Donna Eden Method

The increasingly popular discipline in the field of healthcare, Energy Medicine, is based on the fact that our bodies are composed of a large grid of energies. Although it is a platform that exists beyond the world of tangibility, its manifestations are clearer than daylight. When we switch on a lamp, we trigger the flow of electricity in order to create light; when we feel physical pain, we usually view the unpleasant sensation as a combination of inner forces, either bio-chemical or electromagnetic reactions, but most of us are not aware that we own a similar ‘switch’ that can influence those inner forces.

This symbolical switch represents a number of aspects or physical tools: For instance, our own hands that can influence the flow of our energies through their own electromagnetic fields. Similarly, our thoughts and intentions can alter the chemistry in our brain, and often trigger the healing process. The placebo effect is a good example of this.

Donna Eden

While already aware and fascinated by the science of Energy Medicine, when I got to know the internationally acclaimed Energy Medicine practitioner Donna Eden, it felt as if a treasure-box of knowledge had opened for me. I have learned about countless techniques that one can use to mobilise health-enhancing inner energies, strengthen one’s immunity, and empower your mind by being able to control it better.

Donna Eden, David Feinstein and Vishen Lakhiani

Donna and David with the founder of Mindvalley Vishen Lakhiani

Donna Eden has been teaching people to understand the amazing energy system of the body for many years. She does this with incredible passion, because through using these techniques, she managed to heal herself from Multiple Sclerosis. She was told by several doctors that she would not live long (this was in her twenties) and she was advised to ‘put her affairs in order’.

Interestingly enough, when her doctor presented her with this death sentence, she didn’t give in to despair (especially because she had two young daughters!) but instead came to the following conclusion – ‘Well, if the doctors can’t heal me, I’ll have to do it..!’

And she did.

Using her own energies, which she can see (she was born with this ability), it took her about a year to recover from Multiple Sclerosis and a number of other health challenges, including asthma and some serious allergies.

Donna Eden demonstrating an energy testing technique

Empowering Others

After this incredible self-healing experience, Donna embarked on a life-mission to help others to take their health into their own hands.

Although she can see energies, (including systems mapped in ancient times such as meridians and chakras) she insist that everyone can learn energy healing, and empowers others with simple but powerful techniques that don’t require any clairvoyant ability at all.

Donna has been teaching Energy Medicine for over forty years, and many of Donna’s students are physicians, nurses, and other mainstream health professionals. She has been a consultant or guest speaker in numerous universities, hospitals, and corporations.

As a practitioner, she has worked in both traditional and alternative health-care settings. She has been travelling to countless countries to share her message and features in many online courses, including courses on the legendary platform Mindvalley. 

I feel immensely grateful to have met Donna personally. She is one of the most radiant beings I’ve ever met.

Donna and Lucie in spring 2019, Dorking, UK 

Donna has also written several books, one of which, co-written with the clinical psychologist David Feinstein, is the all-time classic in the vibrational medicine field, Energy Medicine – Balancing Your Body’s Energy for Optimal Health, Joy and Vitality.

In her book, Donna Eden explores the theory that our organisms and their functions are based on the flow of invisible, yet measurable energies, which affect the way we feel and think. If we recognise this, we are on a good path towards maintaining and even improving our energy levels, our health, and overall wellbeing.

Your Body’s Self-healing Power in Your Hands

It is exciting and empowering to discover that the chief practitioner of Energy Medicine is the one who inhabits the body cared for – i.e. you. If you use principles of this blend of ancient Chinese medicine, kinesiology, and acupressure, you will be able to influence your own body’s inherent capabilities to heal itself, prevent illness, and gain a new zest for life.

While Energy Medicine doesn’t diagnose or cure illness in the traditional Western medicine way, it works with subtle energies of the body, which can strengthen our immunity, prevent illness and on many occasions, cause a natural healing process.

Managing Seemingly Uncontrollable Forces

With applied Energy Medicine, you can master the art of acquiring new stamina, vitality and clarity of thinking. You’ll be able to minimise the harmful effects of stress and anxiety, and, on top of that, control your moods. Managing our states of mind is one of the most important tools in life that one can ever hold, and you be amazed how quickly it is possible to get on top of the seemingly uncontrollable force that often dictates our states and can bring us well down, sometimes to a point of self-destructive thoughts or acts.

What’s more, you can soon use what you have learned to improve the wellbeing of other people, which rewards you with a sense of purpose and meaning. To personally grow and contribute is one of the main human needs in the spiritual field, and what can be more meaningful that contributing by helping someone feel better or even regain health?

Learning the Language of our Energies

When we learn about Energy Medicine, we are in fact learning something that our unfathomably intelligent body already understands. It is comparable to learning a new language – in this case, the language of energy. Our lifestyle, due to our drastically changing industrialised environment, has become considerably alienated from the natural rhythm of nature, so in order to stay healthy and balanced, it is twice as much important to live in conscious harmony with one’s own energy systems.

Our bodies have been evolving over millions of years, so from this perspective it is only a fraction of time we have lived in the high technology-driven world we know today. It is quite a task for our bodies, designed to live in the wilderness, to adjust to such a rapid change.

Having said that, our energy system is extremely intelligent and adaptable. Every second, every heartbeat, it manages millions of biochemical processes in our body, most of which we don’t have a clue. We take for granted that we are breathing, digesting and metabolising, that our heart beats, that our eyes blink. Our mind is – fortunately! – not required to understand, let alone manage this incredible, mysteriously interwoven process of the functions of our body that keeps us alive.

On High Alert 24/7

However, it is obvious our bodies are trying hard to adapt to the environment we did not evolve for. While our immune system protects us from a large number of invisible invaders, it often struggles with tacking unnatural particles, such as artificial chemicals in processed foods, exhaust fumes pollution, or men-made electromagnetic radiation. Our immune system is thus on continuous high alert, with hardly getting a break. This, of course, drains our energy and makes us prone to illnesses such as cancer, mental disorders or depression much more than in our distant past.

Our modern lifestyle also means that due to stress we are often on a verge of ‘fight-or-flight’ response, an age-old instinct, which we don’t utilise enough (e.g. due to lack of predators we have to flee from), and therefore we’re almost constantly in a kind of heightened state which we don’t know how to release properly.

Fleeing the Beasts of the Modern Times

This natural, life-saving response of the body is, of course, brilliant, however, it was not designed for modern-day stress management, therefore our body’s energy intelligence is dealing with a tough task indeed; when our computer crashes or when we have a family row, our body still uses the same mighty techniques for fleeing a prehistorical beast.

That means that we symbolically flee those beasts daily, and this puts our body, which thinks we need to save our lives instead of just reboot a laptop, under a massive, unnecessary strain. This then inevitably results in a weakened immune system and being prone to illnesses.

‘Software Update’

It is clear that to a large extent we are out of resonance with our current environment. If we want to keep healthy and feeling great, we have to become more aware of our own body’s energy systems, and actively take part in the evolution of our energy patterns. This is a perfect opportunity to involve our intellect – yes, we can help our already breathtakingly intelligent bodies become healthier and more harmonious. In a way, it is like updating our body energy software, which will function better in the modern world. 

The Daily Energy Routine

Updating our body energy software may sound a bit far-fetched, yet there are very simple techniques that each of us can do and contribute to this process. Several of these techniques have been compiled by Donna Eden in her Daily Energy Routine, which is a set of exercises that she carefully selected after many years’ observation of their high effectiveness. 

It is one of the best gifts you could give to your body, and if you incorporate it into your daily routine, it will reward you with increased energy levels, more vitality, mental clarity, and stronger immune system. I have been practising this routine daily and I haven’t had a cold for more than two years.

More Immunity-boosting Tips

In the following video, Donna and David offer advice about keeping your immunity strong especially during major viral outbreaks. Donna demonstrates a number of immunity-boosting tips you can do ‘on the go’.

Share Your Thoughts

I hope you have enjoyed this post, and that you will benefit from all the health tips by Donna Eden. Feel free to share them with others, and leave a comment below if you have any questions, or would like to share your experience with energy medicine or any other form of holistic healing. To your great health!

Learn More About Energy Medicine:

  • Energy Healing Summit  featuring Donna Eden, Caroline Myss, Dr. Judith Orloff, Cyndi Dale, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and many more.

the energy healing summit by sounds true publishing
the energy healing summit by sounds true publishing



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