nose (and waking up my husband with the annoying fanfare), and my eyes felt all puffy and itchy. As an energy medicine enthusiast, I started looking for some tips on YouTube, and found Carey’s video.

A Surprisingly Fast Relief

I followed all the exercises demonstrated by Carey, but one technique in particular seemed to work incredibly fast: When I started pressing and massaging an acupuncture point on my instep, (called Liver 3 – see the picture in Technique 3) after about a minute of doing so, the tingling in my nose, as well as the sneezing, suddenly stopped. My eyes stopped itching as well.

I felt very different from just a few moments back – what a relief. I immediately shared this technique with my husband, who was suffering from the same issue, and, to our joy, his symptoms eased as well. We entered our garden, and instead of having to run back in the house and hide from all the pollen flying in the air, we enjoyed breakfast outside without any symptoms. 

A Closer Look at the Techniques

Let’s have a closer look at the techniques in Carey Philips’ video. These exercises – if practiced frequently – can boost the immune system, stimulate a healthier flow of energy in your body, and address allergy symptoms such as headaches, itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, runny or congested nose, or sore throat.

Technique 1: Four Thumps

(0:30 – 1:10 in the video)

This is adapted from Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine, a simple but powerful set of exercises that help boost your immunity and establish healthy habits in your body’s energy systems.

I highly recommend learning the whole Daily Energy Routine and doing it every day. I credit this for not having had a cold for more than two years – since I have started practicing it daily. I’ll share Donna Eden’s video of the whole sequence at the end of this post.

Technique 2: Figures of Eight Around the Eyes

(1:10 – 1:31 in Carey Philip’s video)

Draw, tap or pinch figures of eight around your eyes. This will help relieve congested energy.

Technique 3: Liver 3 Acupuncture point

(1:32 – 2:13)

This is the technique that worked for me most in terms of easing the hay fever symptoms.

Find the Liver 3 acupuncture point on the instep of your foot, press and massage it. Carey Philips Explains very well how to find it, so I recommend skipping the segment in the video (1:40). Massaging this point helps relieve itchiness of the eyes and other allergic symptoms such as sneezing, which I’m happy to confirm through my own experience.

What I find interesting is that if you press this point and find it point tender, it confirms that the energy is stuck there, thus in need of a good massage in order to free the energy – and easing your symptoms as a consequence.

Here is an illustration of the Liver 3 point, as seen in the app called Points:

points - interactive acupuncture software

Note: This image is licensed to Miridia Acupuncture Technology, the developer of the Points app. You can read my review of the app here.

Technique 4: The Crown Pull

(2:13 – 2:52)

This technique helps relive congested energy in the head, which often manifests through headaches, sinus pressure or difficulty to concentrate.

Technique 5: Large Intestine 4 Acupuncture point

(2:53 – 3:25)

As with the Liver 3 point on the foot, (technique no 3), frequently massaging this point down the webbing between your thumb and index finger helps relieve sneezing and runny nose.

And again, if you press this point and find it tender, it’s a sign that you need to work on it.

 Lareg Intestine 4 Acupoint

This image is the property of Miridia Acupuncture Technology.

Technique 6: Triple Warmer Smoothie

(3:28 – 4:10)

When we have allergies, the meridian Triple Warmer is over-active, so it’s helpful to calm its energies by tracing its flow backwards. Follow the video to learn this technique, which helps with easing allergic symptoms, as well as making you feel calmer in general. I’m happy to share that this technique has helped me many times during stressful situations, helping me not to over-react or simply ‘lose it’!

Technique 7: Massage Spleen meridian end points

(4:12 – 4:28)

Massaging these acupressure points helps strengthen immunity and rebalance your energies.  

Spleen meridian end points

This image is the property of Miridia Acupuncture Technology.

The Daily Energy Routine

Here is Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine, which you can easily incorporate in your day – it can be done in bed, in the shower, while waiting for the kettle to boil, on the walk…and it will always reward you with notable benefits, such as more energy, improved focus, better mood, and increasingly stronger immune system.


I would like to thank Carey Philips for her helpful video. You can visit her website here:

Also, my big thanks go to Miridia Acupuncture Technology for  developing the brilliant Points app.

Shares and Comments

I hope that you have enjoyed this post. Please feel free to share it with anyone you know that may find it helpful. And, if you’d like to share your experience or ask a question, just leave a comment further down this article. Be well and hayfever-free!


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Five Dogs Five Walks Original

Five Dogs Five Walks Original

Does your dog pull on the lead, chase everything that moves, bark and lunge at dogs, or make your walk an ordeal for any other reason? Then you may want to watch a documentary called Five Dogs, Five Walks.

You’ll witness some of the most challenging dog walks, with professional trainers and behaviourists from Adolescent Dogs, my favourite dog-training platform. My eight-month-old fast-growing puppy, Orson, has definitely benefited from the lead-walking techniques I learned by watching the documentary. He is now much more relaxed and manageable, but only a few weeks ago our walks looked like this…!

puppy pulling a a lead

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Different Dogs, Different Issues

The head trainers and behaviourists from this award-winning training academy, Mike Newland and Jenny Trigg, have selected 5 different dogs to follow on their daily walk. You’ll be able to observe how these dogs – each with a different issue – are managed, and which exercises their owners should follow to improve their walking experience.

The Dogs Featuring in the Series:

1) A Poodle that’s scared of people, ‘barking mad’ at anyone who approaches

2) A Jack Russell that loves to chase cars and bicycles

3) A German Shepherd who lunges and barks at other dogs, dragging their owner behind

4) A Border Terrier that is obsessed with playing with other dogs, screeching in excitement whenever he sees a dog

5) A Working Cocker Spaniel puppy that’s getting used to walks in new environments, full of challenging sights and scents.

dogs featuring in the documentary

Real-Life Training Full of Challenges

What is unique about this series is that Mike and Jenny have filmed the walks in an environment full of distractions, including other dogs running to them and interfering with the training process. You will therefore have a chance to watch what they will do if things get ‘out of hand’.

I must say that I find this approach of the trainers rather courageous. The internet is full of dog training videos, but not every dog professional dares to film their training in real-life situations – e.g. busy parks with other dogs with unpredictable behaviour. There are many things that could go wrong when dealing with reactive dogs. The Five Dogs Five Walks is certainly an exciting documentary full of challenging situations.

Challenges on walks

Training Plan for Each Dog

As Jenny and Mike walk the dogs and deal with all sorts of situations, they implement specific training exercises tailored to each dog’s needs. All these exercises are available as video tutorials on the Adolescent Dogs‘ online academy.

Live Chat During the Streamed Walks

Each episode of Five Dogs Five Walks is streamed as a live webinar, which means that you will be able to chat with the trainers while they walk the dogs, and get your questions answered. All this will be available for playback anytime later, so if you missed the live-streaming dates, you can rewatch the videos when convenient.

Five dogs, five walks

How to Watch ‘Five Dogs, Five Walks’

If you are a member of the Adolescent Dogs’ VIP club, like I am, you can watch all episodes for free and replay them any time you want.

If you are not a member, you can sign up here, with an option of a seven-day free trial. During that time you can watch as many training videos as you like, and ask the trainers any questions you have about your dog. The head trainers will give you feedback on your training and help you build a training plan.

VIP club all-access

Send Your Training Videos for Feedback

You can send the trainers your videos for feedback and advice by posting them in their Facebook community group. I regularly send them my training videos with Orson, and always get useful feedback from them. Here is an example of a video that I sent them:

I made this video after watching one of Adolescent Dogs‘ training videos on how to improve impulse control and make your dog calmer. The training video was a part of their 30-day video series called Calm Canine Challenge, which you can watch as a part of your 7-day free trial, or can access anytime if you’re a member already.

Check Out the Lead Walking Course Now

As a part of your free trial, you can instantly access all Adolescent Dogs‘ video courses, including the Lead Walking course. You can check it out right now, and start teaching your dog to walk nicely on the lead straight away.

Lead Walking Course

Here are some of the things you’ll learn in the Lead Walking course:

  • Foundation lead walking exercises to get you started
  • Teaching your dog to heel (and enjoy it!)
  • How to stop pulling and how to walk with a nice loose lead instead
  • How to hold the lead correctly
  • How to walk past distractions
  • How to greet people politely without lunging or jumping
  • Which equipment to use, and why
  • Puppy problem solving, e.g. refusing to walk on a lead, not wanting to wear a harness, etc.
  • How to remove food luring

…and more.

You can follow the videos, do the exercises with your dog, film them and send them to Mike and Jenny for feedback. They‘ll always show you what to do if you get stuck. And if you don’t like shooting videos, you can just ask them questions or describe your dogs’ current training or behavioural issue, and get expert help 24/7.

Other Courses to Check During Your Free Trial

Apart from the Lead Walking course, you can check out other courses on Adolescent Dogs’ platform, such as:

Ultimate Puppy Course
Calm Canine
Impulse Control Course
Foundation Skills Course
Calm Canine Challenge
Nosework Challenge Course
Reactive Rehab Course
Kids Club

…and more. Also, every weekend Mike and Jenny do Live Training Demos with new dogs, so you can see how they work through common training struggles with dogs that are still learning. You can watch these live demos on the Facebook support group, and join the live chat, or replay them later.  

A Special Discount

If, after the first free 7 days, you would like to continue with your VIP Club membership (which you can cancel any time), then you can claim 50% off your first month by using the coupon code LUCIE50 at the checkout. Just sign up here, and apply the code at the checkout.

Adolescent Dogs Online Academy

Let’s Meet in the VIP Club Facebook Group

It would be lovely to meet you and your dog(s) in Adolescent Dogs’ private Facebook group, which you can join as soon as you sign up. If you do, please look me up, I’d be delighted. You’ll find me under my maiden name Lucie Rejchrtova.

Below is an example of how I get feedback from the trainers. Remember that you can also reach out to them with any question as a part of your free trial.

Adolwescent Dogs Facebook Support Page
Adolescent Dogs Facebook Support Page

Shares and Comments

I hope that this post will help you and your dog to have much nicer walks together. Feel free to share it with anyone you know that may find it useful. And, if you’d like to leave a comment or ask me a question, scroll further down to the comments form.

More Puppy Videos?

If you’d like to see some fun videos of my German Shepherd Orson, including some of him as a tiny puppy, visit his page called Orson’s Page


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Is Vitamix Worth It?

Is Vitamix Worth It?

Is Vitamix worth it? In this review, I’ll describe the pros and cons of this popular blender and my experience with it. To start with, I was considering getting a Vitamix blender for several years already, but I was reluctant because the price seemed rather over the top to me. I had a common blender for my soups and sauces, and a Nutribullet for making my smoothies.

The Nutribullet could blend my smoothies pretty well, so I didn’t really understand what the fuss about Vitamix was all about. However, when a close friend of mine got her Vitamix and I was able to witness directly what this machine was capable of, I finally made my decision, started putting some cash aside each month, and eventually purchased the model 3500 from the Ascent series. There are many different models and sizes of the Vitamix blenders, so it’s a good idea to take your time and select your favourite. For me, the A3500 ticks all the boxes and shall explain why in this review.

Vitamix A3500

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Product: Vitamix Ascent 3500

Dimensions: 20.5 x 28 x 43 cm

Container Capacity: 2 litres

Main Benefits: Eating healthier and enjoying it

Price: $599.95 or £695

Available from: Amazon US / Amazon UK

My Rating: 9 out of 10

Much More Than Just Smoothies

Compared to the standard blenders, I was highly impressed by the spectrum of possibilities that this blender offers.

Unlike Nutribullet, you can throw huge frozen chunks of fruit or veggies (or plenty of ice cubes made of water, lemon or lime juice) into your Vitamix and the blades will pulverize it within seconds, releasing the flavor as well as making the drink nice and chilled.

The Vitamix completely won me over when I made my first Tahini, which tasted even better than the one from the health food shop. The only ingredients I needed were lightly toasted sesame seeds, (not even oil), and the result was a real, fragrant and tasty tahini. The essential ingredient for homemade hummus and halva!

Tahini made with Vitamix

My first Tahini made in Vitamix

Another great surprise was ice cream, which Vitamix can make in about 30 – 50 seconds. I made a really nice vegan chocolate ice cream, and my – very picky! – husband said it tasted better than his favourite Booja Booja vegan ice cream.

Chocolate ice cream made with Vitamix

Straight after the chocolate ice cream, I made frozen yogurt (with greek yogurt and frozen pineapple pieces) sweetened with agave syrup. The memories of me sitting at my favourite frozen yogurteria came back instantly, and what I spooned out of my Vitamix tasted at least as good, of not better, as the high-street treat.

Frozen yogurt made in a Vitamix
Frozen yogurt made in Vitamix A3500

Freshly made frozen yogurt

Superfood Breakfast

And now to actual smoothies: My husband and I are completely addicted to our morning elixirs of life. The best thing is that you can smuggle the healthiest of ingredients into a really tasty smoothie.  Spinach, turmeric, spirulina, Chia seeds, cashews, even flaxseed oil…basically all the superfoods you can think of, which you probably wouldn’t fancy consuming on their own.

You can throw frozen chunks of fruit or vegetables or several cups of ice-cubes into the Vitamix jug without worrying about straining the machine; the strong blades will smash it within seconds. If you do the same with standard blenders, you may end up with a chunky drink, not the cloud-like, velvety smoothie that you get from Vitamix. Plus, you might damage the regular blenders by forcing them to process the hard parts, such as ice cubes or frozen fruit or veg.

Vitamix green smoothie ingredients

Our morning green supersmoothie – before

Vitamix green smoothie
Vitamix green smoothie

Our morning green supersmoothie – after

Blueberry smoothie made in Vitamix

A heavenly blueberry smoothie

Delicious drinks like this will help you kick start the day and keep you energized and in a good mood for much longer than a coffee or tea would do. Plus, it’s so much more nutritious, healthier option than caffeinated drinks. I can’t deny my love of good quality coffee, but after learning what happens in your body after ingesting caffeine (see my article The Physiological Effects of Caffeine) I now treat myself to coffee only once in a while. I also stopped craving coffee since starting a regular meditation practice, which I’ve written about in the post The Physical and Psychological Benefits of Meditation)

How About Nutribullet?

A friend asked me why I got Vitamix when I already have the much cheaper Nutribullet to make my smoothies. Let’s make it clear – I really like Nutribullet and bought one in 2013. It does make great smoothies. I recollect with fondness my morning journeys to college on the London bus, while slowly sipping my freshly made Nutribullet smoothies which energized and kept me well focused in my class, and kept me going for hours.

However, unlike Vitamix, Nutribullet doesn’t crush ice cubes or whole chunks of frozen food. It certainly cannot create ready-to-serve ice cream or steaming-hot soup. It can mill nuts, but it cannot create nut butters or crate a creamy consistency out of seeds. I realised that after making my first (and I must say, amazing) tahini in the Vitamix.

You’ll Start Eating Healthier Spontaneously

The amount of stuff that you can make with Vitamix is mind-blowing. You can base your whole diet on it, and you’ll naturally start eating in a much healthier way, while genuinely enjoying your creations. You can make nut butters (e.g. peanut, cashew, almond butter), guacamole, tahini, hummus, baby food, all sorts of sauces, bread and cake dough, and soups.

Vitamix can actually make a steaming-hot soup in about 6 minutes thanks to the high-power friction of the blades. I haven’t tried this feature yet, because I prefer chunkier soups made with a hand blender, and somehow I don’t want to become too lazy with my cooking, but if I’m ever stuck for time, I know the option is there.

You can also use the Vitamix for chopping. Juts drop the food (e.g. onion, garlic) through the small hole at the top of the container into already spinning blades. The blender can mill seeds and grind spices as well.

Hundreds of Recipes

With your Vitamix, you’ll get a free recipe book, and you can also follow plenty of great recipes on the Vitamix website. Youtube is also full of creative ideas. Discovering all the recipe possibilities is enjoyable and exciting, and I recommend creating a folder with your favourite recipes, because you are very likely to use them frequently.

Here the recipe categories listed on the Vitamix website:

Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes

As an example, I’ve selected two delicious smoothie recipes from the Vitamix website.

Important warning: This recipe has been designed for a high-performance blender, such as the Vitamix A3500. If you are using a non-Vitamix blender, please check carefully whether your blender is powerful enough to process hard, frozen parts, otherwise you may damage your device. For example, you cannot use these recipes in a Nutribullet.

tropical escape smoothie by Vitamix
Going Green Smoothie by Vitamix

Regarding the ‘Directions’ section in these two recipes, (after ‘Ingredients’) please note that with the model A3500 you won’t have to increase the speed manualy (unless you wish to.) You can use the smoothie preset – i.e. simply press one button and everything will be done for you, including the speed increase. Also, the blender will stop on its own after 50 seconds, so you can go away from the blender and do something else.

Smootjie preset on Vitamix A3500

The Vitamix App – Even More Recipes and Presets

As this was not enough, you can explore over 600 recipes on the Vitamix app that you can download for free. Below is a screenshot from my mobile, presenting the app. Using your mobile or iPad, you can pair the app with your Vitamix blender via Bluetooth.

Apart from a crazy amount of recipes, the app will also give you 17 preset programs. The Vitamix Ascent 3500 comes with five preset programs for smoothies, hot soups, frozen desserts, spreads, and self-cleaning, and the app will add additional ones, such as dry chopping, nut butters, baby food, spice grinding, and more. You may just well open your own ‘conscious food’ chain!

Vitamix App
Vitamix App presets

Below are some examples of the recipes from the Vitamix app. This shows that the blender is certainly not limited to just smoothies. Now you can make your own salsa, guacamole, hummus, all sorts of sauces, dressings, and marinades, jams…you may be surprised by what you’re suddenly capable of!

Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes
Vitamix recipes

A Closer Look at the Features

After all the recipe madness, let’s have a closer look at the features, to understand what makes this machine so powerful and how to actually use it.

If you want, you can watch a short presentation video by Vitamix first:

64 Ounce (2 Litres) Container

You’ll get a generous size container made of BPA-free plastic. The container feels very sturdy and safe. The lid clips onto the container. If you happen not to close the lid properly, the smart machine won’t start, and will show a ‘no entry’ icon in the top left corner of the display. This is a very useful safety feature, which could prevent splashing your dark green smoothie all over your kitchen walls.

Vitamix A3500

1380 Watt 2.2 Hp Motor and Powerful Blades

The power of the motor, together with specially designed blades that don’t just cut through the food but smash it/pulverise it, makes it capable to crush even large chunks of fully frozen food. The motor power is also the reason why the machine gets quite loud at the high speed. Fortunately, you don’t usually have to use the high speed for more than 30 – 50 seconds.

Vitamix Ascent blades

Self-Detect Technology

The blender won’t start unless the container is placed correctly and the lid is fully closed, which is a great safety feature, helping to prevent disasters of the kind ‘your flat being freshly painted in dark green by your morning smoothie’. The blender will also recognise what size of the jug is sitting on it, so if you have purchased a tiny jug for grinding spices  or making very small amount of baby food in it, the machine won’t start (as a safety precaution) if you select an 8-minute pre-set for making hot soups, for example.

10 Speed Dial

If you don’t want to use the pre-set buttons, you can use the manual speed dial. If you read in one of the recipes ‘Select Variable 1’, this refers to the speed number on the manual dial. The dial has 10 speeds. You usually start blending on a low speed and then turn the know to its higher speed (10) until you reach the desired blending result.

Touch Controls

The touch controls make the machine look sleek and also easy to clean. The only downside of this, I think, is that it’s not suitable for the visually impaired. (Fortunately, there are other Vitamix models with more manual controls available)


The tamper is used for pushing ingredients towards the blades. You usually use it when making ice cream, which requires only about 30n seconds of blending on high power, (if you left it blend longer it would start melting) and within those 30-ish seconds you push the ice and other frozen bits towards to blades. You can also use it to make nut butters or tahini – you’ll help to push all the nuts or seeds closer to the blades.

5 Blending Presets

This is a v very useful feature if, especially at the start you are not sure how long and with what intensity to blend certain things, e.g. ice-creams. In the case of ice-creams the preset is especially helpful, because if you use the manual controls, you may overblend the icecream, which will result in melting (due to the heat caused by the friction of the blades) and you’ll end up with a smoothie instead.

But even if you use a preset that has specific timing preprogrammed, you can turn the machine off any time you wish.

Five preset programs for Vitamix A3500


You can set the timer to a required length (through the plus and minus icons) and let Vitamix do its job. It will turn itself off automatically after the required length of time. This is one of my favourite features of this blender – the fact that I don’t have to stand next to it amidst all the noise, but do other things or even leave the kitchen if I wish.

The Pulse Function

The pulse function is very useful if you don’t want to over-blend your food. If you press the pulse button shortly, it will generate a quick burst, which is ideal for keeping the right consistency of the food. I have created a short demonstration video where you can see me using the pulse function to grind coffee beans.

10 Year Warranty and 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

The warranty provides you with peace of mind for 10 full years, and the 30-day guarantee gives you enough time to try and test the blender (and probably become a Vitamix addict).

Bluetooth Connectivity

The Vitamix Ascent 3500 is connectible via Bluetooth to your mobile or tablet, so you can download the Vitamix app with 17 presets and over 600 recipes.

vitamix ascent 3500

Sneak in All Sorts of Healthy Supplements

I also consume really healthy supplements that I would previously find quite unpleasant to eat on their own, such as Flax Seed oil, full of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are great for your cardiovascular health as well as skin and hair! Add a tablespoon of the oil into your green smoothie and you will never notice it. You’ll only start receiving compliments on your shiny hair.

My smoothies also mercifully hide powdered superfoods I had always wanted to eat but couldn’t bear it: Spirulina, turmeric, lucuma, maca…all get blended in the smoothie, and you wonder why you’re feeling great all morning juts after one glass of tasty green smoothie.

Imagine what all this could do to your health, especially your children’s health. A lot of kids hate greens, but all kids love getting involved in creating yummy treats!

Imagine treating your friends and family to a freshly made, delicious ice-cream, impress them with home-made almond/peanut/cashew butter, and never again have to buy baby food from a supermarket?

More Fruit & Veg in One Go Than in a Whole Day

For me personally, the fact that since getting the Vitamix3500i I started eating much healthier, (and profoundly enjoying it), which is leaving me feeling more energized and happier, completely justifies the price. Through my morning green smoothie only, I now consume more vegetables and fruit in one go than I used to in an entire day!

Green Smoothie by Vitamix

Your Investment Will Pay Off

The purchase price will pay off eventually – you won’t need to buy expensive smoothies from the supermarket (which are mostly apple juice anyway) or even more expensive smoothies from the juice bar. Also, you won’t waste as much food as you would previously; if you can’t consume all your fresh fruit and veggies, just freeze it for a delectable smoothie or ice-cream.

And, above all, your investment will also pay off in a much more important way – through your improved health, better moods, improved focus, and a happier frame of mind thanks to all the nutrients fuelling you up.

In the same way as you’d want to feed your baby the safest, healthiest baby food, give your pet the optimal nourishment, your car the most appropriate fuel, your body and mind equally deserve the best nutrition, so you can show up in the world at your best. You will have more energy and feel better overall, so you’ll have more to offer to the ones near you.

People will be positively affected by your good energy. If you sometimes think you have nothing to offer, then try to remember the time when your spirits were simply lifted by the presence of some really nice person. Someone who felt happy inside and shared that lovely energy with you. You can now be this person.

My Vitamic A3500

The Vitamix A3500 in my kitchen

Well Worth the Wait

Do I regret not getting my Vitamix much earlier? No, because only now, after years of using other blenders, I can truly appreciate everything it can do. I still have a fresh memory of all the bitty, lumpy, crunchy smoothies that my old blenders couldn’t fully process, and now I relish my super smooth, silky Vitamix smoothies, (plus sauces, dips, and nut butters) ten times as much.

Also, had I purchased one a few years ago, I would have most likely got an older model, and miss out on the super-sleek looking, space-saving, yet still generously-sized Vitamix Ascent 3500.


So back to my initial question: Yes, for me, Vitamix 3500 has been completely worth it. I am enjoying my food twice as much. I’m much more creative in the kitchen but saving a lot of time at the same time. I have started eating much more healthily without even realizing it. I do encourage you to try this amazing blender out, and if for any reason you don’t like it, simply return it within 30 days. To your great and long-lasting health!

vitamix food variety

Share Your Thoughts

I would love to hear your thoughts or share your experiences with Vitamix or other blenders. Just leave a comment below and I’ll get back in touch with you as soon as I finish my frozen yogurt!

Recommended Accessories:

Ice Cube Trays
Ice Cream Scoop


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