The Best Back Massage Tool

The Best Back Massage Tool

If you’re looking for the best back massage tool that doesn’t require a power supply, you may enjoy my review of The Original Backnobber II. There was a time I would spend a lot of time on the road and suffered from back pain as a consequence of carrying musical equipment around. Fortunately, a friend had recommended this simple but powerful S-shaped tool that has been in and out of my travel bag since. In this review I’ll walk your through the good as well as the less desirable aspects of this handheld massager.

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backnobber hand-held massaging device

Product: The Original Backnobber ii

Available from: Amazon UK / US / EU

Main Benefits: Pain Relief/Relaxation/Clearing Out Toxins

Price: £42.83

Dimensions: 55.88 x 33.02 x 2.54 cm

Weight: 453.59 Grams

Power Source: Not needed

My Rating: 8.8 out of 10


The Backnobber II is a popular handheld tool for self-massage, mostly for shoulder and back areas. It is capable of managing muscle pain, as well as clearing toxins out of the body by stimulating neurolymphatic reflex points and encouraging the lymph flow.

The tool is made of a strong and highly durable polymer-fiberglass composite. The ergonomic S-shape of the massager allows you to easily reach your back, shoulders, neck, and other areas to massage and manage muscle pain.

It has a special locking mechanism in the middle, so you can take it apart easily. This practical feature of splitting the device in two (by pressing the button in the middle) makes it easy to carry around or store at home.

backnobber hand-held massaging device
hangsun percussion massager

How to Use the Backnobber

The Backnobber is best used the following way:

Hook one of its curves over your shoulder or under your arm. You then use its leverage to apply firm, deep pressure to the points on your muscles that need deep treatment.

I personally find it very easy to manipulate. I mainly use it to treat the muscles of my back, shoulders, or the sides of my neck. Most frequently, I hook the S-shaped Backnobber over my shoulder and massage the areas of my upper back.

backnobber hand-held massaging device

It’s quite incredible how much healthy pressure can be achieved by gentle pushing against the device. The type of pressure that would make a massage therapist’s knuckles sore can be done by you with almost zero effort.

Holding the Backnobber Horizontally

As I’ve just mentioned, you can reach your back muscles from your side by holding the Backnobber horizontally. You can start at the top and then continue all the way down your spine. Do this from both sides.

You will be pressing a large number of important acupressure points that affect various systems in your body and clear out toxins by making the lymph flow more easily.

Massaging Lower Back

To reach my lower back, I hold the Backnobber horizontally so it can reach the sides of my back. Again, I use the device as leverage to apply pressure to the points of my choice.

Lying Down

My favourite way of using the Backnobber is lying down on my back and sliding the ‘snake’ under my back. Then I just gently push down the top part and can feel a nice deep pressure. It almost feels as if the device is working on its own.

This is one of the most effective ways to clear toxins from your body and release stale energy. You’ll notice your mood lifting up as well.

backnobber hand-held massaging device

Which End to Use?

The Backnobber has two ball-shaped ends of slightly different sizes. I tend to use the smaller end for hanging over my shoulder, and the larger end for massaging the muscles of my lower back (I reach these points from the side).

Watch the Instructional Video

You can watch the manufacturer’s video explaining how the device works and what the benefits are. Just watch out for the skeleton in the background..!

When Do I Use it Most?

The Backnobber has been helping me relax my muscles in various situations. I use it after long drives, carrying heavy luggage, vacuuming the house, gardening, or long sitting sessions. As soon as my back muscles get a bit stiff and achy, I reach for the Backnobber and target the affected area.

Get Creative

You can get quite creative with the Backnobber – for example, you can even use it for a foot massage. I’ve even read some reviews which made me gasp in disbelief over people’s ‘overcreativity’ with using the Backnobber – I don’t think it’s necessary to get into further details here..!

backnobber hand-held massaging device

Self-administered Spinal Flush

The Backnobber is particularly great for a self-administered Spinal Flush technique. It’s a technique used in energy medicine and it’s incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating.

Find out more in my article Two Simple Techniques for Deep Relaxation where I describe the procedure, and where you can also watch Donna Eden showing the technique in a video called  How to Connect with Your Partner Using Energy medicine. The Spinal Flush is really worth learning, and you can either use your hands or the Backnobber device.


  • The Backnobber ii is capable of a powerful and effective massage without the need of a power supply.
  • It’s easy to hold, and not too heavy.
  • It’s most convenient for travel, because it splits into two parts and doesn’t take much space in your bag.
  • With your Backnobber, you’ll also get an illustrated user guide full of stretching and strengthening exercises.

Backnobber User Guide


  • The Backnobber may not be every effective if you don’t know how to use it – for example, if you don’t place it on the required areas properly, or if you don’t apply enough pressure.
  • Some users have found it unstable and wobbly, with the locking mechanism not working properly.
  • You can’t fully relax while using it because you have to operate it and apply some pressure/

Note: In order to get the best out of the Backnobber, I highly recommend watching the instruction video and read the user manual that comes with the device.

Reviews from Other Customers

Let’s have a look at some reviews from Amazon customers. I’ve selected a variety of good and bad ones, and I’ll comment on each one. It’s always helpful to hear different opinions of different customers because you make your own decision. So here we go, 12 different reviews from the best to the worst:

backnobber hand-held massaging device
Backnobber Review

My opinion: The Backnobber is indeed a highly effective device for trigger point relief. I’m glad to see that a rehab nurse has endorsed it.

Backnobber Review

My opinion: What a lovely outcome for this man. It’s great to hear that such a simple device can save someone a trip to a chiropractor or a massage therapist! 

Backnobber Review

My opinion: As Sarah K. points out, the Backnobber allows you to reach places on your back you would find it hard to get to otherwise. This is thanks to its S-shape.  You can detach it very easily by splitting into two parts. One of the other reviewers were complaining that this feature makes it unsteady and wobbly, but I don’t find that the case. The device also comes with quite a detailed booklet full of useful tips, so you can make the best out of your Backnobber.

Backnobber Review

My opinion: This reviewer mentions that applying the pressure hurts a bit, which is what it is supposed to do in order for it to be effective. And in my experience., it is capable of loosening the stiff muscles quite quickly.

Backnobber Review

My opinion: The two different sizes of the ends of the Backnobber is a feature I particularly like; it makes the device quite versatile. Like this man, I have also tried lying on tennis balls in the past but rather than finding it effective, I would end up frustrated whenever the balls would roll away. The Backnobber eliminates this problem completely.

Backnobber Review

My opinion: The Backnobbers probably come in many different batches. The one I have feels really sturdy and does not wiggle. If you do get one that feels loose, return in at once and ask for a replacement.

Backnobber Review

My opinion: I agree about the Backnobber being great for targeting specific pressure points or muscle knots, and that it is not to be understood as a substitute for the type of massage where you can fully relax, especially when being massaged by someone else or by a massage chair.

Backnobber Review

My opinion: It’s not nice reading about this unfortunate man near-accident. As he is a strong man and seemingly applies all his strength while using this device, it is possible that the device cannot withstand so much pressure. I would definitely recommend this man to get a hand-held percussion massager instead!

Backnobber Review

My opinion: This should definitely not happen with the Backnobber. I have had mine for years and it always kept holding together very well, and never snapped.  It is a pity that in this case it passed the return window and the customer could not claim his/her money back. I would always test the device excessively in the first few days after receiving it, to ensure that I got a quality product and not an item from a bad batch.

Backnobber Review

My opinion: There are many types and causes of muscle pain. Sometimes the Backnobber can be effective, other times not. As with everything, it is a matter of trial and error, and perhaps the Backnoebber is not the best tool for this person. It’s also possible that the reviewer has not been persistent enough or did not use the correct angle. He/she mentions that a percussion massager, which is probably better in this case. I have one and can’t praise it enough – you can check my review here.

Backnobber Review

My opinion: This is interesting because I’ve never found it to be ‘slippery’. I reckon it also depends on what type of clothing you wear while using it. If you have something heavily synthetic on, it is likely to be sliding about more than if you wear cotton or linen, or materials that have a certain amount of resistance.

Backnobber Review

My opinion: Erm…sorry to hear that! 


As a frequent user of the Backnobber, I would personally recommend it to anyone who’d like to relax their back, shoulder, or neck muscles, while being ok with having to hold it and manipulate it. After all, the technique of lying on one’s back and using it as leverage requires almost zero effort and is highly effective.

However, as seen from the reviews, the Backnobber might not suit everyone. If you’d prefer something that works on its own, then get a handheld powered device, such as a percussion massager. You can read my review of one of these, called Hangsun Percussion Massager, here.


The Original Backnobber ii

Available at: Amazon UK / US /EU

Share Your Thoughts

If you like the features of The Original Backnobber II, and think you may find it useful, try it out and let me know in the comments under this post how it’s working for you and what your favourite techniques are.


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Nada Chair Review

Nada Chair Review

Several years ago, while suffering from lower back pain, I was recommended by a physiotherapist to get a lower back support belt. Maintaining a correct posture is crucial for preventing back pain, but it is not easy to always remember to stand or sit straight. Fortunately, there are devices such as back support belts that can provide considerable relief for the back, and alleviate pain caused by stress or incorrect posture. In this post, I’ll be reviewing the Nada Chair back support.

Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you make a purchase through my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. The full disclosure can be accessed here. Thank you for your support!

Back Up back support by Nada Chair

Product: Nada Chair Back-Up

Available from: Amazon

Main Benefits: Pain Relief/Relaxation/Correct Posture

Price: $49.00 

Dimensions: 11.7 x 6.9 x 2.5 inches

My Rating: 8.8 out of 10

Nada Chair Back-Up: A Simple Device for Back Pain Relief

There was a period when I suffered from quite intensive back pain – mainly in the gigging season when I used to carry my keyboard and amplifier around frequently. The pain would often last for days.

A discovery of that year was an inconspicuous, but surprisingly effective  device called ‘Back-Up’, made by a company ‘Nada Chair’, who, as I later found out, holds the World Chiropractic Alliance’s endorsement, and, as I have found out, quite rightly!

This deceptively simple accessory provides great support for the lower back and eases the general strain on the back. It allows you to sit comfortably for a long time while helping you maintain the correct posture.


The Nada-Chair is essentially a lower-back support resembling a flat padded pillow. The back support is connected with two straps that you place around (or just under) your knees. The length of the straps is adjustable; the shorter you make the straps, the more tension you’ll get. The area that gets hooked around your knees is also padded for greater comfort.

nada chair back up for water sports

A Wide Range of Users

It is a highly effective device for anyone with chronic back pain or strained back muscles, pregnant women, people who spend long hours sitting or driving. It has even been used by NASA astronauts because of its ability to decrease back pain caused by microgravity. 

nada chair back up for flying

Practical and Portable

I remember carrying it everywhere because it’s so practical. It folds into a pouch, so it’s easily portable and fits into a small shoulder bag. I would even take it with me when visiting friends and use it while chilling on the sofa. Needless to say, it quickly became a hit amongst all the back-pain sufferers. And in my case, after about a week of daily use, my back pain subsided.

How Does Nada Chair Work – And Why is it called a ‘Chair’?

The Nada-Chair is known as the ‘chair that you wear’; Whenever you move forward or backward while sitting, the Nada-Chair will follow your body. This means that even if you move, the Nada-Chair will keep supporting your lower back in a firm but adjustable way.

In a way, the Nada-Chair acts like an extra muscle that never gets tired. While you are wearing the device, your knees (with the strap around them) will be stabilizing the pelvis. The stabilized pelvis will become a stable foundation on which your spine can rest effortlessly, with its natural curves restored.

nada chair back up with mri scan

What Others Have Said About Nada Chair

Here are a few reviews from a selection of Amazon customers who are happy with the product. One of them showed it to his/her chiropractor who is now recommending it to his patients. A user called Garland rightly recommends taking some time with adjusting the Nada Chair correctly so it doesn’t become uncomfortable. (There’s a video further down with detailed instructions on how to wear it.) 

Nada Chair Reviews

How to Use Nada Chair Back-Up:

The Nada-Chair is very simple to use. You just strap it around your knees and lower back. This creates stable back support and often provides immediate relief from the pain. And although it is strapped around your lower back, it can reduce pain in both the lower and upper back.

Here is an instructional video from the Nada Chair website:

It’s also quite fun wearing it – you can shorten or lengthen the straps as you want, and the more you shorten it, the more you can ‘swing’ in it!



The Nada-Chair is effective and can provide fast back pain relief


One of the biggest plusses of The Nada-Chair is its portability and light weight. It can be folded into a relatively small pouch that fits into a standard handbag, which makes it very convenient and you may find yourself carrying it with you just about everywhere!


The price of the Nada-Chair is, to my mind, very reasonable, provided its proven effectiveness and quality.


It May Put Stress on the Knees

Although the Nada Chair webiste doesn’t say so, I’ve heard from several sources (including a yoga teacher) that the pressure from wearing the straps for too long may put stress on the knees. As long-term sitting is not healthy anyway, I would keep the strap on for 15-20 minutes maximum, and then take a break or at least stretch the legs.

It Can Take to Learn to Use Properly

It can take some time to find your ideal position in the device and feel comfortable with it.

The Straps Sometimes Twist

The straps sometimes get twisted around the knee support part, which can be annoying.



As a frequent user of Nada-Chair, who has experienced back-pain relief after using it, I do recommend giving Nada-Chair a go.

However, this device may not suit everyone, as it requires a bit of patience when it comes to adjusting the straps and finding a correct, comfortable position. Not wearing it properly may be counterproductive; if your pelvis is not properly supported, you may end up slouching.

It’s also a pity that it doesn’t come with a complimentary part that would support the upper back at the same time, like, for example, this adjustable upper back brace.

upper back strap for better posture

A two-in-one deal would be ideal, I think! Correct posture of shoulders is very important, not the least because of the amount of oxygen we breathe in. A posture can also have a direct effect our mood and self-esteem.

Overall, I’m still a great fan of the Nada-chair as it has helped me many times to ease my back pain. I would mainly recommend it to two groups of people:

1) The ones who spend many hours sitting, either behind a computer, on the plane, or behind a counter, etc.

2) People who experience long-term back strain, like pregnant women or people who often have to carry heavy objects.

nada chair back up for pregnant women

If you belong to one of these groups, give Nada-chair a go and see how you feel after you’ve figured out your ideal position. You should feel relaxed but your back should be stabilised. Above all, I hope that you’ll enjoy wearing it as much as I have done!

Nada Chair Back-Up lower back support

Nada Chair Back-Up

Available at Amazon

Your Opinion

I would love to hear about your thoughts about Nada Chair or similar kind of back support. Feel free to share your thoughts or ask any questions in the comments below and I look forward to replying to you soon.


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Best Handheld Percussion Massager

Best Handheld Percussion Massager

In this review, I’ll be talking about the pros and cons of the Hangsun Percussion Massager. I have been using regularly for treating my muscles, especially in the back and shoulder areas. If you have been looking for the best handheld percussion massager, then keep on reading! I will also mention how to use it safely to prevent a possible unpleasant experience, and give you a special tip for a deep, highly enjoyable massage with multiple benefits for your health.

Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you make a purchase through my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. The full disclosure can be accessed here. Thank you for your support!

hangsun percussion massager

Product: Hangsun Percussion Handheld Massager MG400

Available from: Amazon US / Amazon UK

Main Benefits: Pain Relief/Relaxation

Price: £24.99

Power Source: Corded Electric

Guarentee: 1-year

My Rating: 8.8 out of 10

Percussion Massagers

There’s nothing like fully unwinding and relaxing at the end of a long day with a deep massage. Although it’s not always possible to have a professional treatment by a physio, there are affordable and convenient ways to have a quality massage at home with either massage chairs or handheld devices. Among the most effective types are so-called percussion massagers, and the Hangsun Percussion Massager is one of the most highly rated ones.

The Difference Between Percussive and Vibration Massage

This device is called ‘Percussive Therapy Massager’ or ‘Deep Percussion Hammer Massager’. It is different from a standard vibration massager. So which of them is better? It is a matter of personal preference. Gentle vibration may be all you need to relax. However, if you like your muscles being massaged really deep, (especially your back muscles) then I’d recommend getting a percussive-therapy massager like Hangsun Percussion Massager because percussion is more powerful and effective than ordinary vibration. The real difference between percussive and vibration massage therapy is that percussive therapy can reach about 60% deeper into the muscle than the standard vibration massagers.

hangsun percussion massager

An Overview of Hangsun Percussion Massager

The Hangsun percussion massager is a mains-powered held-held device that is capable of a deep, restorative massage. You can also use the percussion massager for a back, shoulder, leg, foot, and neck massage.

Main Features – Summary

  • Height: 16.9″/43cm; Head width: 6.6″/16.5; Head depth: 5.3/13.4cm
  • Long power chord – 98″/249cm 
  • Dual head percussion
  • 3 removable and interchangeable nodes
  • Variable Speed Control
  • Ergomomic, lightweight design
  • 3500 pulses per minute
  • Stepless speed (can be regulated during without interruption)
  • Red light
hangsun percussion massager

Main Features – Highlights

A Powerful Motor

The massager produces incredible 3,500 pulses per minute, which guarantees a highly effective, deep, soothing massage, that can penetrate even a very stiff and tight muscle.  

hangsun percussion massager

Variable Speed Control

You can change the speed of the percussive action from moderately slow to a high-speed percussion. What I like about this feature is that this can be done without interruption while using the massager. Simply slide the button up or down, according to your preference.

hangsun percussion massager

Three Removable and Interchangeable Massage Nodes

This is one of my favourite features of the Hangsun massager: It comes with a set of three removable and interchangeable attachments/nodes, so you can customize your massage treatment by choosing the preferred type of a node.

You can choose from:

1) Original Massage Node – ideal for general whole-body massage.

2) Salient Point Massage Node – designed to focus on specific points, e.g. acupressure points.

3) Pillow Massage Node – brush-like attachment that can be used for stimulating your palms, feet, calves and other areas of your choice.

hangsun percussion massager

Dual Head Percussion

Having two massage nodes is more effective than a single head massager, especially when having a full-back, deep-tissue massage. 

hangsun percussion massager

Extra Long Power Cord

The 98-inch extra long power cord means you don’t have to limit yourself to having your massage near the ower supply, but get a great massage on the sofa or on your bed.

Andvari handheld percussion massager

How to Use a Percussion Massager

Place the massager on a required area. This should always be your muscles, never an area with bones. Unlike some other massagers, you don’t need to push the device down to make the massage deep and effective; the Hangsun percussion massager provides all the necessary force by just placing it on the body. 

The Best Areas to Massage

There are multiple areas you can treat with the Hangsun percussion massager, such as:

  • Neck and Shoulders (trapezius and deltoid muscles)
  • Upper and Centre of Back (rhomboids and latissimus dorsi muscles)
  • Arms (biceps, triceps & forearm muscles)
  • Lower Back and Buttocks (erector spinae and gluteus muscles)
  • Thighs (quadriceps, abductors and hamstrings)
  • Calves (soleus and gastrocnemius muscles)
  • Soles of your feet

A Special Tip for Massaging Your Back

If you don’t have anyone with you and want to massage your back, you can still use the massager by yourself: Just hold it over your shoulder and massage the parts of your back that you can reach.

However, you will benefit from the Hangsun massager most if you have someone who can slowly run it down your back (with your spine in the middle of the two nodes) while you are lying down on your belly and fully relaxing.

This technique is frequently used in Energy Medicine healing sessions, where it is called Spinal Flush. It is a highly relaxing and rejuvenating treatment, because it works with multiple neurolymphatic points, that, when stimulated, positively affect a number of organs and systems in the body.

You can check my article Two Simple Techniques for Deep Relaxation where I describe the procedure, and where you can watch Donna Eden and David Feinstein demonstrating the technique in a video called How to Connect with Your Partner Using Energy medicine.


Ergonomic Design and Light Weight

Thanks to its ergonomic shape and light weight, the massager is easy to use and comfortable to hold. The device is moderately light, yet still capable of a deep, powerful massage thanks to its powerful motor and the percussive feature. The three sets of interchangeable attachments is a huge plus as well.

Extremely Effective

I’ve been using it every time my back feels tired or sore and the machine always gives me a deep, soothing massage which results in the feeling of relief and deep relaxation. My husband loves it too, and we treat each other with the Hangsun almost on a daily basis. (Warning: It can get rather addictive!)

Very Affordable

Taking into consideration its power, effectiveness, and sleek, elegant design, I think the price is a complete bargain. I have purchased several of these because they will make great Christmas presents.


The Back Massage Requires Another Person to Hold the Device  

If you have a partner who can do the massage for you then it’s ideal, but if you don’t, you cannot fully enjoy a proper back massage. You can still reach behind your shoulders with it, but it’s impossible to have a full-length back treatment without someone holding the massager for you.


The Hangsun massager is not battery operated, so it’s not possible to use it outside or very far from a power source unless you have an extension. (However, the cord is long enough for comfortable use at home.)

Can Cause Pain if Used Improperly

The massaging can get quite intense, especially at the muscles near your spine. If you have a partner massaging your back, they have to be careful not to run the vibrating nodes into your spine or other bony areas such as your scapula. The percussive action is quite intense and contact with a bone can be painful.

I would recommend to always place the massager on the body before switching it on, otherwise it can start jumping about and hit a bone. Once in contact with the skin, you can always ease the action up by sliding the adjustable speed slider to a lower setting.


The Hangsun Percussive Therapy Massager is one of my favourite devices for deep musle treatment and it always makes me feel rejuvenated and relaxed. Based on its effectiveness, multiple features, and lovely design, I would personally recommend it.

However, this massager may not be ideal for people who like just a very gentle, vibrating massage. It’s also not suitable for the ones who prefer wireless devices.

If you are considering getting this massager, be extra careful about the correct use, especially during the first few times. It is a powerful device, and can cause pain if you use it carelessly and let it hit a bony area on your (or someone else’s) body.

hangsun percussion massager

Hangsun Percussion Handheld Massager MG400

Available at Amazon US / Amazon UK

Share Your Thoughts

I would also love to hear about your own experience with massagers. Have you been using a similar handheld device, or do you prefer massage chairs or a hands-on treatment? Let me know your thoughts or ask any questions in the comments below and I look forward to getting back to you soon. Take care!


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The Kidney Meridian

The Kidney Meridian

Kidney Meridian by Wellcome Collection

In this post, I will share several ancient-healing techniques for working with the Kidney meridian. They are very simple yet powerful, and you will be able to try them immediately. These techniques cause a shift of energy which might energise you, relieve you from physical pain or diminish fearful feelings.

Reservoir of Energy and Centre of Courage

Traditional Chinese medicine regards the Kidney meridian as a reservoir of energy, as well as the centre of courage and willpower. Conversely, a dysfunction in Kidney meridian can result in feeling extremely tired, being overcome by emotions of fear or paranoia, or symptoms and ailments such as asthma, chronic inflammation, or tinnitus.

The good news is that we have tools to keep the Kidney meridian in balance, and thus enjoy a healthy energy flow, vitality, willpower, and courage to move forward in life.

The Pathway of Kidney Meridian

The pathway of the Kidney meridian starts under your foot, on its first acupressure point where energy enters the body. The point is called Kidney 1 (or K1). In the old Chinese medical terminology, which is much more poetic than modern medicine, the point is known as ‘The Wellspring of Life’, ‘Bubbling Spring’, or ‘Gushing Spring’.

Pressing or massaging it can bring you ‘back to life’. In fact, the master practitioner of energy medicine, Donna Eden, has described a situation when an unconscious, dying person was brought back to life after this technique was applied. (Energy Medicine, by Donna Eden, pg 125) 

Kidney 1 Acupressure Point

The Kidney meridian pathway then circles around your ankle, goes up via the back of the legs, and reemerges at the front of the body.

Kidney meridian back view

The meridian then flows up your body all the way under your clavicle. It finishes on the last (and very important) set of acupressure points called K 27.

The K27 are very important points, because they are is a junction point for all the other meridians and you can influence how you feel by working with these points. The K 27 are considered the “energy switch” of the body: If you thump or deeply massage these points, it will stimulate the energies of all the other meridians and get your body’s energy moving.

You will find these points right under the collarbone, near the U-shaped notch. Massage these points vigorously to bring fresh energy to your body. Remember this next time you’re feeling tired! Thump or deeply massage these points and you will soon feel the difference.

Kidney meridian front view

Please note: Although this diagram shows the pathway on only one side of the body for clarity purposes, in reality it runs on both sides of the body, right and left, in a pair. So if you’re massaging the K27, you’ll be massaging a set of two points (as in the picture below). The path of the Kidney meridian is marked in red colour.

Ancient Prints Showing Meridians

I find it fascinating to compare modern acupuncture/acupressure diagrams with ancient Chinese prints and paintings. Nowadays, we have devices that can detect meridians and their acupoints, and they are almost exactly the same as depicted ion the thousands’ of years-old medical illustrations. There are also people who can see energies, such as Donna Eden, who was born with this ability. She had seen meridian pathways even before she learned about them!

Kidney Meridian by Wellcome Collection
Kidney Meridian by Wellcome Collection

If Kidney Meridian is Out of Balance

In the traditional Chinese medicine, the emotion associated with Kidney meridian is fear.

When we experience a strong emotion of fright, our kidneys will struggle to hold their energy and we can even end up experiencing involuntary urination. (You’ve surely heard the phrase ‘I nearly peed myself’!)

Dealing with long-term fear can often result in kidney issues.

The other challenges associated with imbalance in the Kidney meridian are fear, edema, eye problems, tinnitus, lung problems, dry tongue, lumbago, constipation, diarrhoea, lower back pain during period, shoulder pain, and pain along the course of the meridian and its associated muscles.

However, working with the Kidney meridian and its acupressure points can often help you relieve pain and improve your health condition, and emerge from loneliness, depression, and fear.

Techniques for Balancing Kidney Meridian

If you suffer from any of the symptoms mentioned above, try the following techniques: 

  • Trace Kidney meridian
  • Flush Kidney meridian
  • Work with the acupressure points of Kidney meridian

Tracing Kidney Meridian

Tracing Kidney meridian will help you get your energy going and remove toxins out of your body.

Donna Eden’s daughter Dondi shows you how to trace Kidney meridian.

Flushing Kidney Meridian

How to flush a meridian:

  • Trace it backward once
  • Trace it forward three times


Working with the Acupressure Points of Kidney Meridian

There are three ways we can work with the acupressure points:

  • Sedate
  • Strengthen
  • Use the Three-Point Technique

Below I am showing diagrams that will teach you how to sedate or strengthen the Kidney meridian, according to your needs. If you are in pain, it usually means that there is too much accumulated energy in your Kidney meridian, so holding the sedating points of the Kidney meridian would be your choice. It will also help release toxins from the meridian.

Sedating Kidney Meridian

I have successfully used this technique to help a friend with strong lower back pain during her period. If you suffer from back pain (whatever the cause), or shoulder pain, do try this technique.

Step 1 – Sedate the Kidney Meridian:

Sedate (relax) the Kidney meridian by sending its excess energy to the next meridian, which is Liver. You’ll see how the flow works on the wheel diagram (The Five Elements Wheel) further down.

The Procedure:

Gently hold the following two points (Kidney 1 and Liver 1) for 2 – 3 minutes. Use the tips of your fingers (preferably the index or the middle finger).

Do this one side of the body first, (e.g. on your right foot).

Repeat the same procedure on the other side of the body (your left foot), also for 2 – 3 minutes.

Kidney 1 Acupressure Point
Liver 1 Acupressure Point

What Is Happening on The Five Elements Wheel:

Water element (Kidney meridian) flows into Wood element (Liver meridian).

This means that Kidney meridian is freed from excess energy by sending it to Liver meridian.

Or you can view it the other way – the helpful friend Liver is ‘hoovering’ excess energy from the overcharged Kidney meridian, this helping the Kidney meridian to relax. (This often diminishes pain in our body, like in the case of my friend with the back pain.)

You can see this happening on the wheel (from blue to green, inside the circle):

kidney to liver flow

Step 2 – Stabilise the Energy Flow by Holding the Control Points:

Now we need to stop the flow of energy from the previous point. We need to stabilize the shift in energy, and we’ll do this by holding the so-called control points.

The Procedure:

Gently hold the following two points (Kidney 3 and Spleen 3) for 1,5 minutes.

As in the previous step, do this on both sides of the body; on the right foot first, then on the left foot. (Or vice versa.)

Spleen 3 and Kidney 3 Acupressure Point

What is happening on The Five Elements Wheel:

Earth element (Spleen) controls Water element (Kidney).

This means that ‘good cop’ Spleen meridian will ‘stop’ the flow of energy from the previous step, thus preventing the Kidney meridian from having too much energy taken away. This wise intervention of the controlling element (Earth) will stabilise the energies.

You can see this happening on the wheel (from yellow to blue, inside the circle):

Spleen to kidney

Strengthening Kidney Meridian

Step 1 – Strengthen the Kidney Meridian 

Strengthen the Kidney meridian by borrowing some energy from the previous meridian (i.e. Lung meridian).

The Procedure:

Gently hold the following two points (Kidney 7 and Lung 8) for 2 – 3 minutes. Use the tips of your fingers (preferably the index or the middle finger).

Do this one side of the body first, (e.g. your right side) and then repeat the same procedure on the other side of the body, also for 2 – 3 minutes.

Kidney 7 Acupressure Point

What Is Happening on The Five Elements Wheel:

Metal element (Lung) flows into Water element (Kidney).

This means that Lung meridian is strengthening the neighbouring Kidney meridian by sending its energy into it (flowing into it).

Or you can view it the other way – Kidney is ‘borrowing’ some energy from its neighbouring Lung meridian.

You can see this happening on the wheel (from light grey to blue, inside the circle):

Lung to Kidney

Step 2 – Stabilise the energy flow by holding the control points:

Gently hold the following two points (Kidney 3 and Spleen 3) for about 1,5 minutes.

As in the previous step, do this on both sides of the body.

Spleen 3 and Kidney 3 Acupressure Point

What Is Happening on The Five Elements Wheel:

Earth element (Spleen) controls Water element (Kidney).

You can see this happening on the wheel (from yellow to blue, inside the circle).

Spleen to kidney

You may have noticed that this is the same procedure as when we were holding the control points after the Sedating procedure in the first example. The control points are always the same after sedating and strengthening a meridian.

Three-Pointing Kidney Meridian

The Three Point Technique is a combination of sedating and strengthening a meridian in one session. Sometimes a meridian needs to be cleared of stale or toxic energies first in order to receive strengthening energies. This means that we sedate it first to move the old energies out, and then strengthen it. In the end, we use the control points to stabilise the shift.

We often use the Three-Point technique to treat hormonal imbalances, such as during PMS or menopause.

Step 1 – Sedate the Kidney Meridian:

Sedate (relax) the Kidney meridian by sending its excess energy to the next meridian, which is Liver. You’ll see how the flow works on the wheel diagram (The Five Elements Wheel) further down.

The Procedure:

Gently hold the following two points (Kidney 1 and Liver 1) for 2 minutes. Use the tips of your fingers (preferably the index or the middle finger).

Do this one side of the body first, (e.g. on your right foot).

Repeat the same procedure on the other side of the body (your left foot), also for 2 minutes.

Kidney 1 Acupressure Point
Liver 1 Acupressure Point

What Is Happening on The Five Elements Wheel:

Water element (Kidney meridian) flows into Wood element (Liver meridian).

This means that Kidney meridian is freed from excess energy by sending it to Liver meridian.

Or you can view it the other way – the helpful friend Liver is ‘hoovering’ excess energy from the overcharged Kidney meridian, this helping the Kidney meridian to relax. (This often diminishes pain in our body, like in the case of my friend with the back pain.)

You can see this happening on the wheel (from blue to green, inside the circle):

kidney to liver flow

Step 2 – Strengthen the Kidney Meridian 

Strengthen the Kidney meridian by borrowing some energy from the previous meridian (i.e. Lung meridian).

The Procedure:

Gently hold the following two points (Kidney 7 and Lung 8) for 2 minutes. Use the tips of your fingers (preferably the index or the middle finger).

Do this one side of the body first, (e.g. your right side) and then repeat the same procedure on the other side of the body, also for 2 minutes.

Kidney 7 Acupressure Point

What Is Happening on The Five Elements Wheel:

Metal element (Lung) flows into Water element (Kidney).

This means that Lung meridian is strengthening the neighbouring Kidney meridian by sending its energy into it (flowing into it).

Or you can view it the other way – Kidney is ‘borrowing’ some energy from its neighbouring Lung meridian.

You can see this happening on the wheel (from light grey to blue, inside the circle):

Lung to Kidney

Step 3 – Stabilise the energy flow by holding the control points:

Now we need to stop the flow of energy from the previous two points. We need to stabilize the shift in energy, and we’ll do this by holding the control points.

The Procedure:

Gently hold the following two points (Kidney 3 and Spleen 3) for 1 minute.

As in the previous step, do this on both sides of the body; on the right foot first, then on the left foot. (Or vice versa.)

What Is Happening on The Five Elements Wheel:

Earth element (Spleen) controls Water element (Kidney).

You can see this happening on the wheel (from yellow to blue, inside the circle).

Spleen to kidney

Learn More About Meridians and Acupressure Points

I hope you enjoyed reading about ‘The Wellspring of Life’, the mighty Kidney meridian. If you’d like to learn about all the ancient Chinese poetic names of the acupressure points, I highly recommend getting the folding laminated chart pictured below.  It shows every single acupressure point on our body, so it’s a brilliant study guide. I found it incredibly useful during my Energy Medicine Foundation Course.

accupresure points and meridian chart 2
accupresure points and meridian chart 2

Share Your Thoughts

I would also love to hear about your experience – have you used the techniques mentioned here, and with what results? Or have you got any other questions or comments? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and I look forward to getting back to you soon. To your amazing health!


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How to Relieve PMS

How to Relieve PMS

woman covering her face with her hands

In this post you’ll learn how to relieve PMS using natural methods. I’ll be sharing techniques that I have found helpful for alleviating the typical, often unpleasant symptoms of PMS.

What is PMT or PMS

PMT and PMS refer to the same thing. PMT is an abbreviation of premenstrual tension, while PMS means premenstrual syndrome. I will be using the term PMS just because I use this term more often, although I often feel that the word ‘syndrome’ makes this completely natural process of female body sound like an ailment or a disease.

Yes, it can be unpleasant, but it’s not necessary to stigmatise the specific time of the natural monthly cycle. It’s not something we should be fighting against, try to stop it, but rather fully accept it, adjust to it, anticipate it, allow ourselves to ease up a bit during that time, and learn techniques for alleviating the emotional tension and physical discomfort.

Tips & Tools for PMS Relief

Neurovascular Hold

This simple exercise helps restore calm and reduce the jittery feeling. Place your palm on your forehead, the other at the back. The master practitioner of energy medicine, Donna Eden, explains and demonstrates it here:

Mellow Mudra

The word Mudra comes from Sanskrit and means ‘seal’, ‘gesture’ or ‘mark’. Yoga mudras, practiced in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism, are symbolic gestures of the hands and fingers. They facilitate the flow of subtle energies in the body.

The exercise ‘Mellow Mudra’  is a combination of the previous exercise (The Neurovascular Hold) and a mudra, which activates specific energy pathways connected to the emotions of ‘letting go’, and helping with the release of grief.

This posture will also help you become less reactive, which, needless to say, is much needed during the premenstrual tension.

Donna Eden is describing this exercise in the following video:

Triple Warmer Smoothie

This is a super-simple yet effective technique which help you relax, lower your anxiety, and help relieve tension from your body.

It is based on a backward-tracing a meridian that governs the fight or flight response. After doing this, you will feel Doing this will more centered, grounded, and relaxed.

The technique is presented by an expert in the field of energy medicine, Prune Harris.

Blow Out

This technique called ‘Blow Out’ will help you release the built-up chemicals of stress from your body. By doing this simple exercise you will be engaging three important energy systems which will assist you with getting rid of stress (and possibly even preventing illness, because a large number of illnesses are stress-related). You will find it in this video (which I’ve already inserted to show the Neurovascular Hold) from 3:20 onwards.

Balance Your Meridians (Energy Pathways)

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, hormonal imbalances during PMS can be improved by calming and refreshing specific energetic pathways in your body, also called meridians or channels.

This can be done by tracing the meridians with your hands, or holding specific acupressure points

Acupressure can clear the meridians of stale and toxic energies, ease the emotions as well as physical pain, and help the body return to a state of balance.

Donna Eden recommends focusing on a number of meridians during PMS.

For emotional problems such as stress, anxiety, sadness, and gloominess she recommends:

  • Calming (sedating) the Triple Warmer meridian
  • Strengthening the Spleen meridian

For the physical symptoms of PMS, she recommends focusing on the following meridians:

  • Kidney (for back pain)
  • Liver (for groin pain)
  • Stomach (for breast tenderness and cramps)
  • Small Intestine (for pain in the upper back combines with cramps)
  • Large Intestine (for pain in the lower back)
  • Circulation Sex (if your period is late)

Here is an example of how to work with your meridians:

If you experience tension or pain in your back during PMS or your period, a great way of relieving the pain is to sedate your Kidney meridian.

You may wonder how could a back pain be connected to the kidneys; This is because the kidneys have to filter more blood and hormones than usual and become full, overcharged and stressed, which leads to pain in the surrounding area.

So, sedating the Kidney meridian relaxes the kidneys by removing excess, tense energy, and provides relief to the nearby area – i.e. your back.  

You sedate the Kidney meridian very easily by holding specific acupressure points. I have described the procedure (and other useful techniques) in my post called The Kidney Meridian.

I shall gradually add posts devoted to all the other meridians, including their sedating and strengthening points, so watch this space! ;).

Vitamin and Mineral-rich Foods and Supplements

Studies have shown that certain vitamins and minerals can assist with easing PMS symptoms from mood swings, anxiety, or insomnia, to breast tenderness and water retention.

These are:

  • Vitamin B-6 – found in chickpeas, oats, bananas, tuna, salmon, poultry
  • Magnesium – found in nuts and seeds, avocado, bananas, green leafy vegetables, legumes and seafood

Limit Your Caffeine and Alcohol Intake

It is a good idea to watch out for caffeine and alcohol during that week when you are more sensitive. If coffee usually lifts you up and gets you going, it could make you edgy and anxious instead. If an alcoholic drink usually cheers up up or relaxes you in your non-premenstrual days, it can have the very opposite during the sensitive week, making you easily angry or depressed! I am talking about my own experience.

Your Body Wants to Relax

If you notice that you’re within the week prior to your period then it’s time to honour it. Allow yourself an indulgent hot bath with relaxing essential oils and candles. Curl on the sofa with a cup of soothing herbal tea and a good book or a nice movie. All these little treats are well deserved and necessary.

By easing off for these few days, you will become more aligned with the natural rhytms of your body, and you’ll enjoy regaining your full strength and activity twice as much when this passes.

Allow Yourself to Go Within

Also, if it’s possible, try not to schedule any full-on social events, parties, family visits, etc during this period, because you may not enjoy it as much as you would at other times. Your body is inviting you to go within, get more introspective and quieter – basically, spend more time with yourself than with others. If others see you as ‘grumpy’, let them do so. It’s important to get synchronized with your body and recharge your batteries, so you can spring back to your active, cheerful, and extrovert self again soon.

Last But Not Least…

Anticipate PMS – Ideally With Your Partner!

What I highly recommend (because it’s worked wonders in my case) is to set a notification in your calendar about a week prior to your anticipated period. This little trick has saved me a lot of unpleasant surprises and disconcerted guilty feelings about my sudden mood drops, and low states.

PMS alert

It is comforting to get assured that the bad mood it’s not ‘you’, but your fluctuating hormonal levels,  and if you learn to listen to your body, it will start ‘collaborating’ with you. For example, as soon as I feel that something is ‘not right’ in my world, that I feel on edge, irritable, or vulnerable, I look at my calendar and often get the reassurance I needed!

If you feel like, tell the people around you (the ones that may get most affected) that you happen to be in that sensitive week. Tell your partner about it.

The more open you are about this topic, the more you’ll be helping to destigmatize the ‘dreaded PMS’, especially if you treat the whole thing with humour.

Next time your loved ones see you burst into tears for seemingly no reason, they won’t think that they have done something wrong, but will know that a chemical storm inside you is to blame instead.

Your Own Experience

I hope you’ve found this post helpful. If you have any tips or ideas to share, do leave a comment below – I’d love to hear about your (or your partner’s, or friend’s) way of dealing with PMS.


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How to Relieve Chronic Back Pain

How to Relieve Chronic Back Pain

back pain

Every one of us has experienced some form of short-term back pain, but for some of us, it is an ongoing, persistent problem. This article offers a number of tips on how to relieve chronic back pain and hopefully eliminate it.

Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you make a purchase through my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. The full disclosure can be accessed here.

1) Using Magnets for Pain Relief

Magnets can be very effective tools for back pain relief, if used correctly. They have been successfully used by medical practitioners all over the world. They are frequently used in Chinese medicine, various forms of holistic therapy, and they becoming increasingly popular in Western medicine as well.

There’s no magic behind their successful use, just pure physics: Magnets have electromagnetic fields around them, which you can easily see when you place them near particles of metal. A shape depicting the magnetic field will immediately appear.

magnetic fields

Given the fact that we are also electromagnetic beings – we are made of energy like everything else in this universe – magnets can influence the flow of our energy.

If we suffer from pain, which often means there is over-accumulated, stuck energy in our body, the North polarity of the magnet can draw the excess energy towards itself, thus alleviate our pain.

Vice versa, if we need to improve our circulation or speed up the repair of a broken bone, we can use the South polarity of a magnet, which disperses and amplifies energy.

It is very important to use the correct side (polarity) of a magnet according to our condition. For pain, we generally use the North polarity.

round silver colored analog watch next to compass

You can test a magnet’s polarity with a compass. The North polarity of a magnet is always south-seeking, so if you place one side of a magnet near a compass and see the south end of the magnetic needle (usually painted white) being attracted by it, it means that you are pointing the magnet’s North polarity to the compass.

Keep moving your magnet around the compass to make the needle follow it, so you can be double-sure about the correct polarity. If you’re pointing the Soth polarity of a magnet towards your compass, the north end of the magnetic needle (usually painted red) will turn towards it.

You can mark the North side of your magnet, e.g. by engraving ‘N’ into it, or using a nail varnish to mark it. Once you know which side of the magnet is the North polarity, you can use it for pain relief.

According to rules of Eden Energy Medicine (which I study), the North side of a magnet should not be attached to your body for longer than twelve hours.Whenere you feel hat the pain has gone, you should remove the magnet.

With the South polarity (which is amplifying energy and stimulating growth) the magnet should be on the body for much shorter time – 30 minutes only. This is because if someone has a cancerous growth and keeps a South polarity of a magnet near it for long, it could encourage the cancer cells to grow.

As this post is about pain relief, I’ll be concentrating on the North Polarity (South-seeking side of the magnet).

What Kind of Magnet is Safe to Use?

The magnet should be quite weak. Magnets that are stronger than 1000 Gauss could be harmful to your system.

You can get safe and still very effective magnets in Chinese medicine stores or on the internet. Amazon sells a set of therapeutic magnets that I have personally tried and can recommend. You can find them in the Health & Wellbeing Products section of this website.

small magnets for pain relief
small magnet for pain relief

To use, apply the plaster with the magnet on the area of strained or pulled muscles – for example, stiff shoulder, upper or lower back, around the knee etc.

I recommend reading customers’ reviews so you can see that these tiny magnets can be very effective for pain relief.

ceramic magnets

Another option is to tape a round ceramic magnet over the painful area. Although sold as a science toy for children, these magnets can also be used for pain relief therapy, as they are not too strong. They are frequently used by energy medicine practitioners.

Just tape one of the magnets over the painful muscle – but make sure the magnet is placed North side down. You can test this by putting the magnet near a compass. The North side of the magnet should attract the south end of the compass’ needle.

Back Up by Nada Chair

2) Block Therapy – Fascia Decompression

Block Therapy is one of the most intriguing self-care methods I’ve ever come across. In Block Therapy, you lie on a therapeutic tool called the Block Buddy for at least three minutes in various positions in order to decompress your fascia adhesions throughout your body. Fascia is a tissue netting all over our body, and it often becomes frozen and rigid, causing a whole number of health problems.

The Block Buddy is made from Bamboo, because, unlike artificial materials like foam or plastic, it shares a similar density to our bones. Using gravity and body weight, the Block Buddy is able to sink deeply into the tissue and address the root of your issues – such as chronic pain, inability, to lose weight, premature aging etc.

Increased Oxygen Absorption

The pressure of this Bamboo brick brings increased blood and oxygen into the area, warming the connective tissue and “melting” fascia adhesions and knots. You need to breathe diaphramatically while using this tool.

When you practice diaphragmatic breathing, you increase oxygen absorption up to 6 times the amount compared to breathing through the muscles of the upper chest. The combination of increased oxygen, the freeing of fascia adhesions, correct posture and alignment form the basis of Block Therapy. Check this amazing method out at

Also, I recommend watching this amazing testimonial video by the founder of Block Therapy (also referred to as Fluid Isometrics), Deanna Hansen.

3) Supporting Your Back

Maintaining a correct posture is vital for preventing back pain, but it is impossible to always remember to stand or sit with our back straight. The good news is that nowadays there are plenty of devices that can provide proper support for the back, and simultaneously diminish pain caused by stress or bad posture.

Back Up by Nada Chair

Back-Up: A Simple Device for Back Pain Relief

There was a time when I suffered from intense pain in my back because of the frequent carrying of heavy musical equipment.  The pain would often last for a number of days which seemed like an eternity.

A great discovery was thus a simple-looking, yet surprisingly effective accessory called Back-Up. It was made by a company called ‘Nada Chair’, who holds the World Chiropractic Alliance’s endorsement, and I now understand why!

‘Back-up Nada Chair’ supports the lower back, helps with maintaining correct posture, and diminishes back strain.

Back Up back support by Nada Chair

It can be highly effective for people suffering from chronic back pain, aching back muscles, pregnant women, or anyone who spends considerable time sitting. But what sparked my interest in particular was the fact that it has even been used by NASA astronauts.

You can read my review of Back-Up Nada Chair here.

Back Up back support by Nada Chair

4) Using Back Massagers

A good-quality back massager can provide considerable relief of your back pain without the side effects of medication. They must not be used on slipped discs or any type of injury that may worsen by external pressure, but they are ideal for chronic back pain or aches caused by strained muscles or stress.

A back massager will reduce your back pain by:

– stimulating the skin, muscles and ligaments and encouraging healthy blood flow into the area

– relaxing stiff and tightened back muscles

– dispersing stuck energy (which is often a major cause of pain)

What Type of Massager Is the Best?

There are plenty of variations of back massagers on the market, so it is a good idea to take some time to decide which one would be suitable for your specific needs. The most popular and effective are hand-held massagers and massager chairs.

I have both a hand-held massager and a massage chair, because both types have their own advantages.

backnobber hand-held massaging device

The Backnobber

One of my best discoveries in terms of hand-held massage devices has been an S-shaped tool called The Original Backnobber II. Despite its funny name, it is one of the best tools for self-massage. It is designed for deep muscle therapy and it surely does its job. I always take it with me in the car when I have a long drive ahead of me and use it during my breaks. Stimulating my back muscles makes me less tired and prevents my back from becoming stiff after the drive.

The Backnobber is very easy to use: You simply hook this S-shaped tool over your shoulder, or sideways (to reach your lower back), and use its leverage to apply deep pressure the points of your choice, mainly in the muscles of the neck, shoulders or back. You can find out more from my review, where I describe my favourite ways of using this tool.

backnobber hand-held massaging device

You can split the tool into two parts, which makes it easy to carry and store. 

Watch the manufacturer’s video with an explanation how the Backnobber works and what benefits you’ll experience by using it. 

If you like the features of The Original Backnobber II, and think you may find it useful, try it out and then let me know in the comments under this post how it’s working for you and what your favourite techniques are.

Finally, don’t forget to check my review of the Backnobber. It is full of tips on how to use it effectively, and I’ve also included quite a lot of customer reviews, both positive and negative – which is always worth checking out before you make a purchase.

Percussive Therapy Massager

If you’re looking for a mains-powered held-held device than I’d highly recommend getting a percussive-therapy massager. Percussion is more powerful and effective than just ordinary vibration. The difference between percussive and vibration massage therapy is that percussive therapy can reach about 60% deeper into the muscle than the standard vibration massagers.

The device I have and can fully recommend is called Hangsun Percussion Massager. You can read a review of it here. 

hangsun percussion massager

Spinal Flush

A handheld percussion massager is perfect for a back-massaging technique used in Energy Medicine. It’s called Spinal Flush, and it’s incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating.

However, you can do Spinal Flush even if you don’t have a massager –  just use your hands and apply firm pressure. Find out more in my article Two Simple Techniques for Deep Relaxation where I describe the procedure, and where you can also watch Donna Eden showing the technique in a video called  ‘How to Connect with Your Partner Using Energy medicine‘. It’s really worth learning! 

Easy Lounge Shiatsu Massaging Lounge Chair

Massage Chair

If you like a complex, luxurious style of massage with a number of massaging variations, optional vibration, and heat, a massage chair is an answer. I have a massage chair from Homedics and it’s a hit with every visitor of ours.

Most Homedics massage chairs offer several functions such as kneading shiatsu massage, or tapping percussion. You can usually select your own massage style, or have a pre-programmed massaging variation.

Perfect Touch Masseuse App-Controlled Massage Cushion with Heat by Homedics

You can get a deep neck, shoulder and back massage, and select from several different massage zones and spots, with optional heat function. 

   Gentle Touch Gel Deluxe Shiatsu Massage Cushion with Soothing Heat

You can choose from a wide range of Homedics massagers in their Amazon store.

Wherever you prefer a hand-held massager or a massage chair, both types are highly beneficial for your health and, needless to say, they make brilliant gifts. (I can still remember my parents’ expression when they tried their first massage chair!)

5) Yoga and Stretching

I believe that regular yoga or general stretching practice may help with getting rid of chronic back pain altogether. I would recommend the following asanas and exercises:

The Cobra pose

Cobra pose in yoga

The Bridge Pose

bridge pose in yoga

The Candle Pose (Shoulder Stand)

candle pose in yoga

Downward Dog

downward dog pose in yoga

Connecting Heaven and Earth

donna eden connecting heaven and earth exercise

Connecting Heaven and Earth is an age-old practice that has been depicted in ancient texts. It is brilliant for easing back pain because it allows old energy to leave, whole filling the body with new energy, and offering a great stretch at the same time. You can see how it is done in this video of Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine. (You will find it from 6:44 onwards.)

6) Tapping

Tapping, or EFT, (an abbreviation for Emotional Freedom Techniques) has been proven to help with a large number of issues like stress, anxiety, fear, depression, anger, trauma, and phobias, but also with physical pain. It has been successfully used for treating both chronic, and acute back pain.

Although there are still many people who have never heard of it before, the effectiveness of EFT is helping to make it an increasingly popular and scientifically verified therapeutic method. Over 100 clinical trials of EFT have been published in peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals.

The Science Behind Tapping

Tapping is applied by tapping your fingertips on specific acupressure points on the body, through which a signal is sent to the areas of the brain that are in charge of the ‘fight or flight’ stress response. This process often allows the body to relax and heal from both emotional and physical issues.

The clinical psychologist David Feinstein, Ph.D. is one of the practitioners who has been using EFT for years, and with great results. He is the author of  The Healing Power of EFT & Energy Psychology, co-written with Donna Eden and Gary Craig, the original founder of EFT.

Another highly-respected researcher in this field of EFT is Dawson Church, Ph.D. He’s the author of a number of books about tapping, such as The EFT Manual, a book is based on Clinical EFT, a method validated in a large number of scientific studies.

Can EFT Help with Back Pain?

A large number of back pain sufferers who have been using EFT have reported quick shifts after using this technique. Through EFT, people suffering from pain can often identify the emotional root causes of their pain. It then helps them to make small adjustments, which often produces surprising results.

Apart from The EFT Manual, Dawson Church has also published EFT for Back Pain, a guide filled with the stories of many people who have experienced the benefits of tapping for their back pain and associated emotional problems. The book teaches the basics of EFT, and how to apply them.

eft for backpain by dawson church

Nick Ortner, an EFT expert and founder of The Tapping Solution’ is the author of the book The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, which addresses many forms of pain, back pain included, and contains plenty of success stories. The book got endorsed by Tony Robbins with the following words:

“If you are in chronic pain, I suggest you choose this book and follow the programme inside. Nick’s results with helping people relieve chronic pain speak for themselves. It’s that simple.”

the tapping solution for pain relief

In this video, Nick Ortner talks about EFT for pain relief and demonstrates the tapping process. Check some of the comments below his video (on Youtube), where quite a few people have shared how it’s worked for them. It’s rather exciting to read these testimonials.

7) Use CBD – a Natural Compound of Hemp

CBD (cannabidiol) is a chemical compound found in the cannabis (hemp) plant. Products made from CBD have been used to help people relieve pain, relieve stress and anxiety, and help with their sleep.

One of such products is the ‘Freeze Roll-On Pain Relief’ by ‘Just CBD’. The pain-relief cream is made with full-spectrum hemp-derived CBD, which has been known for relieving pain and inflammation.

roll-on opain relief gel by just cbd

The ‘Freeze Roll-On’ cooling cream has a lot of positive reviews; below is a screenshot of the first few pages. (You can check all of them on the product’s page. )

You can find this roll-on as well as other pain relief creams and gels on the JUST CBD website, under ‘CBD Topicals’.

CBD-gel reviews
CBD-gel reviews
CBD-gel reviews
freeze roll on pain relief cream review

8) Sedate the Kidney Meridian

An interesting approach to relieving back pain is to use the Traditional Chinese Medicine method for sedating your Kidney meridian.

You may be asking “What on earth have kidneys to do with back pain?” The answer is, if the meridian (energetic pathway) that goes through your kidneys becomes overcharged and stressed, it will lead to pain in the surrounding area.

Sedating the Kidney meridian will relax the kidneys by removing all the excess, stuck energy and provide relief to the back.

You can sedate the Kidney meridian by holding specific acupressure points. I am describing the procedure in my post called The Kidney Meridian. (Just look up “Sedating Kidney meridian” in the list of contents on the page.)

Kidney Meridian by Wellcome Collection

Let Me Know About Your Favourite Technique

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about the list of ideas for combating back pain. As I’m writing this, I’m wearing my ‘Back-Up’ back-support and enjoying the sensating of being able to relax and keep my back the straight and strong at the same time. I’m glad I could share my favourite devices with you here, and hope that you too might find them helpful.

If you’d like to share your experience, please leave a comment below. I’d be so happy to hear if any of these techniques have worked for you. I would also appreciate it if you let me know about any other effective techniques or gadgets that you have found effective.


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