AN INTERVIEW WITH Vladimira Dragnea, PhD, EEM-AP

Hello and thank you for taking part in this interview. Could you please tell me a bit about yourself, your background, where you live, etc?
My name is Vladimira Dragnea and I live in Indiana, United States. Like Lucie, I am originally from the Czech Republic 🙂 I have lived in the US since 1998, so over 25 years now. Originally a biochemist, I am also an EEM advanced practitioner, authorized teacher of EEM Fundamentals classes and a naturopath.
How did you discover energy medicine? What led you to it?
My first round of education is in biochemistry. I have spent 30 years in a lab doing research and during those years, I have accumulated in my body many chemical toxins. That led to a long list of health problems. As I started looking for answers, I understood very quickly that Western medicine couldn’t help me. I started going to a naturopath and very soon I realized I wanted to study naturopathy myself. In the process of my own healing, I ordered a book on Amazon, called Energy Medicine by Donna Eden. I was totally fascinated by it and knew I needed to study with Donna. Now 20 years later I am practicing and teaching this method both in Indiana and the Czech Republic!
What do you like the most about Eden Energy Medicine? Why would you recommend it to others?
Energy is all there is. Each atom in our body is filled with electrons carrying electricity throughout our body, creating electromagnetic and more subtle energy fields. In my mind, EEM is the most complex, comprehensive and systematic work in the field of energy medicine. The best part is, you just need some knowledge and your own hands to help yourself. No need to go for appointments (even though they are very nice!), no expensive instruments. Your health is truly in your own hands.
Tell me a bit more about your practice; where do you work, and what are the most common issues that bring your clients to you?
After years of working at Indiana University as a research scientist, I was finally able to retire and start helping people full time! I have an office in Bloomington, IN, USA, and I work on any issues that people show up with, high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, chronic fatigue, but many come because the sessions just feel so good and they are committed to their own deep healing. I also love teaching energy medicine and it was my dream and mission to bring Eden energy medicine to Indiana where 10 years ago there were no teachers and then to the Czech Republic. In 2016 I taught the first EEM introductory class in Olomouc and in 2022 I taught Fundamentals in Prague for the first time!
Are there any other modalities you practice?
Yes, I am also a traditional naturopath, herbalist and homeopath.
How can people find out more about you? Through a website or social media?
My website in the US is bloominghealthllc.com. I have also a website for the Czech republic: energetickamedicina.cz and a Facebook page “Metoda Eden”.
My YouTube channel Vladimira Dragnea contains many videos in Czech (and a few in English) with many energy exercises.
Is there anything specific you would like to offer our readers? For example, a digital or physical product, a live or online course/workshop, an upcoming event, a retreat, etc.?
After an introductory class in Brno last June, people asked me if I would be willing to teach a class on hormones. So there it is! I put together (in Czech language) an 8 week online class and I will be teaching it together with my former Fundamentals students from Prague. See picture below.

Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers at the end of this interview?
Energy medicine is very complementary to anything you are already doing for your health. It is very empowering, and it can become a stand-alone healthcare! Personally, I can’t imagine what my life and health would be without it!

Vladimira with Donna Eden, 2017

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My great wish is that these interviews will contribute to learning about each other and promoting our work within the field of holistic healing and beyond.