The Five Rhythms Diagram
The Five Rhythms Diagram with useful details for your EEM practice, i.e. the physical aspects each rhythm governs, the specific sounds and exercises for each rhythm, the polar meridians, and more.
The Five Rhythms Diagram with useful details for your EEM practice, i.e. the physical aspects each rhythm governs, the specific sounds and exercises for each rhythm, or the polar meridians (opposing pairs of meridians, one in high and the other in low tide). The diagram also shows how each meridian flows into the next meridians as in the 24-hour cycle (this is indicated by the very short thin black arrows within the coloured circles). Based on ancient Chinese philosophy and inspired by the Eden Method depiction of this diagram. Re-created by Lucie Dun. Format: PDF download. For the most effective use, printing and laminating are recommended. Works very well in EEM sessions with the use of whiteboard markers that can be erased after the session.