Dr Madalina Petre



Hello and thank you for taking part in this interview. Could you please tell me a bit about yourself, your background, where you live, etc?

I am a Romanian doctor living in Bucharest, and for over 20 years, I practiced gastroenterology in my private clinic. Around 2013, I began exploring various aspects of alternative medicine, partly to regain my own emotional balance and physical health (I was very anxious, overly concerned for my loved ones, plagued by many fears, frustrations, and sadness, and I had various digestive issues—ironically, as a gastroenterologist—which were becoming increasingly bothersome). Additionally, I wanted to help my patients, especially those with functional digestive disorders, as I realized that beyond the symptoms, there was a cause that wasn’t visible on the physical plane.

How did you discover energy medicine? What led you to it?

I explored several alternative therapies: essential oils, Bach Flower Remedies, meditation, hypnotherapy, and more, which together helped me begin to regain my well-being. In 2017, I discovered Donna Eden’s 8-week course on the Mindvalley platform, which I completed. By the end of it, my desire to learn more was so overwhelming that I traveled to the UK to deepen my knowledge in this field. I pursued the course for two years, and by the end, I was certified as an EEM (Eden Energy Medicine) practitioner. I began the third year, but the pandemic hit, and I was unable to continue. On the one hand, I was very upset and frustrated, but on the other hand, this interruption made me realise that what I truly wanted was to connect information and science from both conventional and alternative medicine, which also includes EEM.

This led me to start offering holistic medicine consultations, completely leaving behind my gastroenterology practice. I began studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which helped me understand much better the mind-body-emotion connection. Over time, I developed educational programs for the general public where I explain various symptoms from both conventional and alternative medical perspectives. I teach participants how to understand and connect with themselves and offer them natural ways to address these issues using EEM, acupressure, meditation, essential oils, Bach Flower Remedies, and more. I promote all this work under the umbrella of “preventive medicine.”

What drew me to EEM was the simplicity and effectiveness of the techniques I learned during the course, and this drives me to include them as an important part of every educational program I create.

Is there anything specific you would like to offer our readers? For example, a digital or physical product, a live or online course/workshop, an upcoming event, a retreat, etc.?

I would like to mention one of my major accomplishments this year: the publication of my first book, Miracolul Medicinei Preventive. Calea Ta Către Sănătate și Echilibru Emoțional (The Miracle of Preventive Medicine: Your Path to Health and Emotional Balance) which includes a special chapter dedicated to EEM techniques for balancing the five elements.

In the past year, I have presented this aspect of preventive medicine, where EEM plays a key role, at various international congresses and conferences.

Because I want to reach as many people as possible, I am in the process of translating my book into English, which will  be available on Amazon under the title: *”The Miracle of Preventive Medicine: Your Journey to Health and Emotional Harmony.”*

Madalina Petre's book

How can people find out more about you? Through a website or social media?

My website: https://drmadalinapetre.com

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/drmadalinapetre

YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/@dr.madalinapetre

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cabinet.dr.madalinapetre/


Have Your Own Spotlight Page!

If you are an EEM practitioner, or a practitioner of another modality of alternative medicine, and would like to be featured on one of my ‘Spotlight on a Practitioner’ pages where you can showcase your practice and offer your services, please feel free to get in touch.

You can either contact me via Facebook Messenger, or send me an email.

My great wish is that these interviews will contribute to learning about each other and promoting our work within the field of holistic healing and beyond.


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