ZIVA Online Review

ZIVA Online Review

The Ziva Technique

Product: ZivaOnline – a 15 days’ online training

Price: $399

Guarantee: 30-day Money-back Guarantee

My Rating: 8.9 out of 10

It goes without saying that meditation has become a highly popular practice. We hear about Google CEOs daily meditation practice to increase their productivity, stressed-out entrepreneurs trying to detox their system, and people from all walks of life who meditate to find inner peace. Whatever the reason for meditating is, it is always recommended to find an experienced teacher who can guide us through our first steps.

This is a review of Ziva Online – an online mediation course by Emily Fletcher, the author of the best-selling Stress Less Accomplish More who has developed an online meditation course that lasts 15 days.

Having first read the highly informative and enjoyable book, I enrolled in Emily’s course in January 2020 and benefited from her tachings on many levels. Taking this course and following the instructions step by step has had a great effect on my health and wellbeing, and I will be talking about the specific benefits in this review.

There are some aspects you need to consider before taking this course and I will be listing both pros and cons of this course, so you can get an idea if the course is for you or not.

Affiliate Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase through my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. The full disclosure can be accessed here. Thank you for your support!

The Course Content

Ziva Online takes 15 days to complete. You will receive an instructional video each day which you have to complete in order to unlock the next day’s video. You cannot unlock the next day’s video in one day. I like this approach because it supports proper learning. You will concentrate a lot at just one video a day, which means that in the long run you will learn more and retain more information. You will also look forward to the next day’s video.

The videos are very engaging and full of interesting information. Emily Fletcher is clearly an expert with plenty of experience. She studied meditation and meditation teaching in India Her instructor course lasted three years, which is very clear in her teaching. I felt I was in good hands throughout the whole course.

Upon completion of the course, you’ll receive a certificate, with which you will be able to take Emily’s live training in her studio in New York. (The live training now requires the completion of the online course).

Certificate Ziva Online

What makes Ziva Online different from other meditation courses is the inclusion of threedifferent techniques: Mindfulness, Meditation, and Manifesting. Emily Fletcher clearly explains the difference between mindfulness and manifesting and guides the learner through both.

The course finishes with manifesting, which is getting clear on what we want in life and making our dreams become reality. Emily teaches specific visualisation techniques to achieve our goals.

The 15 Days’ Course  Outline:


DAY 1Beginner’s Mind

DAY 2 Come to Your Senses

DAY 3Patience is a VirtueDAY 4 – First Day of Meditation Training

DAY 4First Day of Meditation Training

DAY 5The 5 Most Common Things During Meditation

DAY 6Alarms, interruptions, and rules – Oh My!

DAY 7Make a Promise to Yourself…and Keep it

DAY 8The Bubble Diagram

DAY 9The Importance of Twice a Day

DAY 10Creation, Maintenance, & Destruction

DAY 11Higher States of Consciousness

DAY 12How to Make Ziva Non-Negotiable

DAY 13Thoughts Become Things (Manifesting )

DAY 14The 3 Keys to Manifesting




Learning to meditate regularly leads to clear results, such as:

  • Better Sleep
  • Better immunity – fewer colds
  • Better mood, less reactivity
  • Improved productivity

I personally credit the course for impacting my life in the following ways:

Deeper and More Restful Sleep 

Amazingly, my need of 9 hours of sleep decreased to 7, and I no longer experience the crashed of energy in the afternoons

More Energy and Focus

I have noticed that since I’ve started meditating regularly that I am able to read with more concentration.

Increased Productivity

Thanks to recharging my body’s energy with meditating twice a day, I get many more tasks accomplished in the day. My days also feel longer thanks to sleeping less (but still feeling rested). I am also experiencing more ‘flow’ states when working.

Being Less Reactive or Confrontational

that when I get into a tense situation that would normally lead to confrontation, I am able to stay calmer and more grounded, and my need to react defensively is minimal.

Feeling More Connected to Others

Mediation has the amazing ability to release the so-called bliss chemicals into your brain. Amongst these chemicals are oxytocin (the bonding hormone) and anandamide (also dubbed ‘the bliss molecule).

If your body is flooded with these feel-good chemicals, it will be natural to feel a loving connection with others. You will also be able to forgive more easily! Again, I am talking about my own experience. This aspect of the biochemical reward of frequent meditation is truly amazing and can save and heal many relationships!

A Huge Decrease in Negative Thought-Patterns 

To my astonishment, I have experienced a really noticeable drop in the involuntary, automatic negative thoughts and inner critical commentaries (of ourselves and other people) that used to bring me down a lot. This is one of the greatest benefits of having taken the course.

Reduced Need for Caffeine or Alcohol

Don’t take me wrong, I still really like both! However, I’ve noticed that their effect on my body is much stronger since I started meditating, so I need a considerably smaller quantity of both. I’m also convinced that the fact that my sleep is much better now can be attributed to my natural reduction of caffeine and alcohol.

I Stopped Biting My Nails

I’m happy to say that my annoying habit of biting my nails has stopped! I used to bite my nails whenever I felt nervous and on edge, often after drinking coffee.

If you’d like to read more in-depth about all the ‘perks’ of mediation, check my post on the physical and psychological benefits of meditation!

Recharging with meditation15 Minutes!


This course is expensive. For many people, $399 is a lot of money, and the price may put them of and prompt them to search for free Youtube meditation videos instead. Although I am very happy to have invested this amount into improving multiple aspects of my life, I still have to point this out. It’s a pity that this price aspect may deter quite a few people from taking the course.

What I also dislike is the 6-month limit of access to the course content, the private Facebook group, and the live calls with Emily. You’ll only get 6 months of access, after which you can upgrade, but personally, I just don’t like that feature. I have done other courses, such as the Mindvalley course Eden Energy Medicine and Jim’s Kwik Superbrain and SuperReading. With these, I have lifetime access to both the course content and all the live video calls and private Facebook groups. This generous approach is exactly why I have recommended many of my friends to join their programs.

I do understand that Emily Fletcher’s aim as a professional meditation teacher is to help us become independent meditators who don’t have to repeatedly come back to the course material and follow her along with the meditations, but I still think it would be nice to be able to revisit the course (and have access to the Facebook group and the encouraging live calls) without having to pay for it repeatedly every 6 months.

Having said all that, you can try the whole course for 30 days with a money-back guarantee which I think is pretty great, because in the space of 30 days you will you can learn to meditate and start experiencing many of the physical and psychological benefits. The course is only 15 days so you will have plenty of time to decide whether the training was worth it or whether you prefer to cancel the payment.


I’ve been pretty frank in this review in terms of my opinion about the price and the 6-month access limit. However, all this can’t change the fact that taking the Ziva Online course has been one of the best investments in my life – exactly as what other reviews say about her course (which you can read here.)

With the overwhelming amount of information on the internet, it is difficult to choose the right teacher or a course. Often we just download a meditation app and stop using it a few days later, with no results. The fact is – Ziva Mediation works, and it may even surprise you how well it works. If you want to become more productive, have much more done, sleep better and in many cases need fewer hours to feel fully rested, feel calmer and more stable emotionally, I recommend you give Ziva Online a try.

ziva online meditation course


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How to Relieve PMS

How to Relieve PMS

woman covering her face with her hands

In this post you’ll learn how to relieve PMS using natural methods. I’ll be sharing techniques that I have found helpful for alleviating the typical, often unpleasant symptoms of PMS.

What is PMT or PMS

PMT and PMS refer to the same thing. PMT is an abbreviation of premenstrual tension, while PMS means premenstrual syndrome. I will be using the term PMS just because I use this term more often, although I often feel that the word ‘syndrome’ makes this completely natural process of female body sound like an ailment or a disease.

Yes, it can be unpleasant, but it’s not necessary to stigmatise the specific time of the natural monthly cycle. It’s not something we should be fighting against, try to stop it, but rather fully accept it, adjust to it, anticipate it, allow ourselves to ease up a bit during that time, and learn techniques for alleviating the emotional tension and physical discomfort.

Tips & Tools for PMS Relief

Neurovascular Hold

This simple exercise helps restore calm and reduce the jittery feeling. Place your palm on your forehead, the other at the back. The master practitioner of energy medicine, Donna Eden, explains and demonstrates it here:

Mellow Mudra

The word Mudra comes from Sanskrit and means ‘seal’, ‘gesture’ or ‘mark’. Yoga mudras, practiced in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism, are symbolic gestures of the hands and fingers. They facilitate the flow of subtle energies in the body.

The exercise ‘Mellow Mudra’  is a combination of the previous exercise (The Neurovascular Hold) and a mudra, which activates specific energy pathways connected to the emotions of ‘letting go’, and helping with the release of grief.

This posture will also help you become less reactive, which, needless to say, is much needed during the premenstrual tension.

Donna Eden is describing this exercise in the following video:

Triple Warmer Smoothie

This is a super-simple yet effective technique which help you relax, lower your anxiety, and help relieve tension from your body.

It is based on a backward-tracing a meridian that governs the fight or flight response. After doing this, you will feel Doing this will more centered, grounded, and relaxed.

The technique is presented by an expert in the field of energy medicine, Prune Harris.

Blow Out

This technique called ‘Blow Out’ will help you release the built-up chemicals of stress from your body. By doing this simple exercise you will be engaging three important energy systems which will assist you with getting rid of stress (and possibly even preventing illness, because a large number of illnesses are stress-related). You will find it in this video (which I’ve already inserted to show the Neurovascular Hold) from 3:20 onwards.

Balance Your Meridians (Energy Pathways)

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, hormonal imbalances during PMS can be improved by calming and refreshing specific energetic pathways in your body, also called meridians or channels.

This can be done by tracing the meridians with your hands, or holding specific acupressure points

Acupressure can clear the meridians of stale and toxic energies, ease the emotions as well as physical pain, and help the body return to a state of balance.

Donna Eden recommends focusing on a number of meridians during PMS.

For emotional problems such as stress, anxiety, sadness, and gloominess she recommends:

  • Calming (sedating) the Triple Warmer meridian
  • Strengthening the Spleen meridian

For the physical symptoms of PMS, she recommends focusing on the following meridians:

  • Kidney (for back pain)
  • Liver (for groin pain)
  • Stomach (for breast tenderness and cramps)
  • Small Intestine (for pain in the upper back combines with cramps)
  • Large Intestine (for pain in the lower back)
  • Circulation Sex (if your period is late)

Here is an example of how to work with your meridians:

If you experience tension or pain in your back during PMS or your period, a great way of relieving the pain is to sedate your Kidney meridian.

You may wonder how could a back pain be connected to the kidneys; This is because the kidneys have to filter more blood and hormones than usual and become full, overcharged and stressed, which leads to pain in the surrounding area.

So, sedating the Kidney meridian relaxes the kidneys by removing excess, tense energy, and provides relief to the nearby area – i.e. your back.  

You sedate the Kidney meridian very easily by holding specific acupressure points. I have described the procedure (and other useful techniques) in my post called The Kidney Meridian.

I shall gradually add posts devoted to all the other meridians, including their sedating and strengthening points, so watch this space! ;).

Vitamin and Mineral-rich Foods and Supplements

Studies have shown that certain vitamins and minerals can assist with easing PMS symptoms from mood swings, anxiety, or insomnia, to breast tenderness and water retention.

These are:

  • Vitamin B-6 – found in chickpeas, oats, bananas, tuna, salmon, poultry
  • Magnesium – found in nuts and seeds, avocado, bananas, green leafy vegetables, legumes and seafood

Limit Your Caffeine and Alcohol Intake

It is a good idea to watch out for caffeine and alcohol during that week when you are more sensitive. If coffee usually lifts you up and gets you going, it could make you edgy and anxious instead. If an alcoholic drink usually cheers up up or relaxes you in your non-premenstrual days, it can have the very opposite during the sensitive week, making you easily angry or depressed! I am talking about my own experience.

Your Body Wants to Relax

If you notice that you’re within the week prior to your period then it’s time to honour it. Allow yourself an indulgent hot bath with relaxing essential oils and candles. Curl on the sofa with a cup of soothing herbal tea and a good book or a nice movie. All these little treats are well deserved and necessary.

By easing off for these few days, you will become more aligned with the natural rhytms of your body, and you’ll enjoy regaining your full strength and activity twice as much when this passes.

Allow Yourself to Go Within

Also, if it’s possible, try not to schedule any full-on social events, parties, family visits, etc during this period, because you may not enjoy it as much as you would at other times. Your body is inviting you to go within, get more introspective and quieter – basically, spend more time with yourself than with others. If others see you as ‘grumpy’, let them do so. It’s important to get synchronized with your body and recharge your batteries, so you can spring back to your active, cheerful, and extrovert self again soon.

Last But Not Least…

Anticipate PMS – Ideally With Your Partner!

What I highly recommend (because it’s worked wonders in my case) is to set a notification in your calendar about a week prior to your anticipated period. This little trick has saved me a lot of unpleasant surprises and disconcerted guilty feelings about my sudden mood drops, and low states.

PMS alert

It is comforting to get assured that the bad mood it’s not ‘you’, but your fluctuating hormonal levels,  and if you learn to listen to your body, it will start ‘collaborating’ with you. For example, as soon as I feel that something is ‘not right’ in my world, that I feel on edge, irritable, or vulnerable, I look at my calendar and often get the reassurance I needed!

If you feel like, tell the people around you (the ones that may get most affected) that you happen to be in that sensitive week. Tell your partner about it.

The more open you are about this topic, the more you’ll be helping to destigmatize the ‘dreaded PMS’, especially if you treat the whole thing with humour.

Next time your loved ones see you burst into tears for seemingly no reason, they won’t think that they have done something wrong, but will know that a chemical storm inside you is to blame instead.

Your Own Experience

I hope you’ve found this post helpful. If you have any tips or ideas to share, do leave a comment below – I’d love to hear about your (or your partner’s, or friend’s) way of dealing with PMS.


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Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. This means that if you decide to make a purchase through my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. (The full Affiliate Disclosure can be read here.) If you’d like to learn more about affiliate marketing, e.g. how to earn extra income from blogging and promoting products you like and would recommend to others, which is what I do, check out Wealthy Affiliate, my favourite platform for online marketers. You can create a free account, which will enable you to make your own website in a few simple steps, and host it with them – free of charge – for as long as you like. You can test it right now by trying their free website builder SiteRubix. Thank you for visiting!

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Working from Home Opportunities

Working from Home Opportunities

working from home

Having a home-based business has always been an appealing idea for a lot of us, but especially since the beginning of the lockdown, the search for working from home opportunities has skyrocketed. But plenty of people face a great challenge: What direction to take when considering an online job? How can one find decent work without falling prey to scams and get-rich-quick schemes, which in so many cases turn into ‘get-broke-fast’ schemes?

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase through my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. The full disclosure can be accessed here. Thank you for your support!

Sea of Opportunities to Earn Money Online

There are plenty of opportunities to earn extra income online, such as freelance writing or proofreading, creating a tutorial or a course, offering services as a web designer, logo designer, online session musician, singer, poet, counselor, coach – the list is constantly growing.

General Freelance/Online Jobs

You can search for online/freelance jobs through websites such as:

Writing Jobs

Freelance jobs specifically for writers can be found here:

Voiceover Jobs

If you are a singer or can do voiceovers, you could offer your skills at the following websites: 

 If you are stuck for work, do check these sites out and you’ll see the horizon of your online work opportunities widen instantly.

Affiliate Marketing

You can also try affiliate marketing, which I would recommend because of my own positive experience.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

If you have a hobby or a strong interest in your life, you can build a website around that topic. Then you’ll keep writing articles about the things you like, and with enough dedication and time, you can start reaping rewards by online income.

You can gradually start monetizing your site by, for example, becoming an Amazon affiliate. Then you write about products that you have tried or would recommend, insert your unique affiliate link, and if a visitor of your site clicks on it and buys something, you will get a percentage from the sale.

You may have noticed the disclosures on this page – this informs the visitors of my site that I am an affiliate marketer, so they can make an informed choice whether to purchase something from my links and thus help me earn a small commission at absolutely no cost to them. I love this principle, it’s like a fair exchange of energy; if people find what you’ve written useful, they may chose to reward you for your work. Whenever I earn a commission, I thank the person in my mind and with all my heart, even if I don’t know who he or she is.

You can join many other companies, not just Amazon. For example, if you like motorbikes, type the following in Google search bar: ‘motorbikes + affiliate program’, and you will find companies that might accept you as their affiliate partner, and you can then use your affiliate links in your blog about motorbikes and get paid if people like what you’ve written and make a purchase through your link.

Success is Gradual and Cumulative

Affiliate marketing is definitely not a get-rich scheme – it requires a lot of dedicated work. But if you have a passion for something, it will give you the driving force to keep working at it; you’ll develop a certain discipline, and because success is cumulative, in time you will get rewarded. (I can’t describe my joy when I saw my first affiliate commission in my Paypal account!) Earning money by doing what you really like is extremely motivating. Work of this kind, however hard it may seem in the beginning, becomes very meaningful and fulfilling.

Get Rewarded for Genuinely Helping Others

One thing is very important to know: The people who are most successful in affiliate marketing are the ones who genuinely want to help people through their blog content. It has to be useful or interesting for others. You should offer something that others may benefit from – something that will either entertain them or solve their problem (such as ‘how can I ease arthritic pain’ or ‘which camera is the best for high-quality videos’ etc.)

The latter one, solving a problem, tends to be more successful, at least according to marketing experts. So think of anything you are good at, or what really interests you, and then imagine you are writing an informative article about it. Someone will come across it and if your intention is genuine (and you’re not just ‘fishing’ for sales),  you will start earning income by helping others.

The Difference Between Affiliate Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing or Pyramid Schemes

It is a matter of personal choice, but to me, affiliate marketing is a definitive winner over Multi-Level marketing. Let’s look at the main differences:

Multi-Level Marketing:

  • You have to first buy the products that you’ll be selling
  • There’s usually a joining fee, e.g. buying a starter kit
  • You have to actually sell the products in order to make money (i.e. bother your friends and family)
  • You’re limited to selling specific products by the company
  • You may have to recruit other members to sell your products to

I once joined such a company without realising that they operated on a multi-level marketing principle. I naively thought that it was a training course for nutritionists (because they had been presenting themselves as such). They convinced me to purchase a mountain of protein powder (I could barely find my room under the heap of all those huge jars). Needless to say, it required a huge financial investment. I soon realised that I had to sell all of it in order to get my money back. That meant bothering all my friends and family to buy it off me. I wasn’t really cut out for this, so in the end, I ended up giving most of it away and eating the rest.

Affiliate marketing:

  • You don’t have to sell any products, only promote them through your website
  • There are no fees to join an affiliate program (like Amazon, for example)
  • It’s entirely up to you what products, programs, etc. you want to promote, and the amount is limitless
  • You don’t have to bother anyone personally in order to make a sale. A helpful and interesting article written by you will get noticed and people will purchase the products you promote of their own free will

Where Can You Learn About Affiliate Marketing Step by Step?

Learn from Successful Bloggers/Internet Marketers

There are plenty of experts around who offer quality guidance about setting your online business and teach you how to start your journey as an affiliate. One of such experts and wonderful people is an award-winning blogger Harsh Agrawal. I have subscribed to his newsletters because he’s one of the top bloggers who knows just about everything about online business and covers all the aspects of digital marketing – from blogging, WordPress, Search Engine Optimisation to web hosting and making money online. He has a cool blog ‘Shout Me Loud’ which I check regularly, and he has published a very clearly written beginners’ guide to affiliate marketing which I have, and which has helped me avoid many beginners’ mistakes.

the handbook to affiliate marketing by harsh agrawal

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Join a Platform That Teaches Online Marketing

Another great way to get started with your online business is by joining an educational platform that specializes in teaching internet marketing. There is a wide choice of such platforms, but it is a good idea to ‘test-drive’ each of them before you decide for the one that suits you the best. A good marketing platform should always offer you a free starter membership so you can explore the territory first. Never join a platform that pushes you into a paid membership without giving you the chance to explore it first! Many people have fallen for scam platforms or platforms that charge unreasonable membership fees.

If I could sincerely recommend a platform that is full of great courses on how to set up a home-based business, it would be Wealthy Affiliate. To my mind, it’s the best platform for anyone who is considering working from home.

wealthy affiliate work from home

What is Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform for internet marketers. I am a happy member of the platform and would recommend it to anyone who would like to learn about earning extra income online. Their course ‘Online Entrepreneur Certification’ has helped me build my website, start and maintain my online business, and become a part of a trustworthy community of fellow internet marketers, who are always happy to offer advice about anything.

Free starter membership with Wealthy Affiliate

A Learning Platform and a Supportive Community

As a learning platform, Wealthy Affiliate is ideal for beginners and pros alike. It will teach you anything you need to know about a successful online business – even if you are a complete beginner and see yourself as ‘anti technical’. And for people with more experience in online business, it offers continuous training in all aspects of internet marketing, including weekly live trainings and non-stop support.

I love the community at W.A. Whenever I have a question, I post it within the platform and get a reply from multiple people within a short time. Everyone there is really friendly and supportive. I felt genuinely welcome from the very beginning. And I never received any impersonal, pressurizing phonecalls forcing me to upgrade, which is what had happened to me with a few other platforms.

Free Website and Hosting

With a free starter membership, you can build (and host!) your own website using Wealthy Affiliate’s own platform called ‘Siterubix‘, where you can keep your website for as long as you wish, and for free.

Easy to Grasp Fundamentals of Setting Your Online Business

The 10-lesson free training will give you the necessary knowledge needed to start your own an online business, and learn about affiliate marketing. The best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that you can start your online business without any prior knowledge about internet marketing – just like me. As a musician, the ‘online business’ topic used to be very alien, almost repulsive to me.

No False Promises

When I came across this platform, what caught my interest was the fact that it seemed more ‘down to earth’ than any of the shiny laptop-lifestyle platforms I had come across before. Like some that claim that you’ll only need ‘a laptop and internet connection’ to make thousands a month. That is complete, misguiding nonsense. Affiliate marketing requires a lot of work and dedication like any other job.

However, you will come across quite a lot of success stories within the affiliate world, such as one by a fellow member of Wealthy Affiliate, a sweet girl called Grace, also known as ‘Littlemama’. You can read her blog post here.

I love the fact that despite her financial success she still remains with her feet on the ground and tells everyone the truth – that it’s you who will need to do the work.

Try the ‘Getting Started’ Module for Free

I highly recommend trying the first 10 lessons for free – you don’t even have to give Wealthy Affiliate your credit card details in order to gain the free membership. And if you’d like the training and would like to continue after the 10 lessons, you can upgrade to a Premium membership, which gives you unlimited access to complete training and constant professional support.

But even if you don’t upgrade to a paid membership, you will still have unlimited access to your website which you can keep developing, and write articles. I think that having a free website and hosting with full guidance about starting your business is utterly unique among all the other marketing platforms I’ve come across.

by WEALTHY AFFILIATE – Platform for Online Marketers
10 Free Lessons on How to Start an Online Business
10 free lessons with wealthy affiliate
10 free lessons with wealthy affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate course outcomes and learning benefits

I suggest having a think about the whole concept and doing your own research online. If blogging and affiliate marketing is something that appeals to you, go and try the 10 free lessons. There’s nothing to lose – you may be standing in front of a new opportunity that may shift your life in a new and exciting direction – like in my case.

I would recommend checking out the first two lessons, because it may give you a better idea of whether you’d like to continue the whole free course.

Lesson 1 – Getting Rolling!

Lesson 2 – Understanding How to Make Money Online

If you find out that internet marketing just doesn’t resonate with you, you will still have gained new knowledge that you can share with others.

Good luck and do let me know how it’s going in the comments below! I’ll be more than happy to answer any of your questions. 


This site has been (very happily) built with DIVI, by Elegant Themes.

Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. This means that if you decide to make a purchase through my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. The complete Affiliate Disclosure can be accessed here. If you’d like to learn more about affiliate marketing, check out my favourite platform for online marketers. Thank you for visiting!

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20 Tips for Better Sleep

20 Tips for Better Sleep


We all know how awful it feels to be dragging ourselves through the day when we are sleep deprived. In this post, I’ll be exploring 20 tips for better sleep. My sincere wish is that you’ll try to implement some of the ideas, experience a noticeable improvement in your sleep, and feel great during the day as a result.

Tip 1: Try to Keep a Regular Sleep Schedule

Many sleep experts say that the key to good quality sleep is a regular sleep schedule. This means going to sleep and waking up at approximately the same time every day. According to the ‘Sleep Doctor’ Michael Breus, consistent waking time is even more important than the time we go to bed.

Try to stick to it even at weekends, days off work, or if you work from home. This may seem rather restrictive, but I can tell you from my own experience that you will be doing a great favour to yourself. Your body will get used to the regular sleep-wake patterns and reward you with feeling really good during the day.

Tip 2: At Least 15 Minutes of Sunlight in the Morning

Exposure to the natural light in the morning will help you sleep better at night. Sunlight increases your levels of serotonin, a hormone associated with feeling happy, awake and focused. An interesting fact is that by the evening, this very same hormone, serotonin, is synthesized into melatonin, which is the hormone that regulates our sleep.

Getting exposed to daylight as early as possible contributes to good quality sleep. Try to get out in the morning even on cloudy or rainy days, because your body will still benefit from natural light, even if it’s not a sunny day. (I’m sure dog owners know about this alreday!)

Tip 3: Exercise

Regular exercise during the day is the best way to make you tired naturally and ensures quality sleep. Vigorous exercise is ideal in the morning.

Research has been made about the impact of exercise on our sleep quality. It involved three groups of people – the first exercised in the morning, the second at 1pm, and the third at 7pm. The group that experienced the best quality sleep was the one that exercised in the morning.

So, if you can, try to slot an exercise routine into your morning, or afternoon as a second choice. If you want to exercise before bedtime, gentle exercises like yoga, qi-gong or tai-chi will relax you and prepare you for rest without overstimulating your body.

Your exercise routine doesn’t need to be long. I do a five-minute routine, based on Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine, which sets all the important energy flows in motion and jump-starts your whole system. (You can watch a video of the Daily Energy Routine towards the end of this post, under Tip 18.)

I love this routine for several reasons: It’s an instant mood improver, it gives you energy straight away, and it also strengthens your immunity in the long term. So if you want to prevent colds, practice this routine every day. You don’t have to do the whole routine in one go; parts of it can be done even when you’re walking, going up the stairs, or taking a shower.

I also do a short set of yoga asanas, which you can check in my article on chronic back pain, under Point 4. I also use a rebounder, which gets my heart pumping in a few seconds of jumping. 

Find the style of exercise that suits you the best. Any kind of physical activity can improve the quality of our sleep, and not only that; by exercising in the morning, you are doing a huge favour to yourself on many levels. You’ll notice that your mood is better, your thinking clearer, you have more mental and emotional resilience, and you can concentrate for longer periods of time.

Tip 4: Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises can help you with falling asleep and improve the quality of your sleep. Oxygenating your body lowers your stress levels, which in turn strengthens your immune system and makes you feel good.

The following method, presented by Dr Andrew Weill, M.D., has been proven to help people with various sleeping disorders, such as difficulty falling asleep, interrupted sleep, shallow sleep, or insomnia.

The method is called ‘The 4-7-8 Technique’ and it’s based on yogic practice of breath control known as pranayama. Prana is a Sanskrit word for life force, and ayama for expansion, extending, restraint, control, or stopping. The whole word pranayma translates as ‘regulation of the breath’, or ‘control of life force’.

Dr Andrew Weil describes the 4-7-8 exercise as a ‘natural tranquiliser for the nervous system’.

Practising this method will decrease your tension and allow your body to relax, thus improving your sleep. Some people fall asleep in just a minute while doing this technique.

How to Do the 4-7-8 Technique:

  • Place the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth.
  • Let all air out first by exhaling.
  • Inhale quietly through your nose for a count of four.
  • Hold your breath for seven counts.
  • Exhale forcefully through your mouth for a count of eight, making a ‘whoosh’ sound.
  • Repeat this cycle four times.

In this video, Dr Weill explains and demonstrates the 4-7-8 technique.

How Often Should You Practice the 4-7-8 Technique?

For the exercise to be effective, you should practice it at least twice a day.

You can do it more often than that if you want, but never more than four breath cycles at a time. If you practice it regularly for at least a month, then you can increase the number of cycles to eight (but no more than that).

You can do the whole cycle more slowly than Dr. Weill presents it, depending on how long you can hold your breath. Ideally, your breaths should be slower than in Dr. Weill’s demonstration, but don’t force it if you are a beginner. You will manage to lengthen your breath through regular practice. The important thing is that you are comfortable when you breathe and when you hold your breath.

According to Dr. Weill, after practicing this exercise for 4 -6 weeks, you can start using this exercise for multiple purposes:

  • When you’re getting tense and feel you may overreact
  • When you experience cravings (nicotine, sugar, etc.)
  • When you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall asleep

Changes in Your Physiology

After 2 or 3 months or regular practice you will start experiencing significant changes in your physiology:

  • Your sleep will improve
  • Your heart rate and blood pressure will slow down
  • Your digestion will improve
  • Your blood circulation will increase (so if you’ve suffere from cold hands, they may start to feel warm due to improved circulation)
  • You’ll be much less susceptible to anxiety

According to Dr. Weill, the 4-7-8 Technique is the most effective anti-anxiety technique. He has successfully taught it to patients with severe forms of panic disorder.

As a reward of practicing this regularly, you may start experiencing a pleasant altered state of consciousness during the exercise. The results may not come instantly, but if you are diligent and practice it daily at least twice a day, you will experience noticeable results. It is the consistency that produces dramatic changes.

Even though it only takes 1 – 2 minutes twice a day, doing this regularly over the period of weeks or months changes involuntary nervous function and through that the physiology of the body.

Many diseases are rooted in the unbalanced functioning of the involuntary nervous system. By imposing rhythms of the breath on the voluntary system, these rhythms are slowly induced to the involuntary system – so over time we are able to change the function – or modify the activity – of the involuntary nervous system, and massively improve our health as a result.

I recommend trying the 4-7-8 technique right now following Dr Weill’s video, and then again in bed tonight.

Tip 5: Take Cold Showers

I’m sure some of you will refuse to even think about getting into cold water. However, cold water has been successfully used for hundreds of years to bring down fevers or as first aid for burns. Athletes often use cold showers or ice baths to speed up recovery after physical exercise. In the past, cold therapies were also used to calm patients with manic-depressive psychoses.

Here are a few examples of what exposure to cold can do for you:

  • Reset the nervous system
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Reduce swelling
  • Soothe sore muscles
  • Speed up metabolism
  • Improve your ability to focus
  • Strengthen your immunity
  • And, last but not least, improve the quality of your sleep!

Taking cold showers has been a game changer for me. I’ve got inspired by two amazing people: The ‘brain coach’ Jim Kwik, who has a cold shower as a part of is daily routine, and ‘The Iceman’ Wim Hof.

I am taking cold showers twice a day – after getting up and before going to sleep. Both times of the day have their specific advantages for exposing my body to cold.

In the morning it is a great way to wake up; while I’m taking the shower, I do intensive breathing, and several exercises from The Daily Energy Routine by Donna Eden (e.g. thumping my thymus to strengthen my immunity).

Cooling your body down promotes good sleep, so it is beneficial to have a cold shower in the evening as well, without stimulating the body with exercise.

If you have never taken cold showers before, and the idea just seems unbearable, start with a warm shower and finish with cold water. Deep, long breaths will help you feel less cold. You’ll soon start experiencing the fresh, liberating feeling that cold water brings, and feel fantastic afterwards! (You can tick it off as a first major achievement of your day!)

Water can cleanse more than just the surface. It is capable of cleansing your etheric energy field and flushing a good amount of negative energy from your body, which is, of course, another bonus for better sleep. (I recommend a beautiful book The Hidden Messages in Water by M. Emoto, which explores how molecules of water can react to energy, including your thoughts, words, feelings, and intentions.)

the hidden messages in water by masaru emoto

Tip 6 – Stop Caffeine by 2pm

Caffeine takes a long time to process. We are all different in terms of our ability to metabolise, but in general, caffeine can stay in your system for up to 10 hours. Therefore, be mindful of the time of the day you drink coffee or other drinks containing caffeine.

Personally, if I have a coffee at 1pm, I have difficulty falling asleep at 11pm. So, if I have a coffee, I prefer to have as early as possible – by midday at the latest.

Tip 7 – Stop Alcohol At Least 3 Hours Before Sleep

Alcohol can take several hours to metabolise. For example, a large glass of wine can take approximately three hours to break down, and a pint of lager between 2 to three hours. So it is a good idea to think of your sleep time and be aware of the time plan the time when you drink.

Tip 8: Avoid Sugary Foods and Refined Carbohydrates

We should be mindful of consuming sugar and refined carbs in general, but especially close to our bedtime. This includes biscuits, pasta, white bread, cakes, chocolate – anything containing sugar or processed carbohydrates.

When I was touring with bands, I often needed to stay awake at night (especially in countries like Spain or Italy) because we would often get on stage well after midnight. I ate a lot of sugary food and drinks to help me stay awake during the gig, and when I finally got to bed a few hours later, my heart would be racing and I would barely get any sleep.

However, you don’t have to go to bed on an empty stomach. In fact, it is not recommended. Feeling ravenous won’t do our sleep any good. You can have a light snack to feel cosy inside. I sometimes have a small bowl of oatmeal porridge, white yogurt, or a glass of warm milk.

Tip 9:  Don’t Sleep With You Phone on (And Near You)

This might initially be very hard for many of us. But if we take our health seriously, we should stop the excuse that we need to keep your phone on – often near our head – because of the alarm clock. One tends to wonder, how did people manage to wake themselves up before the advent of smartphones?

Mobiles and laptops not only stimulate the brain when we use them; they also emit blue light which sends your brain constant signals to stay active – a guaranteed way to insomnia. Even if you have your device further from your bed, if it stays on while you sleep, it will communicate with your body and stimulate it by radiation and blue light.

I personally keep my iPhone switched off and outside the bedroom. I use either a traditional alarm clock or my ‘ancient’ Nokia phone, which, to my delight, I can switch off completely and it will still come to life at the time I’ve set the alarm for. No iPhone or Android smartphones can do this amazing feat. You have to keep them on. I often wonder, how is it possible that our modern day super-smart phones are not capable of this simple function?

I hope the time when we see the link between the over exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields and our health and mental wellbeing will come soon. You can read more in my article Is Wifi Dangerous to Health?

Tip 10: Don’t Check Your Email or Social Media Last Thing Before Going to Bed

It goes without saying that you should not use your laptop, iPad or iPhone in your bed, unless you want to toss and turn wide awake most of the night. But even if your devices are located outside your sleep temple, make sure you don’t glare into their bright screens just before going to sleep.

From my own experience, checking email, Messenger, WhatsApp, and all the other social media notifications or feeds is one of the most stimulating things which can well prevent me from falling asleep. A lot of things you see on social media can also stir negative emotions, which will affect your sleep.

Whenever I switch my mobile before going to sleep, I try to resist looking at all the notifications on the screen. Sometimes I even disable my social media notifications altogether – at least when it’s getting late and I know that I should be winding down.

This leads to the next tip:

Tip 11: Make Sure You Are Relaxed Before Going to Bed

To ensure you’ll have a good quality sleep, aim to go to bed relaxed. You could spend 20 minutes relaxing on the sofa reading a book, writing a diary  – planner, listening to an audiobook, or going for a short relaxing walk. It is also nice to have little atmosphere enhancers prior to your bedtime, such as lighting a candle or switching on an essential oil diffuser.

Tip 12: Neither Relax nor Work in Your Bed During the Day

With the exception of the delights of love, your bed should be treated as a place for sleep only. Watching TV, or using your electronic devices, should not be done in your bed. It’s much better to train your brain to associate the bed with restoring your body, rather than mentally stimulating pursuits, otherwise you’ll find the natural act of going to sleep an onerous task.

Tip 13 – Don’t Keep Your Bedroom Too Warm

The idea of a warm bedroom might seem cosy, yet if we keep our sleep space fresh and cool, we’ll help our body get into a naturally hibernating mode much more easily. Ideally, we should have a window open at least a bit, to allow fresh air in, and stale air out. If the weather’s particularly cold, a hot water bottle by your feet can do wonders.

In the past, due to my dislike of being cold and my fear of catching a cold as a result, I used to sleep in several layers, which included a tracksuit and socks! No wonder I usually ended up feeling cold. Then I heard that the natural body temperature actually heats the space under the duvet much more effectively. I ditched all those North Pole expedition layers and never felt cold again.

Tip 14: Darkness

Having as little light as possible entering your bedroom can enhance the quality of your sleep to a great extent. This is because darkness encourages the brain to produce melatonin, the hormone responsible for helping us sleep. (And vice versa – light stimulates the production of serotonin, which is later synthesized into melatonin.)

An ideal scenario is to have light-blocking blinds or curtains (or both) which don’t let any outside light in. Wearing a light-blocking sleepmask can also improve your sleep considerably. I also believe that my brain is recognizing the act of putting a sleepmask on as a signal to go to sleep.

When buying a sleepmask, consider one important fact: The sleepmask has to be shaped creating a hollow space between it and your eyes, so that your eyeballs are free to move, especially during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase. Get yourself a good quality ‘3D’ sleepmask, similar to this one:

ergonomic sleep mask

Don’t fall for those bulky, fancy ones which will only put pressure on your eyes and prevent them from free movement.

Beware of Tiny Lights in Your Room

Even when you wear a sleep mask, beware of tiny lights in your room, such as the light from a fire alarm, or any other electronic device. Your skin will still absorb the light.

The memory expert Jim Kwik mentions an experiment, where a person sleeping in a completely dark room has a little light under his knee. The sleep-quality measuring devices, which were part of this experiment, proved that this light caused notable disturbance to the person’s sleep.

Tip 15: Sleep-Enhancing Aromas

I swear by sleep-enhancing oils, mists, and sprays.

Magnesium-containing sprays in particular are very beneficial, because magnesium, a vital mineral for the healthy functioning of our body, has natural relaxing properties. It is also great for aching muscles, so before going to sleep, you can spray it on your shoulders, back, wrists, etc.

When you first apply magnesium to your skin, it may tingle a bit, but it’s a useful signal from your body telling you that you don’t have enough magnesium. If you persist, it will stop tingling, which usually happens very soon.

My favourite, Better You Magnesium Oil Goodnight Spray, also has clary sage essential oil in it, which promotes lucid dreams.

magnesium oil for better sleep

Then comes the traditional lavender essential oil. A drop or two on your pillow (or a small cloth or tissue near your head) can enhance your sleep considerably. Or, if you have a bath before going to sleep, you can use a few drops in your bath.

A recommended way is to use a carrier oil (e.g. almond, avodaco, or hemp oil) and mix a few drops of oil in it. Then you pour the mixture in the bath, which will make your skin soft and lustrous while retaining the essence of the oil on it. 

organic lavender oil

You may also want to get a mixtire of essential oils for promoting sleep, such as ‘Wind Down’ essential oil mixture, which contains a blend of lavender, vetiver and clary sage.

ellia wind down essential oil
ellia wind down essential oil

Ellia.com also sell a wide variety of diffusers, which is another great way to fill your room with a relaxing aroma – something I do on a daily basis. I have one which I use at night before going to sleep. I usually fill it with lavender and other soothing essential oils. During the day, I use oils that uplift me and improve my focus, e.g. rosemary, grapefruit, orange, bergamot etc.

Tip 16: Sound Spas

Every parent uses soothing sounds to lull their baby to sleep; either by their own voice, or a sound produced by an electronic device. So why shouldn’t adults lull themself to sleep with soothing sounds as well? Research has shown that natural sounds are amongst the most effective sleep aids. The sound of the sea, rain, or a simple white noise can create the best sleep-inducing environment.

You can explore a vast range of sound spas and white noise devices on Amazon.

Sound Spas

Tip 17 -Natural Sleep-Enhancing Remedies

Another tried and tested method for improved sleep is using natural remedies and sleep potions.

The herb Valerian has been used in traditional medicine for many years. You can get products containing Valerian extract, such as sleep tablets called Kalms.

These tables are so popular because they don’t cause drowsiness the following day.

kalms valerian extract for better sleep

Another popular calming potion is Bach Rescue Remedy, which contains specifically selected calming flower essences. This homeopathic remedy comes in many variations. The original Rescue tincture, in a form of dropper, is used for feelings of general stress or anxiety, and contains five traditional flower remedies, preserved in grape alcohol solution: Rock Rose (against terror and panic), Star of Bethlehem (to treator shock), Impatiens (to bring down irritation and impatience), Cherry Plum (against irrational thoughts) and Clematis (to restore focus).

bach rescue remedy traditional homeopathic stress reliever

The RESCUE Night Spray, which is alcohol free and comes in an easy to use spray format, is perfect for enhancing your sleep. It contains the same flower essences as the original Rescue Remedy, with an extra addition of the essence of the White Chestnut essence, traditionally used to help the mind from unwanted, repetitive thoughts, so you can fall asleep more easily and enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.

bach rescue night spray

Tip 18 – Energy Medicine Techniques

Energy medicine is another field that can help you with sleep issues. We all are made of energy, and you can easily influence and shift your energies through simple exercises. I have selected seven techniques that are frequently used by energy medicine practitioners.

Brazilian Toe Technique

A simple but powerful technique based on gentle holding of acupressure points on one’s toes. Almost everyone drifts off when their toes are held correctly and for the required amount of time. You can read the full description of the technique in the post Two Simple Techniques for Deep Relaxation.

Connecting Heaven and Earth

Connecting Heaven and Earth is a good calming exercise that you can do just before climbing into your bed. Donna Eden demonstrates it in the video 6:44 onwards, as a part of The Daily Energy Routine that I have mentioned at the beginning of this post.

Expelling the Venom

This is an old technique from Qi-Gong. It releases tension and calms your nervous system. By doing this, you can release energy tied with many different emotions – from frustration, anger, shame, or guilt, to sadness or grief.

I recommend watching Patricia Janusz, who is an expert in vibrational medicine, showing the correct procedure:

The Crown Pull

Press the tips of your fingers into your forehead, and then drag them apart, all the way to your temples. Once you’ve reached your temples, shake your hands off.

Then continue a bit further up your head. To do this correctly, you can either follow Patricia Janusz from ‘Shift Your Life’ from the previous video, (1:00 onwards).

Smoothing Behind the Ears

In energy medicine, this exercise called ‘Triple Warmer Smoothie’. It is based on calming the energy pathway which is connected with the fight or flight response. Tracing part of the meridian backwards.

You can watch Donna Eden showing how to do this super-simple exercise:

Hold Your Palm on Your Forehead

There are many points on our forehead, which are connected to our nervous system. This super-simple act of placing your hand on your forehead will bring calm to your brain, thus helping you fall asleep better.

Watch Donna Eden demonstrate this technique at the beginning of this video:

The Mingmen Point

Mingmen point, also known as Gate of Life, is one of the most important points in Chinese Medicine. It lies about two inches below your belly button, but on the other side of your body – i.e. on your lower back.

There are several ways you can work with your Mingmen point to promote good sleep:

Place your hands on the Mingmen point and rub it vigorously to release energy, which will aid your sleep and prevent insomnia.

Or: Rub your hands vigorously and then place them on the point and let them rest there.

If it’s too uncomfortable laying your hands on your back while you’re lying, place your palms on your navel instead and imagine sending energy to the Mingmen point through your body.

Visualisation and imagining play a major part in the placebo effect, so don’t dismiss it as a hippy dippy nonsense. Our thoughts can be very powerful vehicles of energy and can help you heal your body as well as regulate your sleep.

If you have a partner or a child who suffers from insomnia, you can do this for them. Make them lie on their back, then rub your hands and slide them under their lower back. Hold your hands on their Mingmen point for a few minutes.

Tip 19 – Practice Meditation

One of the many benefits of regular meditation (together with stronger immunity, decreased anxiety, or even increase in your brain’s gray matter) is better quality, deeper sleep. Many people have reported that meditation has helped them cure their insomnia.

I’ve written about my own experience with meditation in the article The Physical and Psychological Benefits of Meditation. which includes a video of Russel Brandt describing what happened after he started meditating. Because of my own great experience with this ancient practice, including better sleep and needing less hours than before, I highly recommend trying it out!

meditation-levitation - Image by Benjamin Balazs from Pixabay

Tip 20: Try to Forgive  

“Don’t let the sun go down on your anger” are words by St Paul in his letter to Ephesians.

Unresolved disagreements can affect our sleep more than we think. Either by disturbing dreams or by shallow sleep, or both. Freeing yourself from negative charges you hold against other people is a crucial act for healing many areas in your life. It’s similar to getting rid of the poison in your body. As the famous quote goes, “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

You might even experience physical healing after you have profoundly forgiven someone.

In this video, the ‘father of motivation’, Dr. Wayne Dyer, speaks about how forgiveness dramatically changed the path of his life.

The next video shows the founder of Mindvalley, Vishen Lakhiani, talk about the scientifically backed power of forgiveness. (From 13:33 onwards.) 

How Is It Working For You?

I would be delighted if you let me know about your experience with sleep improvement. Have you already tried any of the ideas from this article, and if so, with what result? Have you got another tried & tested tip to share? Please let me know in the comments below. I wish you a great, deep sleep tonight!


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How to Relieve Chronic Back Pain

How to Relieve Chronic Back Pain

back pain

Every one of us has experienced some form of short-term back pain, but for some of us, it is an ongoing, persistent problem. This article offers a number of tips on how to relieve chronic back pain and hopefully eliminate it.

Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you make a purchase through my links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. The full disclosure can be accessed here.

1) Using Magnets for Pain Relief

Magnets can be very effective tools for back pain relief, if used correctly. They have been successfully used by medical practitioners all over the world. They are frequently used in Chinese medicine, various forms of holistic therapy, and they becoming increasingly popular in Western medicine as well.

There’s no magic behind their successful use, just pure physics: Magnets have electromagnetic fields around them, which you can easily see when you place them near particles of metal. A shape depicting the magnetic field will immediately appear.

magnetic fields

Given the fact that we are also electromagnetic beings – we are made of energy like everything else in this universe – magnets can influence the flow of our energy.

If we suffer from pain, which often means there is over-accumulated, stuck energy in our body, the North polarity of the magnet can draw the excess energy towards itself, thus alleviate our pain.

Vice versa, if we need to improve our circulation or speed up the repair of a broken bone, we can use the South polarity of a magnet, which disperses and amplifies energy.

It is very important to use the correct side (polarity) of a magnet according to our condition. For pain, we generally use the North polarity.

round silver colored analog watch next to compass

You can test a magnet’s polarity with a compass. The North polarity of a magnet is always south-seeking, so if you place one side of a magnet near a compass and see the south end of the magnetic needle (usually painted white) being attracted by it, it means that you are pointing the magnet’s North polarity to the compass.

Keep moving your magnet around the compass to make the needle follow it, so you can be double-sure about the correct polarity. If you’re pointing the Soth polarity of a magnet towards your compass, the north end of the magnetic needle (usually painted red) will turn towards it.

You can mark the North side of your magnet, e.g. by engraving ‘N’ into it, or using a nail varnish to mark it. Once you know which side of the magnet is the North polarity, you can use it for pain relief.

According to rules of Eden Energy Medicine (which I study), the North side of a magnet should not be attached to your body for longer than twelve hours.Whenere you feel hat the pain has gone, you should remove the magnet.

With the South polarity (which is amplifying energy and stimulating growth) the magnet should be on the body for much shorter time – 30 minutes only. This is because if someone has a cancerous growth and keeps a South polarity of a magnet near it for long, it could encourage the cancer cells to grow.

As this post is about pain relief, I’ll be concentrating on the North Polarity (South-seeking side of the magnet).

What Kind of Magnet is Safe to Use?

The magnet should be quite weak. Magnets that are stronger than 1000 Gauss could be harmful to your system.

You can get safe and still very effective magnets in Chinese medicine stores or on the internet. Amazon sells a set of therapeutic magnets that I have personally tried and can recommend. You can find them in the Health & Wellbeing Products section of this website.

small magnets for pain relief
small magnet for pain relief

To use, apply the plaster with the magnet on the area of strained or pulled muscles – for example, stiff shoulder, upper or lower back, around the knee etc.

I recommend reading customers’ reviews so you can see that these tiny magnets can be very effective for pain relief.

ceramic magnets

Another option is to tape a round ceramic magnet over the painful area. Although sold as a science toy for children, these magnets can also be used for pain relief therapy, as they are not too strong. They are frequently used by energy medicine practitioners.

Just tape one of the magnets over the painful muscle – but make sure the magnet is placed North side down. You can test this by putting the magnet near a compass. The North side of the magnet should attract the south end of the compass’ needle.

Back Up by Nada Chair

2) Block Therapy – Fascia Decompression

Block Therapy is one of the most intriguing self-care methods I’ve ever come across. In Block Therapy, you lie on a therapeutic tool called the Block Buddy for at least three minutes in various positions in order to decompress your fascia adhesions throughout your body. Fascia is a tissue netting all over our body, and it often becomes frozen and rigid, causing a whole number of health problems.

The Block Buddy is made from Bamboo, because, unlike artificial materials like foam or plastic, it shares a similar density to our bones. Using gravity and body weight, the Block Buddy is able to sink deeply into the tissue and address the root of your issues – such as chronic pain, inability, to lose weight, premature aging etc.

Increased Oxygen Absorption

The pressure of this Bamboo brick brings increased blood and oxygen into the area, warming the connective tissue and “melting” fascia adhesions and knots. You need to breathe diaphramatically while using this tool.

When you practice diaphragmatic breathing, you increase oxygen absorption up to 6 times the amount compared to breathing through the muscles of the upper chest. The combination of increased oxygen, the freeing of fascia adhesions, correct posture and alignment form the basis of Block Therapy. Check this amazing method out at www.blocktherapy.com.

Also, I recommend watching this amazing testimonial video by the founder of Block Therapy (also referred to as Fluid Isometrics), Deanna Hansen.

3) Supporting Your Back

Maintaining a correct posture is vital for preventing back pain, but it is impossible to always remember to stand or sit with our back straight. The good news is that nowadays there are plenty of devices that can provide proper support for the back, and simultaneously diminish pain caused by stress or bad posture.

Back Up by Nada Chair

Back-Up: A Simple Device for Back Pain Relief

There was a time when I suffered from intense pain in my back because of the frequent carrying of heavy musical equipment.  The pain would often last for a number of days which seemed like an eternity.

A great discovery was thus a simple-looking, yet surprisingly effective accessory called Back-Up. It was made by a company called ‘Nada Chair’, who holds the World Chiropractic Alliance’s endorsement, and I now understand why!

‘Back-up Nada Chair’ supports the lower back, helps with maintaining correct posture, and diminishes back strain.

Back Up back support by Nada Chair

It can be highly effective for people suffering from chronic back pain, aching back muscles, pregnant women, or anyone who spends considerable time sitting. But what sparked my interest in particular was the fact that it has even been used by NASA astronauts.

You can read my review of Back-Up Nada Chair here.

Back Up back support by Nada Chair

4) Using Back Massagers

A good-quality back massager can provide considerable relief of your back pain without the side effects of medication. They must not be used on slipped discs or any type of injury that may worsen by external pressure, but they are ideal for chronic back pain or aches caused by strained muscles or stress.

A back massager will reduce your back pain by:

– stimulating the skin, muscles and ligaments and encouraging healthy blood flow into the area

– relaxing stiff and tightened back muscles

– dispersing stuck energy (which is often a major cause of pain)

What Type of Massager Is the Best?

There are plenty of variations of back massagers on the market, so it is a good idea to take some time to decide which one would be suitable for your specific needs. The most popular and effective are hand-held massagers and massager chairs.

I have both a hand-held massager and a massage chair, because both types have their own advantages.

backnobber hand-held massaging device

The Backnobber

One of my best discoveries in terms of hand-held massage devices has been an S-shaped tool called The Original Backnobber II. Despite its funny name, it is one of the best tools for self-massage. It is designed for deep muscle therapy and it surely does its job. I always take it with me in the car when I have a long drive ahead of me and use it during my breaks. Stimulating my back muscles makes me less tired and prevents my back from becoming stiff after the drive.

The Backnobber is very easy to use: You simply hook this S-shaped tool over your shoulder, or sideways (to reach your lower back), and use its leverage to apply deep pressure the points of your choice, mainly in the muscles of the neck, shoulders or back. You can find out more from my review, where I describe my favourite ways of using this tool.

backnobber hand-held massaging device

You can split the tool into two parts, which makes it easy to carry and store. 

Watch the manufacturer’s video with an explanation how the Backnobber works and what benefits you’ll experience by using it. 

If you like the features of The Original Backnobber II, and think you may find it useful, try it out and then let me know in the comments under this post how it’s working for you and what your favourite techniques are.

Finally, don’t forget to check my review of the Backnobber. It is full of tips on how to use it effectively, and I’ve also included quite a lot of customer reviews, both positive and negative – which is always worth checking out before you make a purchase.

Percussive Therapy Massager

If you’re looking for a mains-powered held-held device than I’d highly recommend getting a percussive-therapy massager. Percussion is more powerful and effective than just ordinary vibration. The difference between percussive and vibration massage therapy is that percussive therapy can reach about 60% deeper into the muscle than the standard vibration massagers.

The device I have and can fully recommend is called Hangsun Percussion Massager. You can read a review of it here. 

hangsun percussion massager

Spinal Flush

A handheld percussion massager is perfect for a back-massaging technique used in Energy Medicine. It’s called Spinal Flush, and it’s incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating.

However, you can do Spinal Flush even if you don’t have a massager –  just use your hands and apply firm pressure. Find out more in my article Two Simple Techniques for Deep Relaxation where I describe the procedure, and where you can also watch Donna Eden showing the technique in a video called  ‘How to Connect with Your Partner Using Energy medicine‘. It’s really worth learning! 

Easy Lounge Shiatsu Massaging Lounge Chair

Massage Chair

If you like a complex, luxurious style of massage with a number of massaging variations, optional vibration, and heat, a massage chair is an answer. I have a massage chair from Homedics and it’s a hit with every visitor of ours.

Most Homedics massage chairs offer several functions such as kneading shiatsu massage, or tapping percussion. You can usually select your own massage style, or have a pre-programmed massaging variation.

Perfect Touch Masseuse App-Controlled Massage Cushion with Heat by Homedics

You can get a deep neck, shoulder and back massage, and select from several different massage zones and spots, with optional heat function. 

   Gentle Touch Gel Deluxe Shiatsu Massage Cushion with Soothing Heat

You can choose from a wide range of Homedics massagers in their Amazon store.

Wherever you prefer a hand-held massager or a massage chair, both types are highly beneficial for your health and, needless to say, they make brilliant gifts. (I can still remember my parents’ expression when they tried their first massage chair!)

5) Yoga and Stretching

I believe that regular yoga or general stretching practice may help with getting rid of chronic back pain altogether. I would recommend the following asanas and exercises:

The Cobra pose

Cobra pose in yoga

The Bridge Pose

bridge pose in yoga

The Candle Pose (Shoulder Stand)

candle pose in yoga

Downward Dog

downward dog pose in yoga

Connecting Heaven and Earth

donna eden connecting heaven and earth exercise

Connecting Heaven and Earth is an age-old practice that has been depicted in ancient texts. It is brilliant for easing back pain because it allows old energy to leave, whole filling the body with new energy, and offering a great stretch at the same time. You can see how it is done in this video of Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine. (You will find it from 6:44 onwards.)

6) Tapping

Tapping, or EFT, (an abbreviation for Emotional Freedom Techniques) has been proven to help with a large number of issues like stress, anxiety, fear, depression, anger, trauma, and phobias, but also with physical pain. It has been successfully used for treating both chronic, and acute back pain.

Although there are still many people who have never heard of it before, the effectiveness of EFT is helping to make it an increasingly popular and scientifically verified therapeutic method. Over 100 clinical trials of EFT have been published in peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals.

The Science Behind Tapping

Tapping is applied by tapping your fingertips on specific acupressure points on the body, through which a signal is sent to the areas of the brain that are in charge of the ‘fight or flight’ stress response. This process often allows the body to relax and heal from both emotional and physical issues.

The clinical psychologist David Feinstein, Ph.D. is one of the practitioners who has been using EFT for years, and with great results. He is the author of  The Healing Power of EFT & Energy Psychology, co-written with Donna Eden and Gary Craig, the original founder of EFT.

Another highly-respected researcher in this field of EFT is Dawson Church, Ph.D. He’s the author of a number of books about tapping, such as The EFT Manual, a book is based on Clinical EFT, a method validated in a large number of scientific studies.

Can EFT Help with Back Pain?

A large number of back pain sufferers who have been using EFT have reported quick shifts after using this technique. Through EFT, people suffering from pain can often identify the emotional root causes of their pain. It then helps them to make small adjustments, which often produces surprising results.

Apart from The EFT Manual, Dawson Church has also published EFT for Back Pain, a guide filled with the stories of many people who have experienced the benefits of tapping for their back pain and associated emotional problems. The book teaches the basics of EFT, and how to apply them.

eft for backpain by dawson church

Nick Ortner, an EFT expert and founder of The Tapping Solution’ is the author of the book The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, which addresses many forms of pain, back pain included, and contains plenty of success stories. The book got endorsed by Tony Robbins with the following words:

“If you are in chronic pain, I suggest you choose this book and follow the programme inside. Nick’s results with helping people relieve chronic pain speak for themselves. It’s that simple.”

the tapping solution for pain relief

In this video, Nick Ortner talks about EFT for pain relief and demonstrates the tapping process. Check some of the comments below his video (on Youtube), where quite a few people have shared how it’s worked for them. It’s rather exciting to read these testimonials.

7) Use CBD – a Natural Compound of Hemp

CBD (cannabidiol) is a chemical compound found in the cannabis (hemp) plant. Products made from CBD have been used to help people relieve pain, relieve stress and anxiety, and help with their sleep.

One of such products is the ‘Freeze Roll-On Pain Relief’ by ‘Just CBD’. The pain-relief cream is made with full-spectrum hemp-derived CBD, which has been known for relieving pain and inflammation.

roll-on opain relief gel by just cbd

The ‘Freeze Roll-On’ cooling cream has a lot of positive reviews; below is a screenshot of the first few pages. (You can check all of them on the product’s page. )

You can find this roll-on as well as other pain relief creams and gels on the JUST CBD website, under ‘CBD Topicals’.

CBD-gel reviews
CBD-gel reviews
CBD-gel reviews
freeze roll on pain relief cream review

8) Sedate the Kidney Meridian

An interesting approach to relieving back pain is to use the Traditional Chinese Medicine method for sedating your Kidney meridian.

You may be asking “What on earth have kidneys to do with back pain?” The answer is, if the meridian (energetic pathway) that goes through your kidneys becomes overcharged and stressed, it will lead to pain in the surrounding area.

Sedating the Kidney meridian will relax the kidneys by removing all the excess, stuck energy and provide relief to the back.

You can sedate the Kidney meridian by holding specific acupressure points. I am describing the procedure in my post called The Kidney Meridian. (Just look up “Sedating Kidney meridian” in the list of contents on the page.)

Kidney Meridian by Wellcome Collection

Let Me Know About Your Favourite Technique

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about the list of ideas for combating back pain. As I’m writing this, I’m wearing my ‘Back-Up’ back-support and enjoying the sensating of being able to relax and keep my back the straight and strong at the same time. I’m glad I could share my favourite devices with you here, and hope that you too might find them helpful.

If you’d like to share your experience, please leave a comment below. I’d be so happy to hear if any of these techniques have worked for you. I would also appreciate it if you let me know about any other effective techniques or gadgets that you have found effective.


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