How to Set Up Your CellPower Bottle Correctly

How to Set Up Your CellPower Bottle Correctly

Tips on the correct setup and usage of the CellPower bottle.

Congratulations on purchasing your ‘vitality vessel’! Here are several instructional videos to help you with the set-up process, so you can enjoy the health benefits of molecular hydrogen as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me, or contact the friendly customer support at

Unboxing and how to use your cellpower bottle

Presented by Traditional Naturopath and Certified Regenerative Health Practitioner Carrie Drinkwine



After watching the first video on this page (‘Unboxing and How to Use Your CellPower Bottle’), please follow along with this short video to unbox your bottle and get to know the components.  


This is a very important part, please watch this before assembling your bottle. The most important this is the correct alignment of the base with the body of the bottle: Please make sure that before screwing the body of the bottle on the base, always start with the TOP LOGO FACING BACK. Only then you will turn the body of the bottle towards you until you see the logo (i.e. until it is fully aligned with the front of the base.) 

Operating the Base of the bottle

Operating the Lid

Molecular hydrogen and CellPower water features

Presented by Traditional Naturopath and Certified Regenerative Health Practitioner Carrie Drinkwine



instructions_for _teh_cellpower_bottle

If you have any questions, I highly recommend contacting the LumiVitae customer support team at 


Detailed information about hydrogen water



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Dr Madalina Petre



Hello and thank you for taking part in this interview. Could you please tell me a bit about yourself, your background, where you live, etc?

I am a Romanian doctor living in Bucharest, and for over 20 years, I practiced gastroenterology in my private clinic. Around 2013, I began exploring various aspects of alternative medicine, partly to regain my own emotional balance and physical health (I was very anxious, overly concerned for my loved ones, plagued by many fears, frustrations, and sadness, and I had various digestive issues—ironically, as a gastroenterologist—which were becoming increasingly bothersome). Additionally, I wanted to help my patients, especially those with functional digestive disorders, as I realized that beyond the symptoms, there was a cause that wasn’t visible on the physical plane.

How did you discover energy medicine? What led you to it?

I explored several alternative therapies: essential oils, Bach Flower Remedies, meditation, hypnotherapy, and more, which together helped me begin to regain my well-being. In 2017, I discovered Donna Eden’s 8-week course on the Mindvalley platform, which I completed. By the end of it, my desire to learn more was so overwhelming that I traveled to the UK to deepen my knowledge in this field. I pursued the course for two years, and by the end, I was certified as an EEM (Eden Energy Medicine) practitioner. I began the third year, but the pandemic hit, and I was unable to continue. On the one hand, I was very upset and frustrated, but on the other hand, this interruption made me realise that what I truly wanted was to connect information and science from both conventional and alternative medicine, which also includes EEM.

This led me to start offering holistic medicine consultations, completely leaving behind my gastroenterology practice. I began studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which helped me understand much better the mind-body-emotion connection. Over time, I developed educational programs for the general public where I explain various symptoms from both conventional and alternative medical perspectives. I teach participants how to understand and connect with themselves and offer them natural ways to address these issues using EEM, acupressure, meditation, essential oils, Bach Flower Remedies, and more. I promote all this work under the umbrella of “preventive medicine.”

What drew me to EEM was the simplicity and effectiveness of the techniques I learned during the course, and this drives me to include them as an important part of every educational program I create.

Is there anything specific you would like to offer our readers? For example, a digital or physical product, a live or online course/workshop, an upcoming event, a retreat, etc.?

I would like to mention one of my major accomplishments this year: the publication of my first book, Miracolul Medicinei Preventive. Calea Ta Către Sănătate și Echilibru Emoțional (The Miracle of Preventive Medicine: Your Path to Health and Emotional Balance) which includes a special chapter dedicated to EEM techniques for balancing the five elements.

In the past year, I have presented this aspect of preventive medicine, where EEM plays a key role, at various international congresses and conferences.

Because I want to reach as many people as possible, I am in the process of translating my book into English, which will  be available on Amazon under the title: *”The Miracle of Preventive Medicine: Your Journey to Health and Emotional Harmony.”*

Madalina Petre's book

How can people find out more about you? Through a website or social media?

My website:

Facebook page:

YouTube channel:



Have Your Own Spotlight Page!

If you are an EEM practitioner, or a practitioner of another modality of alternative medicine, and would like to be featured on one of my ‘Spotlight on a Practitioner’ pages where you can showcase your practice and offer your services, please feel free to get in touch.

You can either contact me via Facebook Messenger, or send me an email.

My great wish is that these interviews will contribute to learning about each other and promoting our work within the field of holistic healing and beyond.


Interview with Lucie Dun Eden Method Practitioenr
Meridian Affirmations
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Certification of The CellPoer bottle

CellPower Bottle vs. Cheaper Options: Which One to Choose?

CellPower Bottle vs. Cheaper Options: Which One to Choose?


When it comes to hydrogen water bottles, the market is flooded with cheaper alternatives, making it tempting to go for a more affordable option. However, the CellPower bottle by Nuno Nina, priced at €488, stands in a league of its own. While skeptics may dismiss it as overpriced, this bottle is not just another water vessel – it’s a cutting-edge device engineered to deliver therapeutic-level molecular hydrogen water, offering features you won’t find in cheaper models.

More Than Just a Bottle

Unlike standard hydrogen water bottles, the CellPower bottle was initially designed for clinical purposes. Nuno Nina, a respected integrative clinician and scientist, created this device to meet the rigorous standards needed in medical settings, aiming to enhance cellular health through molecular hydrogen. After witnessing positive results in clinical trials with patients, the bottle was made available to the public.

In Nuno Nina’s words:

“Our bottle wasn’t created for the market. Our bottle was created because it was needed in our clinic and the results were so good we brought it to the market.”

The CellPower bottle is only accessible through independent brand partners of LumiVitae, ensuring a level of quality control that cheaper brands can’t match.

Science behind the CellPower bottle


Moreover, the CellPower bottle is independently certified by H2 Analytics, under the authority of the International Hydrogen Standards Association (IHSA), ensuring that the hydrogen water it generates meets the highest standards of safety and efficacy. The certification, issued on 5/2/2024, further supports the quality claims of this innovative product.

You can view the certification and laboratory report here:
Certificate of Compliance – IHSA
H2 Analytics Laboratory Report

High-Tech Innovation vs. Cheaper Alternatives

At first glance, it may seem like any hydrogen water bottle will do the trick. But the CellPower bottle is not just a container—it’s a high-tech device that generates therapeutic levels of molecular hydrogen at the perfect ratio – the golden ratio which is the three-phase formula of hydrogen to pH, RH2, and ORP, and this is what allows the molecular hydrogen dissolved gas to be fully processed by the body, and not be seen as an external aggressor.

Cheaper bottles often use low-quality components, which can lead to the production of potentially harmful by-products during the electrolysis process. These cheaper options often compromise on safety and durability, meaning they may not deliver the promised health benefits and could even pose risks. The CellPower bottle, however, ensures that only the highest-quality molecular hydrogen is delivered, with no harmful side effects.

Nuno Nina: A Credible Innovator

For those skeptical about the CellPower bottle’s price, it’s important to consider the expertise behind it. Nuno Nina is not just a name – he’s a renowned integrative clinician and scientist with a background in bioenergetic medicine. His research and development in hydrogen therapies are based on years of clinical experience, making the CellPower bottle a product grounded in science, not marketing hype. You can learn about Nuno Nina’s Integrative Medicine Clinic in Lisbon here:

Nuno Nina


It is essential to be discerning when purchasing a hydrogen water bottle. Many inexpensive options lack the quality materials necessary for producing high-quality water and could be potentially harmful to your health.

When considering a hydrogen water bottle, it is vital to check:

  • The origin and production source
  • Authenticity and originality of the product
  • Quality of materials used
  • Testimonials and user experiences – you can read some of the testimonials in my post Testimonials About Hydrogen Water Benefits.

Last, but not least, here is a useful checklist against which you can compare other hydrogen-generating bottles.

Comparing CellPower bottle with cheaper options

Click the image to reveal the full list of features


I highly recommend watching the following two videos. The first one is by Traditional Naturopath and Certified Regenerative Health Practitioner Carrie Drinkwine, where she discusses why CellPower water is considered one of the top molecular hydrogen generators on the market.

If you care for your health and the health of your friends and family, and want to get a device that produces therapeutic levels of pure molecular hydrogen without leeching any harmful by-products in your water, then please watch these videos before making your decision about what bottle to get.

The second video is from the ‘Flow Summit’ in Portugal and shows the difference in the quality of the water produced by two different bottles; the CellPower Hydrogen Water Bottle by LumiVitae, and another bottle priced at around €200.

The results demonstrate the importance of having the highest quality PEM membrane and electrodes, to prevent unwanted by-products from leeching into our water. Please always enquire about a Third-party health certification of your device before consuming the water.  


While cheaper hydrogen water bottles may seem like a more budget-friendly option, they simply don’t compare to the technology, clinical roots, third-party certification, and unique features of the CellPower bottle. Please go through this checklist to see if your bottle has all the important features.

If you’re looking for real, measurable health benefits, investing in a product backed by scientific expertise and rigorous testing is a wise decision that you won’t regret. If you have any questions or comments, just scroll down to the section ‘Submit a Comment’ and I’ll get back to you soon. I hope you have found this post helpful! 

CellPower bottle certification

Medical Advice Disclaimer: Please note that LumiVitae products are NOT designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. We encourage everyone to consult healthcare professionals for medical advice. This information on this site should never be used to disregard professional medical advice or hinder the individual from seeking professional help.


Detailed information about hydrogen water



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Transform Your Health with Molecular Hydrogen Water:

Real Testimonials from CellPower Users

In recent years, molecular hydrogen has been gaining attention for its potential to address various health concerns. Molecular hydrogen (H₂), a powerful antioxidant, has been shown to neutralize harmful free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, and promote overall cellular health. By drinking hydrogen-rich water, individuals have reported a wide range of benefits, from improved energy levels to relief from chronic conditions.

One of the key advantages of molecular hydrogen is its small size, which allows it to penetrate cell membranes and target free radicals at the source. This unique ability supports the body in addressing inflammation, boosting metabolism, and enhancing recovery from various health issues. Research has shown that molecular hydrogen may have a positive impact on a range of conditions, including:

  • Fatigue and Low Energy: Many individuals report feeling more energized after incorporating hydrogen water into their daily routines. Its antioxidant properties help combat oxidative stress, which is often associated with feelings of fatigue.
  • Inflammation and Joint Pain: Chronic inflammation is a common cause of joint pain and stiffness. By neutralizing the free radicals that contribute to inflammation, molecular hydrogen may help reduce discomfort and improve mobility.
  • Skin Health: Hydrogen water is believed to support collagen production, leading to healthier, more youthful-looking skin. Many users have noticed clearer complexions and reduced signs of aging.
  • Gut Health: Hydrogen’s anti-inflammatory effects may also extend to the digestive system, helping to balance gut bacteria and reduce symptoms of bloating and discomfort.

This page contains real-life testimonials from people who have experienced positive changes and enhanced sense of well-being after incorporating hydrogen water into their lives.

I have taken screenshots of testimonials from various sources:  A review platform ‘Trustpilot’; The live chat of Zoom calls about molecular hydrogen; and testimonials from a Facebook group The LumiVitae Experience – our Personal Testimonials Community which you are welcome to visit.

All the featured reviews are from users of one of the best molecular hydrogen devices on the current market – The CellPower Hydrogen Water Bottle, designed by a Portuguese scientist and clinician Nuno Nina.

Disclaimer: Please note, the testimonials shared here are based on personal experiences. LumiVitae products are NOT designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. We encourage everyone to consult healthcare professionals for medical advice.

Here is my own video testimonial! smile

LumiVitae review
LumiVitae review
LumiVitae review
LumiVitae review
LumiVitae review

This is what I experienced on my first day of drinking molecular hydrogen, 2nd August 2024.

Certification of The CellPoer bottle

From stories of chronic pain relief to increased vitality and clearer skin, the benefits of molecular hydrogen water are being experienced by an increasing number of people with all sorts of issues. These firsthand accounts are a testament to the power of this natural solution in supporting overall health and well-being.

I can happily say that discovering LumiVitae and learning about their mission to illuminate the world with their therapeutic-grade hydrogen water is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I would love everyone on the planet to experience the health benefits of infusing their cells with this powerful and intelligent molecule.

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comments at the bottom of this page. And if you know of anyone who may benefit from drinking the hydrogen water, please share this post with them.

If you’d like to find out more, check out the following sections – from educational videos and scientific studies to getting your own CellPower vessel and becoming affiliated with LumiVitae.

Medical Advice Disclaimer: The hydrogen information, including text, infographics, images, and other material contained on this website is for informational purposes only. No information on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We recommend seeking the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen. This information on this site should never be used to disregard professional medical advice or hinder the individual from seeking professional help.


Molecular hydrogen

A step-by-step guide on how to get your CellPower Hydrogen Watter Bottle and how to register as an affiliate for LumiVitae that features in the groundbreaking documentary BIOHACK YOURSELF, (premiered on 15th December 2024, and streamable on Amazon Prime)  together with many health experts such as Dr. Bruce Lipton, known for his epigenetics studies, Jim Kwik known for his Mindvalley programs such as Superbrain, or Dr. Tyler LeBaron, the world’s leading expert on hydrogen and the founder of the Molecular Hydrogen Institute (MHI).
Follow this link to access the guide.


Detailed information about hydrogen water



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Certification of The CellPoer bottle

Spotlight on a Practitioner: VLADIMIRA DRAGNEA

Spotlight on a Practitioner: VLADIMIRA DRAGNEA

Vladimira Dragnea

AN INTERVIEW WITH Vladimira Dragnea, PhD, EEM-AP


Hello and thank you for taking part in this interview. Could you please tell me a bit about yourself, your background, where you live, etc?

My name is Vladimira Dragnea and I live in Indiana, United States. Like Lucie, I am originally from the Czech Republic 🙂 I have lived in the US since 1998, so over 25 years now. Originally a biochemist, I am also an EEM advanced practitioner, authorized teacher of EEM Fundamentals classes and a naturopath.

How did you discover energy medicine? What led you to it?

My first round of education is in biochemistry. I have spent 30 years in a lab doing research and during those years, I have accumulated in my body many chemical toxins. That led to a long list of health problems. As I started looking for answers, I understood very quickly that Western medicine couldn’t help me. I started going to a naturopath and very soon I realized I wanted to study naturopathy myself. In the process of my own healing, I ordered a book on Amazon, called Energy Medicine by Donna Eden. I was totally fascinated by it and knew I needed to study with Donna. Now 20 years later I am practicing and teaching this method both in Indiana and the Czech Republic!

What do you like the most about Eden Energy Medicine? Why would you recommend it to others?

Energy is all there is. Each atom in our body is filled with electrons carrying electricity throughout our body, creating electromagnetic and more subtle energy fields. In my mind, EEM is the most complex, comprehensive and systematic work in the field of energy medicine. The best part is, you just need some knowledge and your own hands to help yourself. No need to go for appointments (even though they are very nice!), no expensive instruments. Your health is truly in your own hands.

Tell me a bit more about your practice; where do you work, and what are the most common issues that bring your clients to you?

After years of working at Indiana University as a research scientist, I was finally able to retire and start helping people full time! I have an office in Bloomington, IN, USA, and I work on any issues that people show up with, high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, chronic fatigue, but many come because the sessions just feel so good and they are committed to their own deep healing. I also love teaching energy medicine and it was my dream and mission to bring Eden energy medicine to Indiana where 10 years ago there were no teachers and then to the Czech Republic. In 2016 I taught the first EEM introductory class in Olomouc and in 2022 I taught Fundamentals in Prague for the first time!

Are there any other modalities you practice?

Yes, I am also a traditional naturopath, herbalist and homeopath.

How can people find out more about you? Through a website or social media?

My website in the US is I have also a website for the Czech republic: and a Facebook page “Metoda Eden”.

My YouTube channel Vladimira Dragnea contains many videos in Czech (and a few in English) with many energy exercises.

Is there anything specific you would like to offer our readers? For example, a digital or physical product, a live or online course/workshop, an upcoming event, a retreat, etc.?

After an introductory class in Brno last June, people asked me if I would be willing to teach a class on hormones. So there it is! I put together (in Czech language) an 8 week online class and I will be teaching it together with my former Fundamentals students from Prague. See picture below.

EEM pro hormony Vladimira Dragnea

Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers at the end of this interview?

Energy medicine is very complementary to anything you are already doing for your health. It is very empowering, and it can become a stand-alone healthcare! Personally, I can’t imagine what my life and health would be without it!

Vladimira Dragnea and Donna Eden

Vladimira with Donna Eden, 2017


Have Your Own Spotlight Page!

If you are an EEM practitioner, or a practitioner of another modality of alternative medicine, and would like to be featured on one of my ‘Spotlight on a Practitioner’ pages where you can showcase your practice and offer your services, please feel free to get in touch.

You can either contact me via Facebook Messenger, or send me an email.

My great wish is that these interviews will contribute to learning about each other and promoting our work within the field of holistic healing and beyond.


Interview with Lucie Dun Eden Method Practitioenr
Meridian Affirmations
Online courses and webinars
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Transformational education to awaken your full potential

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Certification of The CellPoer bottle

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